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Buttons. 01-05-2018 11:33 PM

Thanks Emma :)

Pomegranate 02-05-2018 11:10 AM

Morning all

one_step_closer 02-05-2018 11:26 AM

Morning Emma, how are you?

Morning everyone else.

I'm waiting in for a charity shop to come and collect some donations, they said they'll be here between 12 and 2 and I really hope it's close to 12 because I'm so bored and need out.

not_so_insig 02-05-2018 01:54 PM

Hope they have come by now Lindsay!

Cacoethes 02-05-2018 03:54 PM

Hello everyone

not_so_insig 02-05-2018 04:17 PM

Hi Beckie how are you?

Cacoethes 02-05-2018 04:21 PM

A bit under the weather
Feels like my throat is filled with razor blades and head cold type thing.
Im hoping the neurofen and lemsip will sort it!

one_step_closer 02-05-2018 04:26 PM

Poor Beckie, lots of moaning and feeling sorry for yourself is in order I think. I hope you feel better soon.

How are you Dawn?

The charity shop manager phoned me at 2.10pm and said they were running so late that they'll have to rearrange to pick the things up next week. Quite annoying. Now I have various pieces of a flat packed wardrobe in my living room which I'm not moving back into my spare room because it was a hassle getting them down the stairs.

In better news I have spent a satisfying time shredding things.

Cacoethes 02-05-2018 04:48 PM

Thanks Lindsay!

Always annoying when plans get changed at the last minute.
Shredding things is fun!

one_step_closer 02-05-2018 06:17 PM

*shreds Beckie's post*

Have you done much today or have you been feeling too unwell?

Cacoethes 02-05-2018 06:31 PM


I've done nothing today expect send an email and watch criminal minds.
I feel really awful!
The neurofen and lemsip seems to be helping a bit though.

How's your day been Lindsay?

one_step_closer 02-05-2018 06:35 PM

I think sending an email when you're not well is an achievement! Do you think the unwellness started yesterday because usually the second day of being ill is the worst in my experience?

I spent the morning and afternoon getting irritated and bored because I couldn't leave the house. Then I went to Tesco and came back home and did some tidying and stuff so that was alright. Crookshanks (cat) got inside the back of the drawers in my spare room and it took me a while to get him out. I think he was in there for quite a bit of time too, poor dumb cat.

Cacoethes 02-05-2018 06:48 PM

That sounds about right.
Second day is usually worse
Was quite busy yesterday too

Sounds like you've managed to get some stuff done, thats good.
How on earth did he manage that?

one_step_closer 02-05-2018 06:54 PM

I'm not entirely sure. I think he opened a drawer and climbed in and then got stuck in the back bit and the drawer closed.

What's on this evening's agenda? More Criminal Minds? Have you had any dinner?

Cacoethes 02-05-2018 07:01 PM

Strange cat!

Yep more criminal minds!
I had toad in the hole and veg for dinner
Have you had any dinner yet?

chinahorse 02-05-2018 07:37 PM

Hallo :)

zombiehunter 02-05-2018 07:42 PM

dammit my order for vol 2 of evil ernie got cancelled

I have volumes one and three so not havint two is a pain in the giblets

hello all

Cacoethes 02-05-2018 07:46 PM

Hi Lillie
How are you?

Hey zombie, that sounds annoying!

zombiehunter 02-05-2018 07:50 PM

its ok I found a place to get a hold of vol 2 :-D

a wee bit pricier than where I was getting it from before but at least they have it

Cacoethes 02-05-2018 07:53 PM

Good good!

chinahorse 02-05-2018 08:02 PM

I have no clue what that is xom ie but lad you found a place to get it.

I'm a bit :s but yeah. Gunna watch some tv and try to mellow a bit.

What're yous all up to?

zombiehunter 02-05-2018 08:05 PM

oh evil ernie is a horror comic with loads of gore violence and dark/sick humour so whoever wrote it had me in mind :-p

Cacoethes 02-05-2018 08:06 PM

Good plan Lillie.
Hope you can relax

Sounds good zombie!
I used to have a lot of comics but all got lost in the frequent moves

zombiehunter 02-05-2018 08:11 PM

I tend to get the big graphic novels with them all collected together :-D

I used to read 2000 AD when I was younger but got back into comics and graphic novels and stuff a good few years ago when my uncle got me vol 1 of kick ass for Christmas

chinahorse 02-05-2018 08:15 PM

Oh I see!

Cacoethes 02-05-2018 08:55 PM

Why am I tired
I didn't even properly get up until 3pm!!

chinahorse 02-05-2018 09:00 PM

Not gunna lie I'm insanely jealous beckie!

Cacoethes 02-05-2018 09:08 PM

It's so bad though!!
Should really be getting up and doing stuff

Im gonna go to bed now.
Night all!

Aubergine 02-05-2018 09:09 PM


Pomegranate 02-05-2018 09:10 PM

Night Beckie.

Hey aubergine, hey all :-)

chinahorse 02-05-2018 09:18 PM

Hey Emma and aubergine :)

Night beckie

Aubergine 02-05-2018 09:23 PM

Night night, Beckie.

How are you, Emma and Lillie?

MY cold is trying to kill me. Swollen glands, sore throat and my bones hurt. And I have root canal tomorrow. Doom.

chinahorse 02-05-2018 09:52 PM

Oh that's sucky aubergine :( still the root canal will fix that problem.

I really should be in bed by now. :/ 6.30 start. But I just am too merrrgghjj. Like I like my new work but I'm rather sick of having to always fix the other girls errors- that she knows she's making and does nothing about. I just wanna spend all day in fleece pj's.

Aubergine 02-05-2018 10:00 PM

Oh that does sound frustrating! Fleece pyjamas are so cosy. Will you be able to do that at the weekend?

chinahorse 02-05-2018 10:14 PM

Just accidentally inhaled mouthwash. Do not recommend.

And yes I will hopefully be able to get a few days of me time in. Am badly in need of it. Adulting got in the way last weekend.

How be alec?

Aubergine 02-05-2018 10:22 PM

Oh that sounds horrible! I'll give it a miss.

I'm glad you'll hopefully be able to get a few days of you time in. You do sound in need of it. *hug* Adulting is... Overrated!

He's good! Asleep. :)

not_so_insig 03-05-2018 11:47 AM

Morning all.

Cacoethes 03-05-2018 01:01 PM


not_so_insig 03-05-2018 03:10 PM

It is quiet in here today.

Cacoethes 03-05-2018 03:19 PM

It is!!

People are probably out having a 'life'
Whatever that is

not_so_insig 03-05-2018 03:32 PM

I was out having a life before as I had coffee with my friend.

Pomegranate 03-05-2018 03:32 PM

Life? What is that?

I’ve done nothing today apart from go for a blood test and to the local shop.

not_so_insig 03-05-2018 03:36 PM

I tried rather unsuccessfully to get meatball sauce as I cba to walk all the way to tesco and nowhere in town sells it. Town is like a doughnut.

Cacoethes 03-05-2018 03:37 PM

My CC randomly turned up just as I was about to leave for asda. Then went to asda.
Now back to watching Criminal minds!

Such thrilling lives we lead!

not_so_insig 03-05-2018 03:40 PM

Yeah we're so rock and roll.

Cacoethes 03-05-2018 03:53 PM

Yes we are!

Aubergine 03-05-2018 04:06 PM

Afternoon. :)

Pomegranate 03-05-2018 04:08 PM

Hi Aubergine. How was your day?

Aubergine 03-05-2018 04:13 PM

Hey Emma. Well done for getting to the blood test. Get anything nice from the shop?

It's been ok. I had root canal, which was painless at the time but a bit sore now. Got a body balance class later.

Cacoethes 03-05-2018 04:18 PM

Hi Aubergine!

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