Maybe that's why you're not feeling great?
Not saying you don't love your parents obviously! Just that I know if I spend a lot of time with my family I get all tired and funny |
No it's nothing to do with my parents Beckie. I found out that an ex gf has died. But thanks for the suggestion.
So sorry to hear that Dawn.
Thanks Beckie. We havent spoken for years hence why I am mixed.
That makes sense.
It must have been quite a shock |
What’s everyone got for dinner?
I treated myself to a McDonald’s! |
I had fish and chips. Hope you enjoyed your McDonald's Beckie
I did thanks |
Gosh, I’m terrible at posting in this thread ha.
Morning everyone :). How are we all? I hope you all had nice Christmases x |
Morning Alison. How are you?
I made Christmas as normal a day as possible so it was ok. |
I’m alright ta, just plodding along :). Although I do have an essay to write now Christmas is over.
I’m glad it was ok :). How are you Lindsay? |
(I had golden syrup on my pancakes)
I had very disturbing dreams |
Hi everyone.
Sorry about the dreams, Tamo. I woke myself up swatting at my arm because I dreamed a big fat spider was crawling on it. *shudder* |
Boo to essay writing. I hope it's not too much effort.
Those sound like horrible dreams Tamo and NP. I hope they don't stick with you all day. I'm not very good today but I've been for a long walk with my support worker. What's everyone else getting up to? |
I hope the walk was ok, Lindsay. Have you got snow?
I've been at work this morning and am now pondering food and what to do this afternoon. |
Afternoon everyone!
My my we've had a lot of activity in here this morning! |
Hey Beckie. How're things today?
I had an dream that I was mentally unwell and that I had an male cpn who was trying to section me. The only person I would talk to is my ex college tutor who was for some inexplicable reason pregnant. She said that I was pregnant too even though I told her it was impossible.
Dreams are weird.
Hey np
Things are ok thanks Been kicked out of my room though *grumbles* Dreams are indeed weird |
Hopefully they let you back in again soon, Beckie.
They probably won’t. Because the doctors are in. But I may ask if I can have my 2 hours if that’s still a thing
Worth asking!
After a lot of arguing I’m allowed in for an hour
They are watching a film in the lounge now so I’ll have nowhere to go when I come out! I might ask if I can sit in the quiet room |
Quiet room sounds like a good idea.
Yes but they usually don’t allow me in there. They want me in communal areas so they can ‘keep an eye on me’ :plain:
Good afternoon anyone :)
Afternoon tamo
How are you? |
Not great to be honest, but it will be ok. I've put clothes on! What's your day looking like?
Sorry to hear that. Well done for putting clothes on!
I have ward round in a minute (if it’s on time) and I’ve just put some washing on |
Good luck for ward rounds. I think we are heroes for doing washing.
Afternoon all
Thanks tamo
Yes we are! Ward round is over 30 minutes late :plain: Hi Dawn How are you? |
Hi insig :) what are you up to?
How frustrating Cacoethes! |
My ward round has been postponed until 3:30. Argh!
Angry face
I am so annoyed! I get anxious enough as it is!
Only 45 minutes to go. I've ordered pepsi max and one of those starbucks cold latte things to give me something to focus on! And I need them anyway. |
I hope your ward round goes well Beckie. Waiting is the worst thing.
Thanks lindsay
How are you? |
Really not good, but it's fine.
Have you been won over by Pepsi Max?! |
It's not fine. You should be getting more support
*hugs if ok* Nope. Still prefer coke zero but beelivery don't do it |
I am ok thanks. I have been washing my hair. Also have a ton of snow.
Glad you're ok Dawn.
Well done for washing your hair :) |
Thanks Beckie. Hope your ward round went well.
Thanks. It did go rather well.
I am pleased for you Beckie. You must be improving so well done
Thank you :)
Are you up to much? |
No I am not up to much. I was listening to some music but now I am watching telly.
Anything good on?
I am watching an recording of classic Coronation Street.
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