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nonperson 27-10-2019 06:34 PM

Yup! And every Sunday for another 4 weeks?

one_step_closer 27-10-2019 06:37 PM

It really is possible to have too much Harry Potter.

tamobhuuta 27-10-2019 06:40 PM

There can be too much Potter but my threshold is probably much higher than a lot of people's.

nonperson 27-10-2019 06:41 PM

There is no such thing as too much Harry Potter. =(

one_step_closer 27-10-2019 06:43 PM

You are all huge bores. :tongue2:

nonperson 27-10-2019 06:46 PM

I know. =)

nonperson 27-10-2019 06:50 PM

I wish I had a Pensieve...

Cacoethes 27-10-2019 06:53 PM

No such thing as too much harry potter!!!

chinahorse 27-10-2019 07:26 PM

Gets a bit samey though.

chinahorse 27-10-2019 07:27 PM

Don't know what to watch now sister act has finished.

nonperson 27-10-2019 08:01 PM

Found anything to watch yet?

I should get some dinner...

Cacoethes 27-10-2019 08:09 PM

Hopefully they'll be bringing my charger soon!
Shift change at 8

My bloody IV pump keeps going off every time I move my elbow slightly!!

Definitely staying in for the night now

chinahorse 27-10-2019 08:35 PM

Oh how annoying beckie.

Now watching 27 dresses

Cacoethes 27-10-2019 08:44 PM

Its very annoying

I've never seen that Lillie

tamobhuuta 27-10-2019 09:01 PM

Is it good china?

nonperson 27-10-2019 09:03 PM

I've never heard of that.

I'm watching Jurassic World now.

Cacoethes 27-10-2019 09:08 PM

Love Jurassic world

chinahorse 27-10-2019 09:09 PM

Very much a chick flick but I like it

not_so_insig 27-10-2019 09:09 PM

Hello all. I have been to the seaside today. I bought Lorraine a stick of rock and a postcard. It has her name on the rock.

Cacoethes 27-10-2019 09:13 PM

Im not really one for chick flicks

nonperson 27-10-2019 09:14 PM

It's alright, still prefer the originals. Haven't seen the second Jurassic World film yet though.

Nothing wrong with a chick flick.

Sounds like a nice day, Dawn. Nice presents for Lorraine too.

nonperson 27-10-2019 09:16 PM

Can someone gently kick me off the sofa to go get some dinner? =(

Cacoethes 27-10-2019 09:17 PM

The originals are awesome
I really liked the second Jurassic world

*boots np off sofa*

nonperson 27-10-2019 09:27 PM

It's somewhere on my mega long list of films to watch.

Still haven't seen The Last Jedi...! Or Endgame...

chinahorse 27-10-2019 10:00 PM

Hope you moved by now np.

I've never seen any of those films :/

nonperson 27-10-2019 10:12 PM

Yeah just eaten some pasta.

That doesn't matter, Lillie - they're not everyone's cup of tea.

Cacoethes 27-10-2019 10:28 PM

I loved last jedi and endgame

I have moved wards

Cacoethes 28-10-2019 06:33 AM

It's 5:30am and I've woken up because of beeping and now I can't sleep again -.-

chinahorse 28-10-2019 08:57 AM

Sucks beckie.

I was woken for obs at 6 but managed to go back to sleep.

Cacoethes 28-10-2019 09:12 AM

I had another little snooze around 7.
They put another bag of fluids up at sometime during the night

Glad you managed to get back to sleep Lillie

chinahorse 28-10-2019 09:24 AM

Little snooze is good. Hopefully you'll get some more naps in through the day.

Cacoethes 28-10-2019 09:41 AM

Hope so
Got another 8 hour bag of fluids to go after this one apparently
But mum said she is bringing Jasmine to visit me here :)

tamobhuuta 28-10-2019 09:57 AM

I'm glad you will get to see your mum and Jasmine.

I might have a friend coming round for coffee later.

chinahorse 28-10-2019 09:57 AM

That's good that you'll still get to see her.

I have to stay in hospital.

Cacoethes 28-10-2019 10:06 AM

That sounds nice tamo

Oh no Lillie
Thats such a shame

chinahorse 28-10-2019 10:08 AM

Sounds good tamo.

Not gunna lie may have had a melt down and cried.

Cacoethes 28-10-2019 10:23 AM

Oh lillie I'm so sorry to hear that
Do you have any idea when you'll be able to go home?

tamobhuuta 28-10-2019 10:25 AM

Hugs for china

Cacoethes 28-10-2019 10:57 AM

This bag has to be up for 10 hours :/

chinahorse 28-10-2019 11:32 AM

Entirely depends on the healing. They made me shower. And wash my own wound with chlorhexadine. And keep my left thigh completely dry. It was like extreme shower yoga.

Oh boo beckie. Wedge pillows around your arm to keep it straight. That's what a nurse did for me once when it was the only access they could get.

chinahorse 28-10-2019 11:35 AM

Awwww another patient just gave me drinks and snacks cos he's leaving for home. I'm so touched.

Cacoethes 28-10-2019 12:00 PM

Wow that sounds difficult

That's a good idea

Awww how sweet!

The doctor just came to see me
He mainly spoke to the staff who is with me like i wasn't rven here!
So rude

one_step_closer 28-10-2019 01:13 PM

Afternoon everyone. *hugs for everyone who needs them*

Cacoethes 28-10-2019 01:22 PM

Hey lindsay
How are you?

Thanks :)

I just impulse bought a 2nd hand ipad from Amazon.

one_step_closer 28-10-2019 01:29 PM

I am so good at impulse buying! Was it a good deal?

I'm not great. Just trying to occupy myself.

Cacoethes 28-10-2019 01:32 PM

It was a pretty good deal!

Sorry to hear that lindsay
Hugs for you too

not_so_insig 28-10-2019 01:36 PM

My male cat is running around like a mad fool. He was running around like that last night when I was trying to sleep. Then when he stopped my neighbour started to play his guitar at 2 am. Fortunately he didn't go on for too long and I was able to sleep.

one_step_closer 28-10-2019 01:43 PM

Cats are mad in general! How are yours reacting to the clock change? I currently have a cat moaning for his food but I'm trying to get them back to their usual times, will give them it half an hour early though.

Will you use the iPad to come on here Beckie instead of your phone? It will be huge!

Cacoethes 28-10-2019 01:47 PM

I probably will!
It will be very different

not_so_insig 28-10-2019 02:53 PM

It's so cold here. I am sitting under a duvet atm.

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