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not_so_insig 03-04-2018 12:10 PM

The thing is that I had another flavour of angel delight so you would think that they would give me all the same flavour. I hope that I like it.

Aubergine 03-04-2018 12:22 PM

I hope you like it too, Dawn. :)

I'm tired. Is now a suitable time for a nap?

not_so_insig 03-04-2018 12:45 PM

I would say so Ducky.

Aubergine 03-04-2018 12:48 PM

Thanks Dawn. :)

You up to much?

not_so_insig 03-04-2018 12:59 PM

Nope just watching tv.

Aubergine 03-04-2018 01:03 PM

What's on?

I'm listening to music still. Got Paolo Nutini on at the moment.::

not_so_insig 03-04-2018 02:26 PM

I am watching Are You Being Served the film.

Aubergine 03-04-2018 02:30 PM

Oh cool. I've never it. Hope you're enjoying it. :)

chinahorse 03-04-2018 03:22 PM

It's so sunny here! I'm moving jeremey (plant) around my living room so he gets some exposure lol. Nearly knocked him over when I was hoovering though :/

Hope you enjoy the film dawn.

Paulo nutini reminds me a bit of George ezra. I'm into jess glynn and rag n bone man atm.

Aubergine 03-04-2018 03:25 PM

Hey Lillie! Hooray for sunshine! Good plan to move Jeremey the Plant around to give him a good dose of light! I'm sure he forgives you for nearly knocking him over! :)

Oh I love Rag n Bone Man!

chinahorse 03-04-2018 03:34 PM

His lyrics and voice are so beautiful and so raw.

I need to decide what to do now. The only things left on my list are call people and collect train tickets. The latter can wait and I can't call people when the washing machine is on.

Might have to be nap time lol

Aubergine 03-04-2018 03:37 PM

You've been so productive. You are always so productive. I'm quite in awe! Nap time sounds good. :)

chinahorse 03-04-2018 03:41 PM

Hah. It's because I don't do much other than work on work days. That leaves lots to do on a day off.

Aubergine 03-04-2018 03:50 PM

I guess it does! Hopefully your new job will be better for yyour health.

chinahorse 03-04-2018 03:57 PM

I hope so! They kept saying it can get hectic. I was like love you have no idea what I deal with rn :-P
A phone ringing and 2 people at the desk is nothing lol

chinahorse 03-04-2018 03:58 PM

Wish I could afford to just leave but they'll take at least a weeks wages off me if I do.

Eska 03-04-2018 04:34 PM

Plus the thing about hectic is that whether or not it’s draining depends so much on the environment you’re in and how supported you feel.

chinahorse 03-04-2018 04:54 PM

Yep. And I won't ever have to be a lone worker again!!

Trying to decide if it's too late for a nap now. But I so nees to go get my meds and go back to the gp to see if the cmht has sent them my meds change.

Aubergine 03-04-2018 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by Eska (Post 4167187)
Plus the thing about hectic is that whether or not it’s draining depends so much on the environment you’re in and how supported you feel.

This. Definitely this!

And hooray for no more lone working! I used to really hate lone working.

Do you need to go into your GP or cold you just phone them? Nap now may disrupt sleep later, but I guess it depends on how your body works. :)

Physiotherapist is nice. I see her again on Friday.

chinahorse 03-04-2018 05:34 PM

I've got meds now and the gp is between my house and the pharmacy (gp is 5 houses away) so I went in. Good thing I did as the blood test I missed is because they won't prescribe my new med without it. Oops. Now have a call back because I'll run out of tablets before the blood test because it's next week as work. I now have 2 nurse appointments on the same day lol.

Oh that is good. How did you get on there? Does she have any ideas how to help?

Eska 03-04-2018 05:45 PM

Oh Lillie, that sounds complicated! It always feels silly to end up with two appointments on the same day, sometimes necessary though.

Aubergine I’m glad the physio was nice :)

nonperson 03-04-2018 06:31 PM

Hi all.

Eska 03-04-2018 06:52 PM

Hi nonperson, how are you doing?

chinahorse 03-04-2018 07:05 PM

Hey :)

nonperson 03-04-2018 07:08 PM

Hi Eska. I'm ok... totally pooped from work though. How're you?

Hi chinahorse - congrats on the new job. =D

Eska 03-04-2018 07:15 PM

I’m a bit down but otherwise ok. My housemates are around which is nice.

I guess this must be quite a busy time of year for you in work?

nonperson 03-04-2018 07:18 PM

I'm glad you've got someone around.

Yeah, it's all starting to grow now. Got a plant show at the weekend too so there will be even more chaos from Friday. =/

Aubergine 03-04-2018 07:21 PM


one_step_closer 03-04-2018 07:21 PM

Hi. Don't know what to say except hi.

Apart from - Well done Lillie!

one_step_closer 03-04-2018 07:22 PM

Hi Aubergine, how are you getting on?

nonperson 03-04-2018 07:24 PM

Hi one_step_closer and Aubergine. =)

Aubergine 03-04-2018 07:26 PM

Hi Lindsay and Person. :)

What have you both been up to today?

nonperson 03-04-2018 07:30 PM

Moving a lot of plants around! And trying to prepare for the flower show at the weekend. =S

How're you?

one_step_closer 03-04-2018 07:35 PM

Sounds busy NP. Is there a lot of work to be done?

I had an appointment with my CPN then went a bus journey and ended up in McDonalds.

nonperson 03-04-2018 07:38 PM

Always lots of work to be done but this is the start of the extra busy season.

McDonalds is a good place to end up. =)

Buttons. 03-04-2018 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by nonperson (Post 4167222)

McDonalds is a good place to end up. =)


Hey all :)

one_step_closer 03-04-2018 07:42 PM

Is the flower show with your work or is it your personal garden?

I was hoping to have a half battered pizza this week but can't now that I've had a McDonalds! I only went to McDonalds because I was hungry and it was wet and there was no where else to sit in. Won a sausage and egg McMuffin but I am rarely out and about during their breakfast time.

one_step_closer 03-04-2018 07:43 PM

Hi Buttons. How are you?

We should have a McDonalds meet up.

Buttons. 03-04-2018 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by one_step_closer (Post 4167224)

I was hoping to have a half battered pizza

Battered pizza? You're going to have to explain that one, and/or I'm being thick.

one_step_closer 03-04-2018 07:46 PM

Haha! I had to explain that to NP too.

It's just half a pizza, battered and deep fried. So, so good.

Buttons. 03-04-2018 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by one_step_closer (Post 4167225)
Hi Buttons. How are you?

We should have a McDonalds meet up.

I'm okay :) and definitely McDonalds meet up. Love their fries.

Buttons. 03-04-2018 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by one_step_closer (Post 4167227)

It's just half a pizza, battered and deep fried. So, so good.

So wrong 0.o

Aubergine 03-04-2018 07:50 PM

I'm ok.

Battered pizza sounds delicious! So bad, but so good!

nonperson 03-04-2018 07:51 PM

Hehe, I remember the half battered pizza confusion! Sounds so wrong, but tastes so good?

The flower show is at work. =)

Buttons. 03-04-2018 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by Aubergine (Post 4167230)
I'm ok.

Battered pizza sounds delicious! So bad, but so good!



Originally Posted by nonperson (Post 4167231)

The flower show is at work. =)

Sounds fab :) What's your favourite flower?

Aubergine 03-04-2018 08:05 PM

You can't shun me!

nonperson 03-04-2018 08:07 PM

Eek, favourite flower is a very broad question. I'm showing Camellia flowers at the show so they're my current favourite. =)

Sketchy 03-04-2018 08:09 PM

Hey all.

I’m just back from an Italian restaurant ten minutes away from my flat with my sister. It was my treat, because my sister got a new job. Was yummy.

nonperson 03-04-2018 08:28 PM

That's nice of you, Lorraine! What did you have to eat?

one_step_closer 03-04-2018 08:32 PM

Battered pizza is such a great experience, seriously!

Sounds good Lorraine, although I bet there was no battered pizza there! :laugh:

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