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Doikers 12-12-2010 08:03 PM

*Hugs Felicia* I'm glad you had such a great time last night :) and at least you have your uni work out , Thats a start, you seem a very good student and I'm sure you'll get your work done :) (Thats meant to sound encourageing)

*Hugs Lindsay* You could say "hey okay , whens convinient for you for a cuppa?" and arrange an informal sort of chat with her , she sounds very nice :)

SparkleKitten 12-12-2010 08:07 PM

For those who have Twitter, I just started an almost anon. account so people can keep up with how I feel but not know its me, if you get what I mean


Doikers 12-12-2010 08:15 PM

I've never ever been on twitter Sarah, Is it good?

xxjuliexx 12-12-2010 08:18 PM

-sits sniffling- i sorry about last night

Doikers 12-12-2010 08:22 PM

Why Sorry Owen? are you okay?

xxjuliexx 12-12-2010 08:32 PM

stupid computer i wrote a reply and posteded it but it didnt post -frowns-

Doikers 12-12-2010 08:34 PM

oh that happens to me too sometimes , what did you say?

misskitty112 12-12-2010 08:37 PM

Mark, thanks. It was encouraging. I made it through half a chapter in Marketing before my brain got boggled with "global marketing strategies," "adapted global marketing," "too much Americanization in marketing," etc etc. Break time, for sure.

Owen, it's okay. What's wrong, dear?

SparkleKitten 12-12-2010 09:50 PM

Twitter is handy for posting without being traced. I've set mine up to use as a journal, just updates about my moods so I can track them

I keep seeing Rebecca in my dreams, and sometimes I hear her voice when I'm awake. Not sure whats going on but I'll admit I don't dislike it. I've started posting under her name when I don't want to be identified. *shrugs*

Doikers 12-12-2010 09:59 PM

*Hugs Sarah* I might look into Twitter , Are you aware of her voice as inside your head or outside your head , sorry I'm no Dr , just trying to understand.

Doikers 12-12-2010 10:03 PM

*Hugs My Wardmates goodnight*

Busy day tomorrow , appointments at 10am,11am and 12 pm, But I like all the people :)

SparkleKitten 12-12-2010 10:04 PM

Its inside, but sometimes I say her words out loud without noticing. *shrugs*

I'll speak to my doctor about it at some point

Nighty night Mark

PsychoKitty2010 12-12-2010 11:04 PM

*hugs Lia back* I don't know what to do, either. I am not making up the fact that I have no friends here - why would I lie about such a thing? Heh. I thought I had a few, but one turned out to be a psycho bitch, and threatened to show up at my doorstep with a sword. The other 2 turned out to be nothin but users - you know, the kind that use you in whatever way they can think of but you never hear from them unless they need something, and I'm not talking just about support - they tried usin me for everything...rides to places, money, etc. I got tired of it so I cut it off with them. I haven't made any other friends in the area other than that. And as far as school goes, I am a long way from being done. I still have another 4-5 years, possibly longer because I don't know what I am wanting to major in - I'm undecided. So yeah...I'm stuck.

*hugs everyone who wants one* how is everybody?

Cazki 13-12-2010 12:36 AM

*Hugs Mark*

*Hugs Sarah*

*Hugs Lindsay*

*Hugs Owen*

*Hugs Kitty*

I suffer with deppression to, iv had it for quite some time now, sometimes its really bad. Felt down last night, but im better now.

SparkleKitten 13-12-2010 12:57 AM

*cuddles all who want* Is it strange I spend all my time craving seeing/hearing Rebecca? I don't know whats going on, she's not real but I miss her

risenfromperdition 13-12-2010 01:05 AM

geez laura, it was like 45 here o.O
no trading :P

risenfromperdition 13-12-2010 01:07 AM

felicia, hope you getted your stuff done :)
that said... im off for the night,
bye bye loves :)

might be back on periodically buuut

xxjuliexx 13-12-2010 01:07 AM


Originally Posted by Monsoon (Post 2606442)
*Hugs Mark*

*Hugs Sarah*

*Hugs Lindsay*

*Hugs Owen*

hun u probably dont know owen that well yet but please dont hug him unless he asks or hugs u first ok


Originally Posted by Ribenalion (Post 2606482)
*cuddles all who want* Is it strange I spend all my time craving seeing/hearing Rebecca? I don't know whats going on, she's not real but I miss her

and i feel real stupid in asking this but whos Rebecca?

risenfromperdition 13-12-2010 01:13 AM

hey julie, how you doin :)

xxjuliexx 13-12-2010 01:14 AM

*hugs heather* hi hunny

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