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nonperson 16-08-2018 07:31 PM

That looks like the sign language diagram for facepalm. =P

Buttons. 16-08-2018 07:32 PM

And now video won't share *growls* ….or does the sign for f*ck off. Eitherway.

one_step_closer 16-08-2018 07:33 PM

I did a class on sign language and remember the tutor dedicated some time to teaching us swear words and sex related words, although I retained none of it.

Buttons. 16-08-2018 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by one_step_closer (Post 4185910)
Haha! Name me what, that's the order you sign it in right?

Yes I was just trying to translate :) Normally in sign as you pointed out object comes first.

Why won't the video bloody download???? Hate video lots-there you go.

nonperson 16-08-2018 07:35 PM

You don't need to prove it, Buttons. I believe you.

Plus people that say they speak/write another language could be copying it from google!

Buttons. 16-08-2018 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by nonperson (Post 4185913)
That looks like the sign language diagram for facepalm. =P

Thanks :P

one_step_closer 16-08-2018 07:35 PM

What are you doing to break the video Buttons? :tongue2:

one_step_closer 16-08-2018 07:36 PM

OMG, after having a second look at your drawing it looks like ET!

Buttons. 16-08-2018 07:38 PM

It'll let me show images here but not videos. Hmm.I downloaded the videos to the same site I link images to here to and it's having none of it.

one_step_closer 16-08-2018 07:40 PM

RYL is partially broken though.

Buttons. 16-08-2018 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by one_step_closer (Post 4185920)
OMG, after having a second look at your drawing it looks like ET!

NO IT DOESN'T :p Can you imagine my friend (who is deaf) turning up on this site and going to me IS THAT THE BEST REPRESENTATION OF MY LANGUAGE YOU COULD MANAGE? Me just signing sorry and hiding in a corner :P

Buttons. 16-08-2018 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by one_step_closer (Post 4185925)
RYL is partially broken though.

Fair point.

one_step_closer 16-08-2018 07:41 PM

The head shape is definitely like ET.

Buttons. 16-08-2018 07:43 PM

I never claimed to be an artist :P Be careful or I'll draw you :P

one_step_closer 16-08-2018 07:46 PM

There's no reason why ET can't sign though, I didn't say there was anything wrong with your drawing.

nonperson 16-08-2018 07:49 PM

Draw Lindsay!

one_step_closer 16-08-2018 07:51 PM

Nooooo don't! That would be awful (not the drawing, but because it would be me). I am especially absolutely terrified of ending up on TV in the background one day. *hides from everyone*

nonperson 16-08-2018 07:57 PM

Aw sorry. I'm sure Buttons' drawing wouldn't be a realistic version of you, based on her previous artwork.

I ended up in the background of a photo on an online newspaper last year... =/ Luckily it was blurry.

one_step_closer 16-08-2018 07:59 PM

I find Buttons' artwork extremely realistic. :whistling:

At my last job they had a magazine for service users and they were putting photos of the new staff in them and they had taken some of me when I was talking which looked so ridiculous so I asked them to change it to the one of me smiling but they didn't. Absolute horror!

nonperson 16-08-2018 08:04 PM

It probably didn't look as bad as you thought. Photos never do!

nonperson 16-08-2018 08:04 PM

Buttons has gone suspiciously quiet. I hope she's busy creating her next masterpiece in the background. =P

one_step_closer 16-08-2018 08:10 PM

I got a copy of the magazine, I cried!!! I hope all copies have vanished.

Buttons is always creating some kind of masterpiece. We should steal all her work from this thread and make a book.

Buttons. 16-08-2018 08:17 PM

Ha ha my dog wanted to play and I got distracted thowing a ball again and again and again :P

I'm so tempted to do a pic of all of you with my MAGESTIC artistic talents :P

Buttons. 16-08-2018 08:24 PM

Also here are you and Lins NP too tired to draw everybody right now but this should suffice (also in case the EPIC artwork didn't explain Lins you are holding a book and Np I remember you saying liking cheese so that's what that is :P

nonperson 16-08-2018 08:32 PM


I'm actually chuckling out loud!

And I'm glad you gave an explanation of who is who because I never would have guessed! And yes I do like cheese. XD

nonperson 16-08-2018 08:32 PM

Also... why have I got no face?!

Buttons. 16-08-2018 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by nonperson (Post 4185960)

I'm actually chuckling out loud!

And I'm glad you gave an explanation of who is who because I never would have guessed! And yes I do like cheese. XD

Are you doubting my artistic ability?????


Originally Posted by nonperson (Post 4185962)
Also... why have I got no face?!

Please don't make me go back and edit the thing again. You got CHEESE LEAVE ME ALONE.

nonperson 16-08-2018 08:37 PM

Not doubting your ability at all... You do abstract incredibly well. =P

I wouldn't dream of making you edit it!

Buttons. 16-08-2018 08:39 PM

Why thankyou *bows*

nonperson 16-08-2018 08:40 PM

Needed cheering up tonight, thanks. =)

Buttons. 16-08-2018 08:45 PM

Glad to serve :P

chinahorse 16-08-2018 08:56 PM

hey :)

Deborrah 16-08-2018 08:56 PM

Your drawings are magnificent. Have you considered selling them? :P

Deborrah 16-08-2018 09:01 PM

Hi Chinahorse!

Aubergine 16-08-2018 09:15 PM


not_so_insig 16-08-2018 09:20 PM

Hi Ducky

chinahorse 16-08-2018 09:39 PM

Hey aubergine and masika :)

Why can't it be Friday night instead of Thursday night?

Deborrah 16-08-2018 09:49 PM

It's one night away, what's on Friday night?

Aubergine 16-08-2018 09:51 PM

Hey Dawn and Lillie and Masika!

How are you guys?

Deborrah 16-08-2018 09:54 PM

Hi Aubergine, I just started a new project. How are you? :)

Aubergine 16-08-2018 09:58 PM

I'm OK. Though I thought "I'll go into my bedroom and take meds and have a drink and a snack and go to bed." I came into my bedroom and forgot meds, a drink and a snack. :wow:

New project sounds fun. What is it?

I also started a new project! I'm learning a new song onthe piano. :)

Deborrah 16-08-2018 09:59 PM

That happens to me so often!
I decided to try and make a short animated film. I haven't done so in a few years.

What song are you learning? :D

Aubergine 16-08-2018 10:02 PM

Hehe. I'm glad it's not just me! :)

Oh that sounds fun! How exciting. I hope you really enjoy doing it.

I am learning a song called 'Oceans'.

Deborrah 16-08-2018 10:10 PM

It happened to me just a few minutes ago. I forgot my tea from downstairs.
I think I will! I'm a big fan of traditional 2D animation(in case you couldn't tell from my avatar :P) and when I was younger I wanted to be an animator.

Ooh, who is it by? I know a song called Oceans on the piano as well. I hope you have fun learning it, it's such an awesome feeling to learn something new :)

I won't have internet for a few days, my mobile data is ending tomorrow and we're getting a new one set up on the 22nd.

not_so_insig 17-08-2018 12:19 PM

Hello all.

Deborrah 17-08-2018 12:31 PM

Hi there :)
I still have internet, I wonder for how long.

one_step_closer 17-08-2018 03:16 PM


Wonderfully realistic drawings Buttons, can I share your cheese NP?

How are you all today?

chinahorse 17-08-2018 06:13 PM

Hi guys. So glad it's the weekend!

How're you all?

one_step_closer 17-08-2018 06:15 PM

Hi Lillie, what will you be doing this weekend? Well done for making it through the week!

chinahorse 17-08-2018 06:22 PM

Thanks :) don't have any specific plans just rest up as I'm physically not well.

How about yourself?

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