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dontwantyoutoknow 13-06-2011 01:48 PM

Mark - keep fighting it. You know deep down it'll make you feel worse after. *hugs*

How is everyone today?

I feel really bad. Really unsafe. Did a fair bit of damage last night. And I feel like such a hypocrite. :-(

Doikers 13-06-2011 02:31 PM

*Hugs MJ* I'm sorry you feel that way hun , Please look after your injurys :/ You're not a hypocrite , we are all here to support each other *Extra Hug*

Emo 13-06-2011 05:08 PM

No hugs please ok at you waving at me though thanks
Feeling a little tired i should have slept more than what i have done today
last night was my first time doing Islamic prayers having to get up every 2 hours to pray at night
and praying in the day i have to get use to
if this is what i want and it is

I know that if i want to be Muslim i have to stop self injuring because it isnt allowed at all
hopefully i can do it

Doikers 13-06-2011 05:25 PM

*Waves to Angel* How are you? Out of intrest why is Islam against S.I.? I hope it's okay to ask ?

Emo 13-06-2011 05:38 PM

Because self injury is harm( bad ) because Allah has given you this body and you are not to mutilate it also because of prayers if you have just self injured you cant go and pray until it has stopped bleeding as blood isn't pure

Am doing ok apart from being tired i think i will go for a rest after my prayers

Louise 13-06-2011 05:41 PM

hugs everyone

Doikers 13-06-2011 05:46 PM

Angel, Can Muslims can Peircings?
My Brother in Law is Muslim and dosent have any that I know of.

Emo 13-06-2011 05:50 PM

There not meant to but i have a pierced nose i need to remove it but i cant do it on my own as i have tried and i cant get a grip of the ball and screw it off so i have to go to a piercing shop and get them to remove it for me

Emo 13-06-2011 06:05 PM

Oh my husband managed to remove it for me.

Doikers 13-06-2011 08:48 PM

Oksy Angel :)

Doikers 13-06-2011 09:12 PM

*hugs all my wardies*

*Waves to ANgel*

Emo 13-06-2011 09:25 PM

* waves back to mark *

trying to think what to do with myself until my next prayer at 10 o clock
i cant watch a film because id have to stop it half way through.
Am listen Nasheeds ( Islamic songs ) there really nice.
I missed the start of the tv programs that started at 9 o clock so there not point watching them
Maybe ill just sit on line here and see who wanting to talk

shadow13 13-06-2011 11:02 PM

Hey everyone. It's me, Shad, I'm back again. I've finished with my psychiatrist now, he's done all he can but I never told him I was a recovering self-harmist. (Had him 6 months) I'm now relying on a dear friend of mine - one VERY close to me.

I'm back because someone sent me spiraling.

I thought I was done,
I thought I was fixed.

But I'm not.

YodaBearInterrupted 13-06-2011 11:09 PM

*waves to Angel*

Hope everyone is doing okay... I'm just really frustrated

shadow13 13-06-2011 11:16 PM

worked it out (been gone a long time) 8 months 2 weeks 5 days free :)?

Cazki 13-06-2011 11:19 PM

Its going to be a special occassion in less than 40 minutes

*Hugs Mark*

*Hugs MJ*

*Hugs Matt*

*Hugs Angel*

*Hugs Louise*

shadow13 13-06-2011 11:27 PM

I changed my signature, if you can see. It used to be:

Am I still falling?
It feels like it. Nobody's caught me yet...
I'm still falling and all I see is darkness.
No light. Trapped.
Forever in this nightmare called my life.
I'm fading, I'm falling... But I don't want to.

it's now what you see below.

YodaBearInterrupted 13-06-2011 11:39 PM

Hi shadow, I'm matt

What's the special occassion atlantica?

Cazki 13-06-2011 11:51 PM

well its no big deal really, but it means alot, especially when i think back and stuff. Its my 4th ryl birthday!

YodaBearInterrupted 14-06-2011 12:14 AM

Congrats lol. Actually, its almost my 4th as well :)

:makes stuff for everyone in here:

SoMuchMore 14-06-2011 04:23 AM

*hugs ian* yay happy ryl bday! lol.

*hugs matt* how r u doing now? why r u feeling frustrated? Thanks for always making us virtual goodies in here :)

*waves at angel* hope you stayed safe and found distractions.

*hugs mark* i hope you managed not to drink or injure. You are doing great hun. I know you can keep going.

*hugs louise* how r u?

*hugs shad* congrats on being free for so long! thats awesome!

*hugs laura* So you asked this way long time ago, but I haven't been able to get on for long enough to respond... but I'm home for 3 months unfortunately... i don't know what I'm going to do.

*hugs mj* you are not a hypocrite hun. Nobody here is... We are all struggling and trying to help.

*hugs felicia* welcome back! I'm sure your grandparents dont feel like you are intruding. Hope you got some rest.

*hugs oliver* i hope you stayed safe.

*hugs laura* good luck with M. Stay safe hun. I'll miss you too.

I'm still here.... yeah... I don't know what to say about myself. I'm annoyed with my family and flat.

shattered1 14-06-2011 04:43 AM

waves hi then curls up in corner

Emo 14-06-2011 08:27 AM

Good Morning everyone * waves*
How is everyone doing today ?

Doikers 14-06-2011 09:51 AM

*Waves to Angel*

*Hugs Shad* Way to go you!!!

*Hugs Matthew*

*Hugs Ian*

*Hugs Laura*

*Hugs Shattered1*

shattered1 14-06-2011 12:32 PM

hi everyone
i exhausted...head pounding
grabs pillow and blanket and curls back up and tries to get some more sleep, hopefully no nightmares...just plain restful sleep

Doikers 14-06-2011 04:16 PM

*Hugs Shattered1*

*Hugs Auragrace* Hi I'm Mark :)

Emo 14-06-2011 04:33 PM

Auragrace am sorry you are stressing out i understand how you feel I am quite big myself and i struggle with my weight and size too

If you need to talk just pm me

PoisonedApple 14-06-2011 05:51 PM

*hugs all who want them, waves at angel*

Doikers 14-06-2011 05:55 PM

*Hugs Crimson* How are you hun?

*Waves to Angel* What do the characters before Allah in you sig mean ?

Emo 14-06-2011 05:59 PM

It Arabic for Allah.
I asked on a Muslim forum if it ok to be on this forum or not am waiting for answer.
It will be a shame if its harm ( bad) as i like it here

PoisonedApple 14-06-2011 06:17 PM

*hugs Mark* I dunno quite yet today... How are you doing?

Angel, I don't see how it could be harm as it is meant to help you not to harm and to recover from it.

Emo 14-06-2011 06:26 PM

Harm ( pronouced ha'rum ) means things that Muslims arent allowed to do because it affects there Eman. ( there soul ) Eg. like cutting is harm and so is eating meat that isnt halal meat
There are certain rules that Muslims must fallow if we dont want to go to the hellfire.

misskitty112 14-06-2011 06:46 PM

*hugs ward*
I am FREAKING OUT about seeing my mom this evening.

Emo 14-06-2011 06:49 PM

why are you freaking out ?

Doikers 14-06-2011 06:56 PM

*Waves to Angel* I hope it's okay to stay here, this is a support forum , we don't encourage Injury.

*Hugs Crimson* Minds Racing away so fast.

*Hugs Felicia* I love you <3

PoisonedApple 14-06-2011 07:13 PM

*hugs Felicia and offers tea*
*hugs Mark* I know that feeling all too well.

hmmm... Well Angel, I don't know enough about the Muslim religion to really expand on whether it would count or not but I do hope you can stay.

shattered1 14-06-2011 07:35 PM

Well I made it through yesterday without doing anything, but urges still strong... just feeling so down and worthless...gonna stay in my corner...
waves to everyone

PoisonedApple 14-06-2011 07:48 PM

*sits with shattered*

Louise 14-06-2011 08:06 PM

hugs everyone

Laura2.0 14-06-2011 08:24 PM

*hugs all*
how are you all today?

Laura2.0 14-06-2011 08:45 PM

*hugs Aura* why are you so panicked?

dontwantyoutoknow 14-06-2011 09:01 PM

*hugs everyone, except Angel (waves for you :-) )*

Doikers 14-06-2011 09:27 PM

*Waves to Aura*

*Hugs Crimson*

*Hugs Louise*

*Hus Laura*

*Hugs MJ*

*Hugs Shattered1*

Emo 14-06-2011 09:43 PM

Just had a nice bath going to pray soon , kinda hungry as well unsure what to have weather to eat anything at all because am so fat :(

aklx 14-06-2011 09:45 PM


PoisonedApple 14-06-2011 09:55 PM

Please eat something, Angel, even if it's small.

*hugs Mrs Pan* what's up?

*hugs all*

Doikers 14-06-2011 10:05 PM

*Waves to Angel*

*Hugs Mrs Pan*

*Hugs Crimson*

aklx 14-06-2011 10:06 PM

Just feeling a bit restless and annoyed y'know.
This thread feels like it's got a bit religion-orientated lately so I've tried to stay away but yeah. It's alright.
Hope you're okay :)

Emo 14-06-2011 10:15 PM

Sorry i wont post again

PoisonedApple 14-06-2011 10:22 PM

*shrugs* I know religion motivates a good number of people's reactions or causes upsets at times so I don't mind it if it isn't being pushed on me. Now that being said, if people try to convert me, that is when we have a problem. I do know what you mean though.
And yes, okay... that's an adequate word for how I am today. *nods*
Trying to distract a bit... Considering making a podcast so I've been busying myself picking out music I'd play.

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