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risenfromperdition 27-08-2010 08:57 PM

*hugs mark and kahlia and lindsay and nicole and everyone else* <3
love you guys. sorry im so useless atm

MammaMia 27-08-2010 08:58 PM

*curls up but first cuddles everyone who can accept them*

Sorry I didn't answer yours and April's question Mark, well I did to April over fb, but yeah....

Ever get scared of pissing someone off? Well someone in particular? Maybe so much that you end up rowing/them leaving you? :'(

MammaMia 27-08-2010 08:58 PM

Heather, you're not useless.

Doikers 27-08-2010 09:02 PM

*Hugs Claire*

*Hugs Heather* You aren't useless Heather.

*Hugs Helen* It's okay that you didn't answer my question so long as you are safe , I am a bit concerned about you saying you felt poisened :S

Doikers 27-08-2010 09:05 PM

Well I stayed up until 9pm , I think it's fair to go to bed , maybe tomorrow I won't want to hurt myself , So sick of it .

Goodnight wardies :)

MammaMia 27-08-2010 09:05 PM

*hugs Mark back* Sorry, I should have explained that it was nothing to do with an OD or anything. It was just to do with a person. Although I have been wanting to harm :/

Night night Mark xxx

frenchhorn 27-08-2010 09:05 PM

*feels invisible*

MammaMia 27-08-2010 09:06 PM

You're not invisible Oliver. What's wrong??

frenchhorn 27-08-2010 09:15 PM

sorry I'm just being stupid. meh don't know guess I'm not really telling people how I feel anymore cos I have lost all the little trust I built up again.

FlyingNy 27-08-2010 09:19 PM

Lol, sounds fun Nicole. Mark's right though, do try not to leap in like superman and get murdered or something. OK, I know this isn't EastEnders, but still, your neighbour doesn't sound like the most...neighbourly of people.

Lindsay- Overdoes= bad idea. It might make you feel better now, but in the long run, you know it will just make you feel bad about yourself and like you failed in some way. Is there anything you can do to relax or distract yourself? Anyone you can at least go and spend time with, even if you don't talk to them about anything particuarly important, just so you aren't alone? Please try and stay safe sweetie. *Hugs if that's OK.*

*Hugs for everyone else who wants them.*

Tea anyone?


FlyingNy 27-08-2010 09:23 PM

Oh bum, I missed this page.

Hey Oliver, you're not invisible. I see you, Tudor geek :P I know what it's like not to trust people, I can hardly tell you to talk to someone, because that would make me a massive hypocrite, but still. Do you know what made you lose the trust in the first place?

I hope you're OK Helen, please try and resist those urges, you're doing so well. *Hugs*


SoMuchMore 27-08-2010 09:27 PM

*hugs oliver* i see you. you're not invisible.

*hugs helen* try to fight those harming urges. Hope you are okay with the whole feeling poisoned thing... And yes I often worry about making people angry or annoyed with me and then they will leave. Its a horrible worry, but unfortunately, i actually worry about it with most people i know.

*hugs mark* hope you are able to sleep. sorry you had such a hard time today. hopefully tomorrow will be better.

*hugs lindsay* please don't overdose, and call the crisis team if you need to hun.

*hugs april* good luck with your nutrionist. I'm glad you've at least eaten a little something today.

*hugs heather* you are not useless!

*hugs claire, reaper, nicole, lyssie, kahlia, lia and everyone else*

I can't keep up in here lately, I know i didn't reply individually to everyone.. i apologize...
I did manage to get to sleep for a few hours. Uni is going okay. I have a lot of work to do already this weekend. I kind of feel like just holding up in my apartment though... which is odd for me, usually I like to get out on the weekends. Oh well I suppose. Umm... don't really have much else to say about myself. I suck at talking.

MammaMia 27-08-2010 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by frenchhorn (Post 2464376)
sorry I'm just being stupid. meh don't know guess I'm not really telling people how I feel anymore cos I have lost all the little trust I built up again.

You're not being stupid Oliver, we all feel invisible sometimes. I understand it's hard to trust people & open up right now. But we're all here for you, regardless of whether you're able to open up or not :)


Originally Posted by IceQueenHasAHeart (Post 2464387)
I hope you're OK Helen, please try and resist those urges, you're doing so well. *Hugs*

I'm low but hey. I'm resisting the urges as always. Just want to scream and shout, show people I'm not okay & hurt myself. Meh. Won't happen. *hugs*

Oh & before I forgot. I won't be around tomorrow & most of Sunday. I'm off up north to see my sister tomorrow =)

Scarletdreamer 27-08-2010 09:42 PM

Urf, no individuals with this post... just... I don't know. I'm sorry. :-X

Got bad news about Jarrod & work. He's not fired (thank God!!) but he got suspended for something that he didn't really need to suspended for. Basically it's a bunch of idiots causing trouble - or so I gathered. He's gonna call the head of HR tomorrow to get it straightened out. :-/ And that's about as much as I know and as much as I'm gonna post on here for fear of incurring his wrath. Hah. I doubt he'd get angry but... you never know.

So that's got me all freaked out. :( I hate feeling this way. I wish that I were contributing more monetarily. I mean, yes, I am looking for a job, but I am actually scared of the one for which I interviewed yesterday. It sounds like I'd really need to do a lot of growing (as a person) and being more independent etc... definitely scary things on my list. :( Soo... if they say I got it... I don't know what I'll say. I'll probably take it but I'm scared I won't be "good enough." Of course, most of their people are afraid of that. :-/ I'm just... oh ****, I don't know. :(

Make the crap stop coming. :'( And I totally ate too much today, over my "limit," although by far not "enough" by caloric estimates on websites. :( Stupid me.


MammaMia 27-08-2010 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by Fallinstar0317 (Post 2464392)
*hugs helen* try to fight those harming urges. Hope you are okay with the whole feeling poisoned thing... And yes I often worry about making people angry or annoyed with me and then they will leave. Its a horrible worry, but unfortunately, i actually worry about it with most people i know.

*hugs Laura* I'm trying to fight the urges :) Can't act on them anyway :( Well could on the OD one, or try >.< I'm not okay about the feeling poisoned. Sorry you worry about it too =[

Scarletdreamer 27-08-2010 10:18 PM

*cuddles all & curls up & cries*

shadowedsoul 27-08-2010 10:26 PM

Huggles all, sorry April wasn't ignoring you. Sorry I wasn't about, woke up wishing I had gone ahead with my plan. Feeling very low all day, stuiped thoughts going around my head. so spent all day on face book playing games. Still feel the same way, really want to do somthing stuiped.

MammaMia 27-08-2010 10:32 PM

*cuddles April tightly*

Scarletdreamer 27-08-2010 10:54 PM

*cuddles Jill & Hels* Sorry you two aren't feeling the best. Jill, please try not to act on the stupid thoughts, glad you could distract yourself today some. Maybe keep distracting yourself somehow?? And Hels, wish I could help you with the way you're feeling... :(

I'm really exhausted. Frustrated. And I feel like I've eaten way too much. :'(

anarchistl0ve 27-08-2010 11:01 PM

*hugs and safe packages*

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