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Cacoethes 27-08-2018 04:17 PM

I really hope its the end of all that ridiculous heat!!

nonperson 27-08-2018 04:22 PM

I haven't looked at a long term forecast lately... A bit scared to really.

Buttons. 27-08-2018 04:23 PM

Do agree with the heat re. cold thing (heat sucks!) *slightly reduces the scowl*

nonperson 27-08-2018 04:28 PM

I'll be complaining about being too cold soon enough.

Cacoethes 27-08-2018 04:30 PM

Forecast looks ok!!

Agree buttons. Heat sucks!

Ha! Me too np!

Im watching rock of ages now

nonperson 27-08-2018 04:32 PM

I should go... =(

Walk dog, go back to work and then food shopping. >.<

Cacoethes 27-08-2018 04:33 PM

Fun times :/
Hopefully time will go quickly for you!

nonperson 27-08-2018 04:36 PM

Hope so...

Laters all.

Buttons. 27-08-2018 04:37 PM

Hope it all goes well lovely :)

Cacoethes 27-08-2018 04:38 PM

Guess that means I'm stuck with just you now Buttons :p

Buttons. 27-08-2018 04:39 PM

MWA HA HA HA. I'm watching Big Bang Theory reruns, imagine you can only watch one of the episodes again, which one would you pick? I will judge :P

Cacoethes 27-08-2018 04:43 PM

I don't know!!

Buttons. 27-08-2018 04:51 PM

You suck! But you do make a good rainbow bat so maybe things balance out....

Cacoethes 27-08-2018 04:52 PM

I am the best rainbow bat!!

Buttons. 27-08-2018 04:57 PM

I cannot dispute that. I make the best rainbow wheelchair dancing queen though!

Cacoethes 27-08-2018 04:58 PM

Yes you do!

Buttons. 27-08-2018 05:07 PM

I just love how like every other song we were like WE KNOW THIS WHOO (old songs) then modern ones looking at each other like 'do you know it? No. Do you? Maybe...………..no.'

Cacoethes 27-08-2018 05:09 PM

Haha yeah. We are so old and had no business being in a nightclub XD

Buttons. 27-08-2018 05:20 PM

Well it was more a day club wasn't it... or maybe... a Gay club *rhyming pleases me*

Cacoethes 27-08-2018 05:21 PM

Well it was a day club for pride!
And it was called G-A-Y so...

chinahorse 27-08-2018 05:24 PM

Sounds like my last night out! Lol. I'm not sure when I got old though :-/

Buttons. 27-08-2018 05:29 PM

Neither am I Lillie ha ha. Still a year younger than Beckie (and I think a year younger than you?) though so I'm still the youngster of this thread mwa ha ha.

Cacoethes 27-08-2018 05:31 PM

Im sad about being old

chinahorse 27-08-2018 05:32 PM

As of right now you are 2 years younger than me buttons.


Cacoethes 27-08-2018 05:34 PM

Haha! Thanks! :)

one_step_closer 27-08-2018 06:06 PM

We're not old, we're mature and sensible...maybe not.

chinahorse 27-08-2018 06:32 PM

My food is taking so long to cook.

Cacoethes 27-08-2018 06:37 PM

We can't kid ourselves Lindsay!

What are you having Lillie?

I've just put some home made chips in the oven

chinahorse 27-08-2018 06:53 PM

Home made chips are amazing.

I had wedges and quorn nuggets. Still hungry though :-( probably an emotional thing though.

Cacoethes 27-08-2018 06:59 PM

They are!
Having salmon and veg with them

Have you got any snacks?

chinahorse 27-08-2018 07:01 PM

What a proper dinner!


Cacoethes 27-08-2018 07:26 PM

I know!
I'm trying to get back into cooking proper healthy meals!

Oh no!

chinahorse 27-08-2018 08:48 PM

You put me to shame there!

I've showered again and gotten into bed to avoid life. Wondering how bad it'd be to call in sick tomorrow.

Cacoethes 27-08-2018 08:50 PM

Well you put me to shame at everything else :p

If you feel the need to call in sick then do it!
We all need some extra time for self care sometimes

nonperson 27-08-2018 09:07 PM

I have returned, finally.

Cacoethes 27-08-2018 09:27 PM

Hey np!
How was your stuff?

nonperson 27-08-2018 09:29 PM

Hey Beckie.

Dog walk was nice, went to a quiet area. Work was... work. And food shopping on a bank holiday is so much better than normal late night shopping.

What did I miss? =)

Cacoethes 27-08-2018 09:40 PM

That sounds ok then!

Didn't really miss much!

nonperson 27-08-2018 09:47 PM

Seems a bit quiet in here lately.

Cacoethes 27-08-2018 09:58 PM

Yes it has been!

About to get quieter as I am going to bed!
Night night!

nonperson 27-08-2018 09:59 PM

Sleep well. =)

Buttons. 28-08-2018 08:34 AM

Morning all :)

Cacoethes 28-08-2018 11:45 AM


not_so_insig 28-08-2018 11:55 AM

Morning Beckie how are you?

Cacoethes 28-08-2018 12:18 PM

Im ok thanks
How are you?

one_step_closer 28-08-2018 01:06 PM

Afternoon, how are you all?

I've got a fire safety visit at 2, hoping they don't tell me my house is a fire hazard!

Cacoethes 28-08-2018 01:25 PM

Hey Lindsay

Good luck for the visit!
Fingers crossed all is well!

not_so_insig 28-08-2018 01:41 PM

I had a new tv box. I managed to set it up myself! Just testing to make sure it works especially catch up tv.

Cacoethes 28-08-2018 02:41 PM

Sounds good Dawn!

not_so_insig 28-08-2018 03:53 PM

It works except for I have to wait 24 hours for the subscription channels :angry: I wanted to watch the subscription channels. Other than that it works.

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