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The Worst Witch 18-06-2020 01:40 PM

Hopefully the woman at the bank has answers!

Cacoethes 18-06-2020 01:47 PM

Fingers crossed!

not_so_insig 18-06-2020 02:23 PM

Beckie your username got referred to in today's Father Brown. I know now that I have been pronouncing it wrong!

Cacoethes 18-06-2020 02:29 PM

How funny!

chinahorse 18-06-2020 04:05 PM

I had no idea your username was a real word beckie.

Cacoethes 18-06-2020 04:18 PM

Yep! It means 'the irresistible urge to do something inadvisable'

chinahorse 18-06-2020 04:23 PM


Cacoethes 18-06-2020 04:27 PM

Thought it summed me up nicely :p

not_so_insig 18-06-2020 04:39 PM

Beckie someone had an picture of themselves with your favourite person on Mondays Come Dine with Me.

Cacoethes 18-06-2020 04:57 PM

Oh no!!!

The Worst Witch 19-06-2020 08:21 AM

Morning guys

How is everyone today?

Cacoethes 19-06-2020 10:06 AM


I am so tired
Got back from hospital around 3am an barely slept so zzzzzzz
How are you?

The Worst Witch 19-06-2020 11:10 AM

I’m ok thanks, just tired also. I hope you weren’t in hospital for bad reasons!

You up to much today?

tamobhuuta 19-06-2020 11:16 AM

Hiya. I'm seeing my CPN at 12pm :-z

Cacoethes 19-06-2020 11:23 AM

Not for anything I did!
More info in my RV. Don't want to clog up a distraction thread with my dramaz!

Just had phone ward round and need to go to asda but it's raining

Good luck with your cpn tamo

The Worst Witch 19-06-2020 11:34 AM

Good luck with your CPN tamo. I hope it goes ok!

Yeah, I read Beckie. I’m glad you weren’t in for self harm reasons! How are you feeling now?

I went to the bank yesterday and found out that the job centre have sanctioned me so I have to phone them and sort that out today

Cacoethes 19-06-2020 11:59 AM

I'm feeling much better now thanks

Oh no how stressful!
Hope you can get it sorted

chinahorse 19-06-2020 12:20 PM

My psychiatrist brought me milk and oreos.

The Worst Witch 19-06-2020 12:35 PM

I'm glad you're feeling better Beckie :). Hopefully after a nice long sleep tonight you'll feel back to normal.

I have never tried Oreos. I do like milk and any type of biscuit to dunk it in though.

chinahorse 19-06-2020 12:38 PM

The milk is for tea. OMG you are missing out. Oreos are the best.

Cacoethes 19-06-2020 12:39 PM

That's so nice of him/her lillie!

Thanks Alison. Starting to feel a bit more human now after vast amounts of caffeine!

Oreos are indeed awesome!

chinahorse 19-06-2020 12:41 PM

Make sure theres othe food and drink in there too beckie!

I know. I was angry at him yesterday and this morning too.

The Worst Witch 19-06-2020 12:42 PM

I also love tea! I could drink it all day. I used to have at least 6 cups a day, but now I only have 1 or 2 because I don't like decaf tea and normal tea keeps me awake.

I shall have to look for Oreos in Asda on Sunday when I go food shopping. I also need Frosties, but there's a strike on in the factory and every single shop where I live has none. I'm more of a weetabix girl, but V's going a bit mad without her Frosties.

What are you up to today Lillie, apart from having cups of tea and eating Oreos?

chinahorse 19-06-2020 12:46 PM

Im immune to caffeine at this point. I notice it if I dont have any but no amount keeps me awake.

Maybe there will be fake frosties?

Sitting still and watching tv as has been ordered of me by crisis. And the district nurse is coming out at some point.

The Worst Witch 19-06-2020 12:50 PM

Yeah, I'm hoping they'll have some of their own brand ones. Of everything that has been in short supply lately, I'm missing Frosties the most which is probably a bit weird since I had to get my brother to spare me some toilet roll for a while.

I hope your appointment goes ok :)

Cacoethes 19-06-2020 12:52 PM

Yeah I've just had some soup and some yummy melon!

Hopefully he's made up for it then Lillie!

Definitely have a look for oreos Alison
I've not had frosties in years! They are so good though

That's basically my plan for the day minus district nurse.
I've just been to asda.

chinahorse 19-06-2020 12:58 PM

What kind of soup? Soup is good. Was asda busy?

EEk! Loo roll is such a necessary item. Though I suppose could make do with baby wipes. But couldnt get them either! I was okay thankfully though I did have to use the novelty bog roll with boris johnson face on it I got as a gift. Was getting close to having to ask my dad for some but thankfully aldi got some in. My dad has a delivery of 100 like 3 times a year and had one in February so would have been ok to lend me some.

Cacoethes 19-06-2020 01:09 PM

It was chicken and leek
Asda wasn't too bad
The queue was quite long but fast moving

Toilet roll with Boris johnsons face on sounds awesome tbh!
I'm lucky I missed all the toilet roll panic.
I bulk buy toilet roll from groupon anyway

chinahorse 19-06-2020 01:21 PM

Thats okay as long as the queue is moving. Never had that soup, not something child me would eat and not something vegetarian adult me would bu. Potato and leek is good though.

I also have a loo brush where the brush bit is boris johnsons hair. From the same person as the loo roll. She is epic.

Cacoethes 19-06-2020 01:33 PM

Potato and leek is good, I agree.

That sounds amazing!

nonperson 19-06-2020 01:37 PM

I don't see what the big deal is with Oreos... :ermm:

Cacoethes 19-06-2020 01:44 PM

Shun the non believer!!!

nonperson 19-06-2020 02:22 PM

I knew that was coming. =P

Cacoethes 19-06-2020 02:26 PM

Haha! Good old Charlie the unicorn :p

chinahorse 19-06-2020 02:29 PM

I mean tbf I like all biscuits

Cacoethes 19-06-2020 02:30 PM

Same Lillie
Although not a huge fan of rich tea. They are too plain

chinahorse 19-06-2020 02:31 PM

They are good with marshmallow fluff and chocolate spread.

Cacoethes 19-06-2020 02:40 PM

Ooo that sounds good!

chinahorse 19-06-2020 02:48 PM

You need to try it!

On your next scheduled asda trip.

Cacoethes 19-06-2020 03:00 PM

I shall!

My next asda trip will probably be Sunday.
I'll have to write it down on my whiteboard!

chinahorse 19-06-2020 03:05 PM

Do it, you won't be dissapointed.

The Worst Witch 19-06-2020 03:12 PM

I love all biscuits too but I especially like chocolate digestives.

Hey np! How are you?

Cacoethes 19-06-2020 03:21 PM

I'm looking forward to it!

Chocolate digestives are top tier biscuits

nonperson 19-06-2020 04:29 PM

Hey Alison. I'm ok... Trying to find motivation for gardening. How're you?

Chocolate digestives are low on my biscuit priority list but I certainly wouldn't turn them down. Chocolate hobnobs are top tier!

Cacoethes 19-06-2020 04:29 PM

*hands out motivation*

Chocolate hobnobs are also top tier!

nonperson 19-06-2020 04:31 PM

Dark chocolate hobnobs particularly.

Cacoethes 19-06-2020 04:35 PM

Oh yes definitely!

What's everyone's plans for this evening?

nonperson 19-06-2020 04:37 PM

Ooh glad you agree. Dark chocolate can be a bit controversial.

Weeding and something for dinner. Exciting. =/


Cacoethes 19-06-2020 04:43 PM

I like dark chocolate!

Good luck!
Something for dinner and TV for me. Also very exciting!

tamobhuuta 19-06-2020 04:49 PM

I'm going to watch Mass on the internet then have curry for dinner.

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