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Cacoethes 09-08-2019 03:35 PM


It's been a really good few days but I'm glad to be alone again

one_step_closer 09-08-2019 03:45 PM

I can relate to that Beckie. Will you be getting your bed back tonight?

I hope your day is getting a bit better Lillie.

Well done for going a walk Tamo even though you're feeling tired. Did it wake you up at all?

I was at a new book group that has been set up but it was just me who turned up and the worker is someone who I feel awkward around so it was a bit like torture.

Cacoethes 09-08-2019 03:48 PM

Yep I will have my bed back!

Oh no lindsay that doesn't sound good

one_step_closer 09-08-2019 03:51 PM

Yay! I hope you have a nice sleep tonight. :-)

Did Asda have people playing trumpets etc to welcome you back?!

Cacoethes 09-08-2019 03:56 PM


Haha! Sadly not
I think they should have though

one_step_closer 09-08-2019 03:58 PM

Maybe they just didn't know when you were coming back.

Do you know what you're going to have for dinner today? I am totally ready for dinner but will wait till a more reasonable time.

Cacoethes 09-08-2019 04:01 PM

That must be it

I got myself a pizza
But still full from the fish and chips I had for lunch!

What are you having?

tamobhuuta 09-08-2019 04:51 PM

I'm still really tired. Dad's making curry for our dinner.

Cacoethes 09-08-2019 05:04 PM

Sounds nice tamo
Maybe get an early night?

We have a thunderstorm!
I love thunderstorms when I don't have to go out in it

chinahorse 09-08-2019 05:10 PM

Thunderstorms can be soothing.

tamobhuuta 09-08-2019 05:15 PM

I do love a thunderstorm!

Cacoethes 09-08-2019 05:23 PM

It's stopped now :(

tamobhuuta 09-08-2019 05:24 PM

How long did it last?

Cacoethes 09-08-2019 05:29 PM

Not long
Only 10-15 minutes
Its sunny now
Weather is weird

tamobhuuta 09-08-2019 05:43 PM

I thought it was raining but it's just the windows being dirty.

Now it's raining

Cacoethes 09-08-2019 05:47 PM

I like the rain

tamobhuuta 09-08-2019 05:56 PM

Me too

Cacoethes 09-08-2019 06:02 PM

It's raining again
British weather really is mental

nonperson 09-08-2019 06:22 PM

Hi everyone.

I'm at my parents for the day and there are Tunnocks Tea Cakes in the cupboard. Weird but welcome coincidence. =)

Cacoethes 09-08-2019 06:29 PM

Hey np!

Mmm teacakes!

nonperson 09-08-2019 06:32 PM

Mmm indeed. I think mum wondered why I got so excited when I found them.

Cacoethes 09-08-2019 06:52 PM

They are good

I've just had a shower for the first time in longer than I care to admit...

Stellata 09-08-2019 07:22 PM

I actually did my cleaning today!

Cacoethes 09-08-2019 07:25 PM

Well done katie!

tamobhuuta 09-08-2019 07:31 PM

Well done everyone for their achievements.

Cacoethes 09-08-2019 07:35 PM

What are you up to this evening tamo?

EyelinerAndCigarettes 09-08-2019 07:50 PM

How is everyone?

Cacoethes 09-08-2019 07:52 PM

How are you eyeliner? (Not sure if you use your name on here)

Stellata 09-08-2019 07:53 PM


I'm doing ok thanks, how's things with you?

tamobhuuta 09-08-2019 07:54 PM

I want to watch t.v. but it's not working.

Stellata 09-08-2019 07:55 PM

That's a bother, tamo, can you watch something online instead?

tamobhuuta 09-08-2019 07:57 PM

It's fixed! L fixed it for me. So Friends it is.

EyelinerAndCigarettes 09-08-2019 07:59 PM

Yay for Friends!

Cacoethes 09-08-2019 08:04 PM

Glad it's fixed tamo!

Stellata 09-08-2019 08:04 PM

Glad it's sorted, that's a relief!

not_so_insig 09-08-2019 08:23 PM

Blooming wind is forecast for tomorrow. Bet I wont be able to watch tv tomorrow.

Cacoethes 09-08-2019 08:25 PM

Meant to be windy here too

not_so_insig 09-08-2019 08:35 PM

We had thunderstorms and lightning last night too. It rained a fair bit before.

Cacoethes 09-08-2019 08:36 PM

We had a thunderstorm earlier

chinahorse 09-08-2019 08:37 PM

No thunder here

Stellata 09-08-2019 08:41 PM

Just wind here. [that sounded wrong!]

Cacoethes 09-08-2019 08:42 PM

Lol Katie

tamobhuuta 10-08-2019 10:09 AM

Good morning all.

one_step_closer 10-08-2019 11:30 AM

There have been loads of thunderstorm warnings but nothing much happening here.

What are you all getting up to today?

tamobhuuta 10-08-2019 11:32 AM

I keep spasming, I hit myself in the face.

one_step_closer 10-08-2019 11:43 AM

Ouch. What causes that?

tamobhuuta 10-08-2019 12:02 PM

My CPN said it was a combination of meds and not eating enough

Cacoethes 10-08-2019 01:00 PM

Hey guys
Just got up

not_so_insig 10-08-2019 01:48 PM

I can beat that Beckie as I woke up at about 1.30 pm!

Cacoethes 10-08-2019 02:30 PM

Lie ins all round!

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