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Kahlia1981 02-06-2010 05:35 AM

*cuddles/waves all*

Hels: except for the early part that sounds amazing!! The last live concert I went to I broke the heel (stiletto) of this chicks shoe because she kept ramming it through the toes of my shoe. She was attempting to get onto the stage (dressed in a slinky dress and so forth) to get "at" the lead singer and was getting a bit P.O.d that she wasn't getting anywhere. lol. Not quite sure what time it is there, but hoping and *crosing fingers* that the interview goes well. *huggles*

*huggles everyone*

I enrolled in my TAFE course and was able to start yesterday. I've now completed all the modules in my first subject/unit and am starting the assessment. Keeping one eye on the Marking Guide at all times. Would just be nice if I could get it done without too much hassles - like a nice slide back into study.

Hoping everyone is doing okay. Leaving behind *hugs* and *safe love and care packages* for all.

risenfromperdition 02-06-2010 05:49 AM

even though seagulls are annoying... lol

jonikd 02-06-2010 06:35 AM

*wanders in aimlessly in a slightly stunned state*

Sorry guys, I seem to have lost a few days :D Hopefully the drugs will sort me out soon and I'll be back to my funny supportive dependable self.

Thanks Taz, Helen and Mark for my hugs many pages back.

Laura, I still think about you all the time , and hope things are better for you hun. Anything I can do you let me know 'K? Normally I'm in pretty good shape x

Kahlia and April, you two are rocks here and I think about you both a lot too.

Julie, I got you OK? Keep chatting in here hun, you're a nice girl who deserves nice stuff.

Sorry I've been so absent, but know that I'm around and looking out for all of you in here, just from a really really long way away :D

*hugs all and wanders off aimlessly and in a slightly stunned state*

oh, happy happy birthday April, sorry babe I'm a little self absorbed atm. Hope you have a beautiful day beautiful *hugs tight* xx

SoMuchMore 02-06-2010 07:12 AM

Happy Birthday April!

*cuddles JK* you're so nice. Thanks hun. Same goes for you if u ever need to talk or anything.

*hugs helen* sounds like an amazing time, despite some of the negatives

*hugs mark, taz, kahlia, and julie*

Sorry i can't do more individual replies right now. I'm back at uni. I could update all of you on whats going on but i think i would wind up lying and saying "whatever" or something (i suck i know). Thinking of you though. Hope everyone is staying safe.

xxjuliexx 02-06-2010 09:07 AM

*sits* i ate to much *sniffles*

xxjuliexx 02-06-2010 09:14 AM

happy birthday april *gives presents*

Doikers 02-06-2010 10:29 AM

Sorry J.Greens I don't know where to begin answering your question , I don't really understand it sorry.

*Morning Hugs Ward*

*Does the happy dance with Crimson* :)

It sounds like you had an awesome time mostly Helen :) Yey!

MammaMia 02-06-2010 11:25 AM

Thanks guys, apart from the negative bit, it was amazing!!!

Kahlia, haha, go you!!!! Good luck with studying :)

My interview's in over 5 hours time. Getting nervous now :/

Scarletdreamer 02-06-2010 12:22 PM

The following content has been hidden - Reason : Birthday pics... kinda large.

There. Now you guys can see what an April's birthday looks like. ;) Hehe. That's at my parents' house - how I wish our apartment was that neat and/or looked that nice!! lol. :)

Hels, best of luck at your interview!! also, I'm sorry that there was a negative bit to your concert but glad that you enjoyed it at the end. *cuddles* How're you doing now? Fourish hours til your interview - I'm sure you'll do fine. :)

Kahlia, yey on you for getting stuff completed so quickly!! :) What's TAFE stand for again? :-/ Sorry, I forget...

JK *cuddles* I'm sorry that you feel floaty/spacy/out there; med changes can do that as I know you know. I hope that you feel better soon. :( And thanks for the birthday wishes and compliment. :)

Julie, how're you, love? *cuddles* Thanks for the birthday wishes and presents!! :)

Laura, we're here for you whenever you want to talk, 'kay? *cuddles gently* I guess it's good that you're back at your uni? so you don't have to put up with your family... but at the same time, I wish that you could be happier, without having to leave. Does that make any sense? :-/ Thanks for the birthday wishes as well. :)

*tries to snuffle out where Mark has gone off to* :P

*cuddles everyone else if they can receive cuddles... and leaves out pocket-sized boxes of hugs and waves for those who can't* :)

Doikers 02-06-2010 12:59 PM

Good luck with your interview Helen :)*Hugs*

*Hugs JK* , It flat out sucks to be Zonked , I hope the meds start to do what they are supposed to do soon.

*Hugs April* You snuffled me out ! how does it feel to be 22?

*Hugs Laura* I hope you are happier than you where to be back at Uni

*Hugs Heather * A picture of a gull , :)

*Hugs Kahlia * Good luck on you new course :D

*Hugs Julie*

*Hugs the rest of the ward*
*Wonders where Oliver and Nicole have gotten too*

Scarletdreamer 02-06-2010 01:12 PM

*glomps Mark* :D How are you doing today?

I'm so tired. I really am... just want to go back to bed, but I don't want to be uber tired later and a nap at this hour (8:10am) would practically guarantee it. GRRRR. :( I'm not at my internship this morning because I'll be working at a mini Relay for Life at a middle school from 1:30-7:30pm today... ugh. :-/ Am not really looking forward to that. But maybe I'll be able to read or something... I really hope that I'll be in the shade because otherwise I'll get a wicked sunburn. :(

Oh, and Mark, it doesn't feel much different being 22. ;) Minus the fact that I've a new ring on my hand - it's a silver one, says "Fear Not" on one side and "Isaiah 41:10" on the other side. Well, on opposite sides of the ring... so I could have "Isaiah 41:10" facing up or "Fear Not" facing up... does that make sense? haha... :o It's a lovely ring and I really like it, even though we had to get it in men's size because the women's sizes were too small for my ugly fingers. :(

Anyway. *hugs everyone* ♥

MammaMia 02-06-2010 01:37 PM

*cuddles everyone*

April, you're not fat in your photos. Promise. My interview is less than 3 hours away now ARGH!! Trying to read about their company & retain some information, see if it'll be useful. Thanks for yours (and Mark's!) good luck :D

Doikers 02-06-2010 01:50 PM

I'm triggered *still* so over it , I'm kinda at a loose end which isn't helping me at all , Sui thoughts here but not welcome , sorry , on a bit of a downer .
and to reiterate what Helen Said , you are not fat in your birthday photos :) *Hugs*
I don't beleive I've ever been glomped before lol

*hugs Helen* My fingers are now crossed for you about your interview.

I'm gonna toddle off to Morrisons , put on My MP3 player and try on wash away bad thoughts with walking and music ....

Kahlia1981 02-06-2010 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by jonikd (Post 2330071)
Kahlia and April, you two are rocks here and I think about you both a lot too.

Thanks so much JK. :-) *big hugs*


Originally Posted by Fallinstar0317 (Post 2330083)
*hugs mark, taz, kahlia, and julie*

*hugs you* I hope that things settle for you now you are back at uni Laura, and that you start to feel a bit better away from the old hometown and the family - I don't mean that in a mean way by the way.


Originally Posted by MammaMia (Post 2330268)
Kahlia, haha, go you!!!! Good luck with studying :)

Thanks Helen. *big hugs* ;-)


Originally Posted by Scarletdreamer (Post 2330346)
Kahlia, yey on you for getting stuff completed so quickly!! :) What's TAFE stand for again? :-/ Sorry, I forget...

Thanks April! TAFE stands for: Technical And Further Education. I'm doing a Diploma of Information Technology there (online) as a stepping stone because I can't do the course I want to do in the town I'm living in.


Originally Posted by Doikers (Post 2330394)
*Hugs Kahlia * Good luck on you new course :D

Thanks so much Mark. *big hugs*

Sorry I'm not up to much right now. Feeling a bit .... tired. I managed to complete just over half of the assessment required for my first subject today. I showed my housemate and he was really pleased with my work. I even showed him how to do something that he didn't know how to do which was kind of cool.

I really have to go to bed now lol. Seriously tired.

*leaves hugs and safe love and care packages and a special supply of stuffed animals for everyone*

Doikers 02-06-2010 02:49 PM

Well I'm back from my shopping (Food) trip, Music and walking definatley put off S.I. / SUI thoughts but not I'm back and want to harm, I NEED to but alongside that I really want to as well , it's unnerving , I'm going to try for a nap . just to find out if the urges pass *Nabs a stuffed toy from Kahlias pile to squish*

CrazyHayley 02-06-2010 03:17 PM

Hey there my fellow wardies - sorry for the lack of individual replies, but I'm somwhat brain fogged with M.E at the moment as Eoghan is on leave and has been stayinbg at mine whilst Reggie settles in and so I've been playing housewife it seems, lol. We've also done a few things like toddle round town and go out for a meal. I'm quite impressed how much I can manage now, even with my M.E symptoms. It just shows me how much I was actually struggling due to PMDD. Anyhoo, I kind of feel bad that I'm doing other things and not spending hours each day on RYL as I don't feel that I know whats going on with you guys and you have all been true friends and pillars of support for me. I will do my best to check in regulary though and spread love and positivity to you all, as I think of you often everyday even whilst I'm now doing my other suposedly normal things. Its weird, now I have to make time to come in here because I WANT to, whereas before I did nothing else because I couldn't cope with anything, and spent hours in here because I NEEDED to. But thats fantastic progress though right?
Oh and a belated Happy birthday to April!

Well guys, I'm going to have a rest and hope Reggie doesn't eat my carpet whilst I nap! And then I think I'm going to play some WoW whilst Eoghan is still out playing his drums. I haven't been on WoW since last wednesday eve cos of everything thats been going on with friend/bunny/sanity/eoghan's leave! I'm getting withdrawal, lol

*hugest positivity and comforting and loving filled parcels filled for everyone, each with a magic suprise that is suitable just for you!!*

MammaMia 02-06-2010 03:42 PM

Argh, interview is less than an hour, am off now :/ As have to stop off the post office first lol.

PoisonedApple 02-06-2010 04:53 PM

Wow.... been kinda slow in here. I didn't even have to click the page button to get caught up.

Good luck Helen!

Glad you're doing so well Hayley *proud of the hayleymonster*

Lovely pictures April!

Feeling any better after your nap Mark?

*cuddles JK*

*huggles everyone*

Doikers 02-06-2010 05:16 PM

*Hugs Hayley Loads* Thats fantastic Progress :)!! Truely happy for you.

I'm napped out, feel SLIGHTLY better though. :)

MammaMia 02-06-2010 05:54 PM

*cuddles all*

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