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one_step_closer 19-01-2024 04:49 PM

Hope they kick in soon.

Zurg 19-01-2024 06:17 PM

Sorry for disappearing. Had to clean Findus' litterbox and hoover my flat before leaving to visit my mum. My back is really damn painful today. The past 3-4 months it usually wakes me up a few times every night. I finally got annoyed enough to book a gp appointment but i swear if they refer me on to a specialist gp, i'll just leave it. I don't have enough energy to cope with that!!!!
I am tired of the health system…. It is too energy consuming trying to find out if anything is wrong with your body :-(
I have a coffee and some knitting stuff next to me. That is an acceptable future for this night, i think

Zurg 19-01-2024 06:17 PM

Beckie, please be alive and okay!!!! <3

long road 19-01-2024 06:43 PM

They kicked in enough that I ended up napping for an hour or two.

I too am tired of the health system Zurg. I spend far too much time in it!

one_step_closer 19-01-2024 06:51 PM

I agree that it is very energy consuming, Kat. I hope you can get some answers and relief. What are you knitting?

Did the nap help, Jen?

not_so_insig 19-01-2024 07:02 PM

Sorry I disappeared I had a nap and used my heated blanket. It helped because I feel less stressed.

one_step_closer 19-01-2024 07:05 PM

That's good, Dawn. Sounds like a helpful technique.

Zurg 19-01-2024 07:14 PM

I am knitting a cardigan/bolero, Lindsay. I gave up knitting 6 months ago. I really, really suck at stuff until i have enough routine to try to build up confidence and someone told me i was terrible at knitting and should just drop it :-(
So i got angry at the knitting instead of at the person and ended up just putting all my yarn and stuff away.

I say it's time to make a law about how many gp visits and specialist visits is legally acceptable before they have to come with some sort of diagnosis or just some legit helpful suggestions!!

one_step_closer 19-01-2024 07:18 PM

What a horrible person judging your knitting! I hope you can get back into it and enjoy it.

long road 19-01-2024 07:33 PM

Nap helped a little.

I can't even knit a couple of rows Zurg, people who can knit in any capacity I find impressive! I am sorry someone wa sride about your knitting tha tis not on!

How are you Lindsay?

Cacoethes 20-01-2024 08:56 AM

Morning everyone

long road 20-01-2024 09:25 AM


Cacoethes 20-01-2024 11:22 AM

Hey jen!

I'm bored.
Already cleaned out boys, been to aldi and put meds in dosette box. I think that's all i need to do today!

How are you?

long road 20-01-2024 11:32 AM

Boredom sucks.

I am a bit out of it this morning been trying to get out of bed for last couple of hours.

Cacoethes 20-01-2024 11:38 AM

It does!

Take it easy!

tamobhuuta 20-01-2024 11:59 AM

Morning. My mum will be here soon. Will she bring Costa or coffee from home???

Cacoethes 20-01-2024 11:59 AM

Which would you prefer tamo?

tamobhuuta 20-01-2024 12:02 PM

Idk, they're both nice. Costa usually comes with a muffin.

Zurg 20-01-2024 12:06 PM

Hi all.
Am expecting a guest soon-ish and also trying to avoid a hysterical meltdown which is compelling me to move almost everything around in my flat. I've emptied 4 bookshelves and i am tired already…. :(

I vote for costa, Tamo, only because of the muffin that comes with the coffee ;)

Cacoethes 20-01-2024 12:15 PM

Muffins are always good!

I hope the visit goes well zurg
It can be stressful having guests

long road 20-01-2024 12:44 PM

Now I want a muffin!

Hope you have managed to avoid the meltdown Zurg.

not_so_insig 20-01-2024 12:51 PM

Hello all. Just a quick note to say that the dwp are sending out letters regarding increase in benefits from April. So need to panic if you receive one. I got mine today.

Cacoethes 20-01-2024 01:04 PM

How're you feeling jen?

one_step_closer 20-01-2024 01:06 PM

Afternoon everyone.

I hope you can find something nice to entertain you, Beckie.

Have you had your breakfast yet, Jen?

Hope you had a nice visit, Tamo.

Hope you have a nice time with your guest, Kat.

I think I'll still panic, Dawn! Thanks for the heads up though.

Cacoethes 20-01-2024 01:07 PM

So far just watching Doctor who

How're you lindsay?

one_step_closer 20-01-2024 01:19 PM

Are you watching repeats?

My fingers are cold.

Cacoethes 20-01-2024 01:21 PM

Yeah just watching them through again


long road 20-01-2024 02:08 PM

I got up and went to bathroom but got dizzy on way back so came back to bed and partner made me breakfast. I had fruit toast and coffee.

Then managed to be up again for a little bit showing partner how to make sausage rolls but am now back in bed again. Mixture of FND and minor head injury does not work well together. Lungs aren't entirely happy either.

Sausage rolls were meant to be taken o friends housewarming but I am really not sure I am up to leavin the house.

one_step_closer 20-01-2024 04:34 PM

Have you warmed up yet, Beckie? I have put some gloves on.

That's a shame, Jen. Will your partner still be going? If not, sausage rolls for you!

Cacoethes 20-01-2024 05:32 PM

Sounds like you should probably stay in jen!

I had a nap for a couple of hours, currently fairly warm

long road 20-01-2024 05:49 PM

Have decided to stay in and partner is staying home to as friend lives 40 minutes away so if I needed him it would take a bit too long to get home.

On plus side we have lots of homemade sausage rolls now!

Cacoethes 20-01-2024 05:52 PM

Good plan jen

long road 20-01-2024 06:09 PM

I hate making the sensible decisions but it's for the best.

Cacoethes 20-01-2024 06:12 PM

No point in pushing yourself and getting even more il
I know it sucks though

long road 20-01-2024 06:21 PM

Pretty much.

Taking it easy propped up in bed and taking regular painkillers. I think if I hadn't hit my head on Thursday I might have been well enough to go as lungs are mostly behaving but can't change the past.

Cacoethes 20-01-2024 06:21 PM

Just got to make the best of things i guess

long road 20-01-2024 06:24 PM

Indeed bed is very cosy at least. I have got my special fluffy blanket.

tamobhuuta 20-01-2024 06:29 PM

Hi everyone. I had a good time with my mum this morning. She brought costa - latte and a rolo muffin :)

Cacoethes 20-01-2024 06:37 PM

That does sound cosy jen!

That's good tamo :)

long road 20-01-2024 06:48 PM

Ooh rolo muffin sounds good Tamo!

Going to watch Gladiators now, they have done a reboot in BBC 1. And it's pure nostalgia.

Cacoethes 20-01-2024 06:49 PM

I heard about that
Used to like watching it back in the day

long road 20-01-2024 06:50 PM

Me and partner really enjoyed watching it last week, reminded us of watching it as kids on a Saturday night.

tamobhuuta 20-01-2024 06:50 PM

I'm watching it too lr! Loved it last week.

one_step_closer 20-01-2024 07:06 PM

I don't think I have ever watched Gladiators.

Cacoethes 20-01-2024 07:28 PM

From what i remember, it's pretty good!

tamobhuuta 20-01-2024 07:34 PM

It's excellent Saturday night telly.

nonperson 20-01-2024 09:05 PM

I used to watch Gladiators back in the day! It was prime Saturday night TV. The new one isn't as good and they've changed some of the games =(

Also hello! Probably just one random post from me tonight so just a quick message to say hello and sorry I don't keep up with everyone's goings on =(

tamobhuuta 20-01-2024 09:09 PM

Good to see you np! I disagree with you about the new Gladiators, I think it's very entertaining.

nonperson 20-01-2024 09:21 PM

Oh I don't think it's not entertaining! I only watched part of the first new episode to see what it was like so can't really judge, but I'm too stuck in the past and comparing what it used to be like =P

long road 20-01-2024 09:33 PM

I am not so keen on the hosts but am enjoying watching all the games and how similar the eliminator is etc. plus I like that it's a bit more sportsman like.

Also Hi NP! Good to see you about.

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