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frenchhorn 15-11-2010 10:54 AM

the crisis team are coming in 10 minutes, I'm terrified. *hides*

Doikers 15-11-2010 11:02 AM

*MASSIVE HUGS OLIVER* I hope it goes well for you and my thoughts are with you .

Laura2.0 15-11-2010 11:25 AM

*hugs oliver* hope it all goes well
*hugs mark* how are you today?

Doikers 15-11-2010 11:25 AM

If anyone here has ever been wild camping could you please check out my thread here and if you have any advice I'd be grateful :)


*Hugs Lore*How are you ?

Laura2.0 15-11-2010 11:40 AM

*hugs mark* I replied to your thread

I don't know how I am today... just got up an hour ago.

*hugs thalia* I can see you reading the thread :P

Doikers 15-11-2010 11:49 AM

Well I just got up an hour and a half ago Lore heh , bit numb . it's the one week anniversary of Grandma dying :(

frenchhorn 15-11-2010 12:07 PM

*hugs Mark and Lore*

They have just left, it was okish they are coming back on wednesday.
I should go to uni now, but I don't want to.

Kahlia1981 15-11-2010 12:19 PM

For whoever it was who asked what a stubby cooler was (I think it was Julie): A stubby cooler is a device made out of wetsuit material which is designed to keep your stubby of beer/can of coke/can of spirits cool even in hot weather - as seen here.

*huggles everybody and waves at anyone who cannot accept hugs*

Things have been interesting lately. My sleep has been getting extremely violent. I got up at about 01:00 am last night/this morning and had managed to unmake the bed - including stripping the underneath pillow. Not the pillow immediately under my head, but the one beneath that. I remade the bed before I went back to bed/sleep .... but this morning I was wondering why I bothered ....

I'm hoping this violent sleeping which was been happening since the wedding is due to my medication timing being disrupted so will start to settle down again. *fingers crossed*

Now, down to the good news. *drum roll* I got my assignment back today and I got a HD!!!!! On one section I even scored an "Exceptional" - a mark ~beyond~ a HD!! I'm just so happy and excited.

Really sorry for being so selfish and rude and only talking about myself. I haven't had a chance to catch up on all of you yet but will be able to do so tomorrow and will try and get myself to be a better wardie.

*leaves hugs and safe love and care packages for all wardies*

Doikers 15-11-2010 12:23 PM

*Hugs Kahlia* I hope your sleep settles *Crosses fingers too* Way to go on getting high marks on your assgnment :) Whats a HD ? High Degree? I never went to Uni , Sorry :S

EDIT:- 9th on curve ball :)

EDIT2:- Thanks for replying Lore :)

Kahlia1981 15-11-2010 01:30 PM

Mark: Thanks. *big hugs* Way to go on the curve ball by the way. :-) Lol. Uni's don't all have the same marking scheme's anyway but a HD stands for a High Distinction where it goes Pass; Credit; Distinction; High Distinction. For my dance teaching exams I got an Honours with Distinction which would equate to about the same thing. And don't be sorry. No-one can be expected to know everything about everything.

Doikers 15-11-2010 01:50 PM

Thanks for explaining Kahlia :) *Hugs* I currently hold 9th,11th and 13th positions on curveball , it's good if you have 5 minutes :)

Kahlia1981 15-11-2010 02:00 PM

Mark: Wow. Certainly sounds like the curveball is fun!!

risenfromperdition 15-11-2010 03:45 PM

go you kahlia :D

im not gonna be on much this week. buuut all you lot who have me on fb message me and will reply as soon as see, and i'll prolly be on for a bit at night during the week so if pm me will get it =]

*curses at uni ><*

Laura2.0 15-11-2010 05:10 PM

That's great Kahlia!

Mark: you are the master of curveball :P

*hugs Heather* I hope your weeks goes by fast.

I have to go take care of the horse now and it's raining. Don't want to go out now.

frenchhorn 15-11-2010 06:47 PM

I'm meant to be in a class in 15 minutes, but I dont think I can, no concentration, no energy, want to sleep and too anxious. **** life is a mess.

*hugs all*

MammaMia 15-11-2010 06:48 PM

Mark, you have to delete multiple scores & keep your highest I'm afraid. It even states that in the Arcade.

*hugs everybody* Sorry we're all struggling so much.

Doikers 15-11-2010 06:59 PM

*Hugs Oliver*

*Hugs Helen* Oh thanks I didn't know that ,I'll take a look.

Doikers 15-11-2010 10:28 PM

Well goodness the ward has been quiet tonight . Which is good I suppose as you are all doing things you want to be doing (I hope)

*Goodnight hugs my wardies*

misskitty112 15-11-2010 10:43 PM

Night, Mark. *hugs*

one_step_closer 16-11-2010 12:25 AM

Night, Mark.

How is everyone else?

Cazki 16-11-2010 12:36 AM

*Hugs Lindsay* Not great how are you?

one_step_closer 16-11-2010 12:47 AM

I'm sorry to hear that, Ian. Is there anything you want to talk about?

I'm really struggling not to overdose. I was told by the voluntary crisis team to go to A&E so I did, yesterday, and the psych nurse who saw me basically told me to stop coming to A&E and wasting their time.

MammaMia 16-11-2010 12:54 AM

Oh Lindsay, that's horrible :( You have every right to attend A&E. I'm sorry everyone's being so useless!!!! Please don't overdose sweetie. It won't make you feel any better xx

Ian, want to talk why you're not feeling so great?

Mark, it has been quiet. I fell asleep LOL (keep doing that!), woke up, had dinner, spoke to my best friend & then been doing various small tasks.

Tomorrow could be an interesting day at college. All girls except three of us are celebrating Eid Mubarak. So we're not sure if our tutorial & class will happen. Depends if 5+ people come in, if so, lesson will happen. If not, we'll just be made to do work which is fine by me. Could phone in 'sick' but I just know I'd waste a whole day & dwell on things.

I'm mostly okay. A little sad =/ Just feeling really vulnerable & fragile. Stuff's getting to me :S

Cazki 16-11-2010 12:59 AM

It started yesterday my mood just dropped quite quickly and i just dont feel myself at the moment. Fed up. I'v had depression for some time so im thinking its that, sometimes i struggle.

misskitty112 16-11-2010 02:33 AM

*Hugs Ian* If you need me, my PM box is always open.
*Hugs Helen* I'm sorry you're so fragile.
*Hugs Lindsay* You have every right to go to A&E.

Doikers 16-11-2010 10:01 AM

*Hugs Felicia*

*Hugs Lindsay* Thats awful , you do have the right to be cared for at A&E if you need it .

*Hugs Ian*

*Hugs Helen*

All girls except three of us are celebrating Eid Mubarak.
What is This? ^^^^

misskitty112 16-11-2010 04:06 PM

*sits in ward*

MammaMia 16-11-2010 04:34 PM


What would you wear if your workplace (or college/uni) was wearing PJs?

I'm planning to wear my PJs obviously, debating on my dressing gown. Can't decide what to wear on my feet either!! Someone suggested I should wear a top & leggings under my PJs (so I don't get cold!!!)

Any suggestions? I'm sure I'll eventually decide!

SoMuchMore 16-11-2010 05:02 PM

*hugs helen* pj day! how fun lol. that is a good suggestion about the leggings b/c unless you're planning on wearing sweatpants as your pjs (which happens almost everyday at my uni lol) it might be cold. As for your feet... Do you have any like slippers with rubber bottoms? Those would probably be the best for going outside with and keep you from slipping on inside floors. I would suggest wearing socks too so your feet won't get cold. If not... umm... go with whatever shoes u have that are most comfortable, no one can argue if your super comfy lol.

*hugs mark* hows it going?

*hugs felicia* how r u today?

*hugs lindsay* thats horrible. you have every right to go to the a&e if you feel like your in trouble. I'm sorry that they treated you like that.

*hugs ian* i'm sorry to hear that your mood crashed. depression can be so hard like that. Always here if you need to talk.

I know there have been more posts than this but I have to run to class so i just did people on this page. I didn't mean to leave anyone out. *huggles everyone i missed*

I'm soooo sleepy. I had to interview someone this morning and the only time she could meet was at 8am... which means i had to get up at like 6:30 to look nice and get there on time. Its hard to get up at 6:30 when i couldnt sleep until 2am. I think a nap is in my near future.

Doikers 16-11-2010 05:34 PM

*Hugs Felicia*

*Hugs Laura* *Makes coffee to perk you up:)*

*Hugs Helen* Well , For Pj Day I'd wear (If I was you) tights or leggings underneath and a t-shirt too and take a dressing gown with you in case it gets nippy .

PoisonedApple 16-11-2010 06:44 PM

Sorry bout the other day guys... I'm feeling a bit better...
So tired of everything going wrong when I try so hard to make it go right...

Doikers 16-11-2010 06:53 PM

*Squishes Crimson*<3

SparkleKitten 16-11-2010 07:08 PM

So fed up today, more moaning, from all over the place. Don't want to have to deal with anymore of this.

Doikers 16-11-2010 07:13 PM

*Hugs Lore*

I'm sorry all I have to offer are Hugs :S

PoisonedApple 16-11-2010 07:16 PM

*Squishes Mark* How are you? I got you email and meant to email back some support... then things started falling apart... Sorry. But I did read and i will be here for you this week *extra huggles*

misskitty112 16-11-2010 07:25 PM

Writing poetry exhausts me.
Life exhausts me.

*hugs ward* sorry, I'm pretty useless today.

Laura2.0 16-11-2010 07:28 PM

*hugs ward* how are you all today?

I'm anxious, because of a long trip tomorrow.

Doikers 16-11-2010 07:31 PM

*Hugs Crimson* Thankyou :) that means a lot to me

*Hugs Felicia* <3

*Hugs Lore* Where are you going tomorrow?

MammaMia 16-11-2010 07:35 PM

*hugs everybody*

Thanks for the suggestions Mark & Laura =)

Laura2.0 16-11-2010 07:44 PM

Mark: I'm going to an information day at university tomorrow. It takes 4 hours to get there by train one way.

what's up Ribenalion? (sorry, dont know your name)

Doikers 16-11-2010 08:12 PM

What is WRONG with me?!?!?!?! .I try to enjoy a game , a meal , a Film but will my mind let me ? Nope. I can't enjoy anything *sigh* I've read that this is common in takers of Lithium * sighs again*

misskitty112 16-11-2010 08:14 PM

*Hugs Mark*
I wrote a poem entitled "Leaving" for my dad in Creative Writing today. Posted it on facebook. Fun stuff, I'm baring my soul to 682 people... Oh well.

PoisonedApple 16-11-2010 08:25 PM

*huggles Mark* Have you talked to your doctors about it?

*hugs Felicia*

Doikers 16-11-2010 08:34 PM

Do you mind if I read your poem Felicia?

Doikers 16-11-2010 08:39 PM

Just rambling , I think this could be VERY triggerring so take care viewing and stay safe guys n gals.

The following content has been hidden - Reason : Triggering
Ugh I HATE myself , So now I'm sat here with toilet paper strapped to a dress ing that is the 2nd one that has been bled through ., I just wanted to feel a realease , and I did but now I want it to stop bleeding .Please

PoisonedApple 16-11-2010 08:49 PM

Mark, hun, if it doesn't stop bleeding soon, maybe you should go to A&E.
*cuddles Mark* we don't want anything bad to happen to you.

Doikers 16-11-2010 09:04 PM

Crimson Thankyou *Hugs* It's slowed right down , even stopped .

EDIT:- Definately stopped , Phew :S Sorry I'm this whiny self absorbed person

Laura2.0 16-11-2010 09:42 PM

*hugs mark* you are not the only self absorbed person here and you are not definitely not whiny!

Can I read the poem too, please?

PoisonedApple 16-11-2010 09:52 PM

Not whiny and self absorbed, Mark :)

and now for something that won't make sense (but i have to say it outside my mind).... Well, that may or may not have been a huge mistake!
*crosses fingers*

Doikers 16-11-2010 09:57 PM

*Hugs Lore* Did I miss something? , sorry :S

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