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Cacoethes 20-04-2018 01:26 PM

I did thanks!

Hey Emma
How are you?

Buttons. 20-04-2018 04:32 PM

Hope goes well with psych Beckie.

Pomegranate 20-04-2018 04:34 PM

Glad you slept well. Hope psych goes ok.

Hi Buttons :-)

I’m tired Beckie but ok. Been for lunch with my friend.

Buttons. 20-04-2018 04:39 PM

Hi Emma did you enjoy your lunch?

Cacoethes 20-04-2018 05:16 PM

Thanks guys

Lunch sounds good emma

How are you Buttons?

Pomegranate 20-04-2018 05:30 PM

Lunch was good thanks. Had chicken Caesar salad followed by chocolate and honeycomb mouse and raspberry and lemon cordial to drink :-)

How was your day Buttons?

How did ward round go Beckie?

Cacoethes 20-04-2018 05:40 PM

Sounds yummy!!

It was ok thanks.
He said I seemed a bit brighter which I guess I am compared to a week ago and go on home leave for a couple of days on Monday.

one_step_closer 20-04-2018 05:47 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Emma, I read that as you had raspberry and lemon charcoal to drink.

Beckie, are you alright with that decision?

I very kindly thought of the poor people in this thread who have never heard of battered pizza so I went and got one to take a photo of. It was 100% nothing to do with the fact that I wanted one. Photo attached, assuming you can't imagine what a battered pizza looks like.

Cacoethes 20-04-2018 06:12 PM

I think I'm alright with it
Feel better than I did before so that's a good thing!

Omg my arteries are clogging just looking at that battered pizza!!
Do you batter everything up there?!

Pomegranate 20-04-2018 06:33 PM

Glad you’re alright with it.

That’s crazy Lindsey! Is it not greasy?

one_step_closer 20-04-2018 07:18 PM

Good stuff Beckie.

If the pizza was greasy I didn't really notice.

Anyone doing anything exciting?

I just watched that new channel 4 thing True Horror. Don't know what I made of it except I'm glad I didn't watch it when it was on at 10pm last night.

Cacoethes 20-04-2018 07:22 PM

I'd quite like to try a deep fried pizza
For research purposes

Not heard of it Lindsay
What's it about?
I don't really do scary things anyway!

chinahorse 20-04-2018 07:34 PM

Evening :)

That pizza looks errrrmmm interesting!

Cacoethes 20-04-2018 07:41 PM

Hi Lillie
How are you?

chinahorse 20-04-2018 07:48 PM

Alright ish.

Trying to decide if a yoghurt that went OOD 5 days ago will kill me.

Cacoethes 20-04-2018 08:00 PM

Probably wont kill you but I wouldn't!
I have a major fear of vomiting though so I am probably more cautious than most.
If it smells ok then its probably ok

Pomegranate 20-04-2018 08:04 PM

I’d probably gift it a sniff and if smells ok then tuck right in!

chinahorse 20-04-2018 08:07 PM

Meh. Might just admit I've wasted even more money by binning food.

Eska 20-04-2018 08:24 PM

Evening everyone

Pomegranate 20-04-2018 08:25 PM

Evening Eska!

Eska 20-04-2018 08:26 PM

How are you, Emma?

zombiehunter 20-04-2018 08:27 PM

that Chinese I just had was ****ing awesome :-D


chinahorse 20-04-2018 08:29 PM

Hey eska :)

Glad ya enjoyed it zombie! This the start of your 9 days off?

zombiehunter 20-04-2018 08:31 PM

I'm not getting 9 days off

I'm getting 10 :-D

Serendipity. 20-04-2018 08:31 PM

Evening everyone!

I want pizza now. But not battered pizza!

Serendipity. 20-04-2018 08:31 PM

Oh, excellent zombie! I hope you enjoy them :D

zombiehunter 20-04-2018 08:32 PM


Eska 20-04-2018 08:39 PM

Awesome that you get the ten days off, Zombie!

Hey Lillie lovely :)

Hi Hannah! How is life treating you?

Serendipity. 20-04-2018 08:41 PM

Hi guys!! :)

Not bad thanks Eska, how about you?

zombiehunter 20-04-2018 08:42 PM

hannahbannanabampot are you still in edinburger or are you still down in englandshire??

Eska 20-04-2018 08:44 PM

I'm doing ok :) Loving the weather, and I have a day off tomorrow!

not_so_insig 20-04-2018 08:48 PM

Beckie did you know that a new series of 999 what's your emergency started last night?

zombiehunter 20-04-2018 08:54 PM

there was only one 999 and it was presented by Michael beurke (sp)and it kicked ass

not_so_insig 20-04-2018 09:01 PM

Michael Buerk presents Heir Hunters now.

zombiehunter 20-04-2018 09:09 PM

he should go back to presenting 999

not_so_insig 20-04-2018 09:39 PM

Stop bloody living in the past zombie

zombiehunter 20-04-2018 09:41 PM


the past was better and had cooler stuff in it

not_so_insig 20-04-2018 09:43 PM

Hindsight is a wonderful thing.

zombiehunter 20-04-2018 09:47 PM

you know what else is a wonderful thing

big trouble in little china is on the tellybox tonight :-D

Serendipity. 20-04-2018 10:16 PM

I don't know what that is. I have never seen any of these things!

Zombie, I am in Englandshire, I appear to have settled here rather permanently. It's a bit sad!

Cacoethes 20-04-2018 10:23 PM

No i didn't know that Dawn!
Thanks for letting me know
Got lots of tv to catch up on

nonperson 20-04-2018 10:46 PM

Hi everybody.

Pomegranate 20-04-2018 10:48 PM

Hi NP! How was your show?

nonperson 20-04-2018 11:00 PM

The show is tomorrow! We travelled down this afternoon and dropped the plants off. Got to be back tomorrow at 6am to set up.

Bored and hot in a supposedly fancy hotel room now. It’s boiling and there’s a really noisy fridge...

How’re you?

Pomegranate 20-04-2018 11:14 PM

Oh sorry, got mixed up. What? Is the hotel not air conned? Boo!

My flat is so humid. I’m horribly sticky but outside I’m fine!

nonperson 20-04-2018 11:19 PM

Sticky hot is the worst.

Pomegranate 20-04-2018 11:22 PM

It is :-(. How are you feeling about show tomorrow?

nonperson 20-04-2018 11:28 PM

Nervous! Hoping everything survived the journey ok and isn’t going brown already.

Pomegranate 20-04-2018 11:34 PM

I know nothing about flowers but will have fingers crossed for you!

nonperson 20-04-2018 11:47 PM

Thanks =)

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