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shadowedsoul 13-08-2010 12:24 PM

Huggles all. Hmm my mood still hasn't changed still feeling very low, which sucks as I nearly burst into tears this morning at work. My feeling are so up in the air right now.stuiped thoughts are still there, hmm felt like letting that car crash into our car yesterday. Which I kind of messed up. Hmm should be happy or excited about next sat but I just want it to get here and be over with.

misskitty112 13-08-2010 04:58 PM

*hugs everyone*
Thanks Laura and Mark for liking my video. Mark, I'm pleasantly surprised that my accent doesn't make everyone cringe. haha.

Kahlia, not whiny at all *hugs* I'm sorry it triggered bad memories.
Jill, *hugs* I'm sorry your feelings are so up in the air.

I'm... a wonderfully strange mix of triggered and excited. I'm all excited cause... I GET TO SEE MY BROTHER TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've missed him so badly... this also means I have to deal with my mother, and my grandparents that I live with are all snippy about me going. But oh well...
And, hell if I know why I'm triggered... it comes and goes anymore.

Also, so you guys don't worry, I'll be around until this evening, then I won't be on again until Sunday evening, cause I'll be staying with my other grandparents, who don't have wireless internet, and I don't want to expose them to RYL. So I'll only be checking FB and email... if I even do that. But you guys are welcome to add me to FB if you'd like. I posted the link in the contact thread, and it's in my profile.

PoisonedApple 13-08-2010 05:36 PM

I agree with Laura and Mark, Felicia. I liked your video. *hugs*

shadowedsoul 13-08-2010 06:07 PM

Huggles all. ****sake my gran just had a mini stroke this morning just being told. **** why the hell is life kicking her down when she already down. **** there a possibility she might not even remember who we are now, **** I'm loosing my gran. Curls up and crys.

Doikers 13-08-2010 08:40 PM

I'm sorry to hear about your gran Jill :( *Hugs*

Doikers 13-08-2010 08:52 PM

*Hugs April* I spot you :)

xXMessedUpXx 13-08-2010 08:59 PM


having a hellish week. police got called out cos of me and bf arguing. we're now "on a break". meh

Doikers 13-08-2010 09:00 PM

Hey guys , I'm at my parents until Sunday so I'll be a bit more sporadic on here for a couple of days . sorry :S

Doikers 13-08-2010 09:01 PM

Oh Beki *Hugs* I'm sorry to hear that :(

SoMuchMore 13-08-2010 10:29 PM

*hugs everyone* sorry no individual replies right now. Been reading and thinking of all of your though.

My sister passed her test that she had today, maybe that means she'll be in a better mood. Although i am leaving on sunday to go back to uni, thank goodness. My mood still hasn't crashed yet like i know april and taz said they were worried about... but i am becoming more and more depersonalized, so it's probably coming... hoping push it off until i'm back at uni. I can break down there and nobody will have any clue.

PoisonedApple 14-08-2010 01:11 AM

great. the day is almost over and i go to the court to pick up my office's documents and run into a guy i used to work with. he was a decent person but he reminds me of working there... i didn't even talk to him but my anxiety's in overdrive... just in time to be surrounded by strangers on the bus ride home... FML
*buries head in sand*

*huggles everyone and leaves care packs n chocolate on the ward table whilst everyone's out*

xXMessedUpXx 14-08-2010 01:27 AM

i keep playing the song that was on repeat when he sexually assaulted me. why am i punishing myself?

SoMuchMore 14-08-2010 04:00 AM

quiet day. hope everyone is alright.

taz35 14-08-2010 04:25 AM

4 pages since I last posted, so sorry for the lack of individual replies this time.

Laura - your hair looks gorgeous :)

Felicia - loved the video, you've inspired me to make my own... now it's just getting the guts to post it :P

Hels - glad to hear your friend is okay

to everyone else, I love you all *big hugs to each and every person*

Detour. Derail 14-08-2010 04:28 AM

why cant i sleep O.o
I felt so **** when i got to work today...im glad we're all so close...being with everyone made me forget everything...even if it was only 6 hours of relief

Kahlia1981 14-08-2010 04:43 AM

*hugs everybody*

We have an Open House tomorrow. Out of curiousity me and my housemate looked up the online real eastate page to see what she was trying to flog it for. . . We can only say she is dreaming. There is absolutely no way she's going to get that price for this unit. We started cleaning about 08:30/09:00 this morning and stopped basically only for short breaks until midday. We are going to have a drink now and then get back into it. *sigh*

risenfromperdition 14-08-2010 05:30 AM

*cuddles everyone tight*

Detour. Derail 14-08-2010 07:18 AM

*hugs Heather back*
Ive cleaned my mice and their cage...nearly tidied my room...and then its a shower and a train back home for the day before work....heres to hoping my mood doesnt crash *fingers crossed*

risenfromperdition 14-08-2010 07:31 AM

hi =] ^.^

Detour. Derail 14-08-2010 07:39 AM

heeeeyyyyyyy long time no speak!! how are you?

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