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Sketchy 27-08-2017 08:19 PM

We only had it as my sister's birthday treat. It's certainly not a regular thing. Tasty though!

I think I'll watch a bit of Netflix.

Cacoethes 27-08-2017 08:22 PM

I only ever have it at Christmas really.
Occasionally with the family if we go out for a birthday which is pretty rare

Good plan

[Luna] 28-08-2017 10:25 AM

Morning guys <3

Eska 28-08-2017 11:01 AM

Morning Luna, how are you doing?

[Luna] 28-08-2017 11:03 AM

I came back from a festival last night. I've just had a long, much needed, soak in the bath. How are you?

Eska 28-08-2017 11:06 AM

Sounds good! Was the festival fun?

I'm ok, not really up to much today.

Sketchy 28-08-2017 11:33 AM

Morning all.

I'm in the car going to Arran. We are waiting to get on the ferry. It's absolutely pouring down!

How is everyone?

Cacoethes 28-08-2017 12:12 PM

Morning guys!

Did you enioy the festival Luna?

I hope you have a good journey Lorraine!

It is absolutely boiling here!
I am melting!

not_so_insig 28-08-2017 12:25 PM

Hope you enjoy Arran Lorraine.

Sketchy 28-08-2017 12:42 PM

Thanks guys.

I'm on the ferry just now.

Shy_Bambi 28-08-2017 12:49 PM

Hello all!! I hope you enjoy your time there Lorraine, also hopes it stops raining soon!
It is very hot, I have curtains closed to block the sun and have my fan on.
Hope you had fun at the festival Luna!!

Cacoethes 28-08-2017 12:52 PM

I like ferrys!
We used to get the ferry abroad when I was younger and there was a pool and a cinema and kids clubs and stuff.
It was fun!

Shy_Bambi 28-08-2017 01:26 PM

I used to go on a ferry to France once a year when I was little with my mum and grandad, I loved it. I spent half the time just gazing at the sea trying to spot dolphins! Good times and memories :D

Cacoethes 28-08-2017 01:53 PM

I saw loads of dolphins when I went on the cruises!

Shy_Bambi 28-08-2017 03:00 PM

Oh you're so lucky Beckie!!

What's everyone up to? I'm doing my dinner then probably going to nap

Cacoethes 28-08-2017 03:09 PM

Ive just mowed the lawn.
Now watching tv while eating a mini milk lolly! Nom!

Sketchy 28-08-2017 03:17 PM

We are here!!! The hotel is lovely. I'm sharing a lovely room with my sister.
We've been a walk in the rain, but the scenery is lovely .

[Luna] 28-08-2017 03:19 PM

Glad you got there safe. Hope you have a wonderful time!

Sketchy 28-08-2017 03:25 PM

Thanks Luna.

Cacoethes 28-08-2017 03:30 PM

Sounds good Lorraine!
I hope you enjoy yourself!

Sketchy 28-08-2017 05:26 PM

Just been on a stupidly long walk. The scenery was gorgeous, but I'm so tired now. Chilling in the hotel until dinner time now.

Cacoethes 28-08-2017 05:30 PM

That sounds good.
I love walks with some decent scenery!

Sketchy 28-08-2017 05:31 PM

We are next to the sea, which is lovely. It's a small island, but gorgeous.

What are you up to?

I hope everyone is enjoying their day.

Cacoethes 28-08-2017 05:34 PM

Im so jealous!

Im just watching a film.
Absolutely nothing on tv today!

Buttons. 28-08-2017 05:37 PM

Sounds lovely Lorraine.

I'm on a simpsons/harry potter fest.

Cacoethes 28-08-2017 05:47 PM

Cant go wrong with simpsons and harry potter!!

Sketchy 28-08-2017 05:48 PM

I like the simpsons.

Eska 28-08-2017 05:48 PM

I'm watching House :) although the episodes I particularly want to watch are on the one disc that's missing from the box set. Boo.

Sketchy 28-08-2017 05:48 PM

That's a shame Eska. I hope you find it.

Eska 28-08-2017 06:01 PM

I'd like to find it! Although it could be anywhere in a number of different houses I've lived in in the last few years, or my sister might have it, so I'm not optimistic!

Aubergine 28-08-2017 06:04 PM

Hey. :)

Sketchy 28-08-2017 06:08 PM

Hey Aubergine. How are you?

Eska 28-08-2017 06:11 PM

Hiya Aubergine :)

Cacoethes 28-08-2017 06:12 PM

Which episodes are your favourite eska?

Hi aubergine!

Aubergine 28-08-2017 06:18 PM

Hey everyone. Thanks for the welcome.

I am in need of distraction.

Eska 28-08-2017 06:19 PM

I'm.not sure about favourite, they're just where I got to when I was watching them all through before! The ones I'm missing are the last episodes of season 5. I do like all the ones with 13, she's my favourite character.

Cacoethes 28-08-2017 06:21 PM

Well youve come to the right place aubergine!
The thread seems to be a bit more active now!

13 is a good character!
I can't decide who my favourite is!
I like Wilson!

Aubergine 28-08-2017 06:24 PM

I haven't seen House for years!

Sketchy 28-08-2017 06:30 PM

I rarely watched house, but I like Hugh Laurie so maybe I should watch it.

Aubergine 28-08-2017 06:36 PM

Hugh Laurie is great! I love him in Black Adder.

I'm watching The IT Crowd.

Sketchy 28-08-2017 06:37 PM

I love blackadder! I have them all on DVD.

IT crowd is a good choice too.

Aubergine 28-08-2017 06:39 PM

Cool! I used to watch them all the time as my Step Dad had them on VHS! I am old...

Sketchy 28-08-2017 06:40 PM

I'm old too. I remember when DVD first came out.

Aubergine 28-08-2017 06:51 PM

Hehe. I'm glad I'm not alone! I rarely watch anything on DVD now. I watch everything on Netflix or Amazon Prime!

Cacoethes 28-08-2017 06:54 PM

IT crowd is great.
My favourite one is when they first let Richmond out!

I am also old!!

Aubergine 28-08-2017 07:19 PM

Oh I love that one too, Beckie!

Old. We are old. I'm 30. I cannot believe I'm 30.

Cacoethes 28-08-2017 07:24 PM

I'm gonna be 26 in October.
The wrong side of 25!!
Oh the regrets!
Lol :p

Aubergine 28-08-2017 07:31 PM


Cacoethes 28-08-2017 07:35 PM

Aubergine 28-08-2017 07:39 PM

Exactly! Hehe, that's brilliant!

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