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long road 28-07-2023 07:37 PM

I guess people are eating less meat and meat is easiest way to get iron?

I have to do some extra tests to check I don't have a bleed somewhere as my iron was fine a month and a half ago. One of them involves a poo sample...

tamobhuuta 28-07-2023 07:51 PM

Ewy. I'm glad I've never had to do that, wee is bad enough.

long road 28-07-2023 07:57 PM

I know right! I am not looking forward to it AT ALL.

(Also if people wish me to edit post and remove reference to such things from general chat happy to do so)

Cacoethes 28-07-2023 08:08 PM

Meh. I swear there's like an incognito person who just goes around PRing random stuff, like the overzealous, self appointed sheriff of ryl XD
I think what you've said so far is fine!
We all know meat has more iron in than some other foods!

Ah yeah, i had to do a stool sample once. And i labelled it wrong and they asked me to do it again. I never did, because i nearly threw up doing it the first time. Lol.
Weird that i used to be a care assistant! I could stomach anything back then!

long road 28-07-2023 08:17 PM

Maybe it's a exposure thing when you see it a lot you care less. Plus carers have gloves!!

Cacoethes 28-07-2023 08:24 PM

I wasn't that bothered about it in the first place tbh!
I also have gloves XD
Only have them to clean out the boy's cage, nothing dodgy :tongue2:

long road 28-07-2023 08:28 PM

Loving the clarification there XD

I am roleplaying now. We just got reinforcements in our epic final battle against the super bad alien boss.

nonperson 28-07-2023 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by long road (Post 4358800)
Hey NP I see you!

Belated hi!

Ugh, I was anaemic last year and had to do a stool sample too. It's weird and gross but fairly simple and you only need to collect a tiny tiny bit!

tamobhuuta 28-07-2023 08:43 PM

Ryl didn't post my post :(

Is there a pet you can train to clean their own poo?

long road 28-07-2023 08:44 PM


Glad the process is fairly simple. I am picking up a testing kit on Monday :hazard:

Cacoethes 28-07-2023 08:50 PM

Good luck with the alien boss!

Hello np!

Well, you can litter train rabbits!
But sadly, i don't think there's an animal that cleans its own poo.
Unless you count dogs when they do something far too disgusting to mention.

long road 28-07-2023 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by tamobhuuta (Post 4358819)
Ryl didn't post my post :(

Is there a pet you can train to clean their own poo?

Naughty RYL.

I don't think so. Although maybe there is something you could train to use a toilet.

Edit: I googled and found some cats have been trained to poop in the toilet but only if conditions are just right.

nonperson 28-07-2023 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by Cacoethes (Post 4358821)
Unless you count dogs when they do something far too disgusting to mention.

My friend's dog does that thing...

long road 28-07-2023 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by nonperson (Post 4358823)
My friend's dog does that thing...

:eek: :eek: :eek:

nonperson 28-07-2023 09:10 PM

She has many issues XD

Cacoethes 28-07-2023 09:12 PM

Vomit emoji

long road 28-07-2023 09:23 PM

So to change the subject from bodily functions (which I admit I go us on to XD) our reinforcements brought a special ancient piece of technology that is some kind of super weapon...

Pi.R^2 28-07-2023 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by Cacoethes (Post 4358811)
Meh. I swear there's like an incognito person who just goes around PRing random stuff, like the overzealous, self appointed sheriff of ryl XD

Not that I can comment on who reports anything but if there were someone of that description they should change their custom user title to "RYL sheriff"


Originally Posted by Cacoethes (Post 4358821)
Unless you count dogs when they do something far too disgusting to mention.

Assume you mean eat their own poo? Chinchillas do that apparently and it's important as it gives them a second chance to reabsorb any nutrients that they didn't get first time round - it's very sensible. It helps that chinchilla poos are as inoffensive as they get though - dry and completely odourless.

long road 28-07-2023 09:46 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Rabbits do that for same reason as chinchillas.

Also look at these crazy croc boots the internet told me about.

Attachment 23771

Pi.R^2 28-07-2023 09:46 PM

Goodness me, they are outrageous

nonperson 28-07-2023 09:54 PM

They're the worst wellies I've ever seen.

long road 28-07-2023 09:56 PM

I know right they are insane shoes!!!

nonperson 28-07-2023 09:58 PM

Could be next year's festival trend though.

Pi.R^2 28-07-2023 09:58 PM

SRS BSNS ANNOUNCEMENT FOR TAMO (to potentially read in the morning!!)

You are only 57 posts away from being the 19th highest poster of all time!!!

long road 28-07-2023 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by nonperson (Post 4358834)
They're the worst wellies I've ever seen.

All so called 'fashion' no function eh NP?

Here is a link to guardian article about them

Pi.R^2 28-07-2023 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by nonperson (Post 4358837)
Could be next year's festival trend though.

but don't they have holes in???

Pi.R^2 28-07-2023 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by long road (Post 4358839)
Here is a link to guardian article about them

Here there isn't a link to a guardian article more like :P

long road 28-07-2023 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by Pi.R^2 (Post 4358841)
Here there isn't a link to a guardian article more like :P

Lol my phone was dying so I just pressed send. Here you go https://www.theguardian.com/fashion/...-big-red-boots

long road 28-07-2023 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by Pi.R^2 (Post 4358840)
but don't they have holes in???

they appear to have holes in but are platforms so would let water in but raise you out of mud???

I mean festival fashion is rarely practical stuff.

Cacoethes 29-07-2023 06:01 AM


Originally Posted by Pi.R^2 (Post 4358831)
Not that I can comment on who reports anything but if there were someone of that description they should change their custom user title to "RYL sheriff"

Assume you mean eat their own poo? Chinchillas do that apparently and it's important as it gives them a second chance to reabsorb any nutrients that they didn't get first time round - it's very sensible. It helps that chinchilla poos are as inoffensive as they get though - dry and completely odourless.

They absolutely should!

Yep i do.
Guinea pigs also do it!
And they also have inoffensive poo. Just a LOT of it. They have to eat almost constantly just to keep their digestive system going. Gut stasis can happen super fast.

Morning everyone!

Pi.R^2 29-07-2023 10:18 AM


Do guinea pig guts also do the thing where once they go into statis they can’t ever restart their guts?

Also guys, big news, K woke me up at 00:20 to tell me there was a cat in our bedroom. We do not have a cat.

tamobhuuta 29-07-2023 10:22 AM

WOW thanks for letting me know Pi. I'm going to up my posting game to make sure I reach that goal!

I thought I was going to SI but instead I went to sleep! No more info on that, I don't want to talk about depressing things but I thought this was positive.

not_so_insig 29-07-2023 10:23 AM

Hello all.

tamobhuuta 29-07-2023 10:25 AM

Hi insig, how are you?

long road 29-07-2023 10:27 AM

Morning everyone!

Was there a cat Jenna or was K dreaming?

Well done on sleeping instead of SI Tamo.

I am very sleepy and debating whether to snooze more. Have a birthday party for partners family member who is 90 this afternoon. We are having afternoon tea at a seafront hotel.

tamobhuuta 29-07-2023 10:41 AM

Thanks LR. What an excellent thing to celebrate. Maybe get up now, seeing as you're awake, but nap later?

tamobhuuta 29-07-2023 11:07 AM

Grrr. For some bizarre reason the pharmacy doesn't open on a Saturday!

Cacoethes 29-07-2023 11:14 AM

Morning guys!
Been pretty busy in here since I've been out!

I believe guinea pigs can recover from gut stasis, but it's a veerry slow process, involving a lot of syringed critical care and fluids.
I may be wrong on that, but that's what i remember!
Which reminds me, i should order somw critical care. Hopefully i won't ever need it, but seems like a good thing to have on hand!

Well done tamo!

Wow! 90!

long road 29-07-2023 11:24 AM

90 is pretty impressive I have had a few family members reach it before. My great Uncle made it to 100! We are hoping to make it a good day for her.

I decided to stay awake and had breakfast.

Next step get dressed instead of staying in my PJ's.

Then go outsidee and have my coffee.

Gah to the pharmacy! Round here a few shut on Sundays but most are open 7 days a week. Even the pharmacy in my parents village is open Saturday morning.

Cacoethes 29-07-2023 11:28 AM

Someone at a local care home here turned 100 recently.
The care home asked people to send a card if they wanted, she got hundreds of cards and presents! Massive party at the home, local PCSOs turned up for some 'community engagement'.
It was really sweet

I hope she enjoys her day!

Pi.R^2 29-07-2023 11:31 AM

Tamo - remember hugging threads adds to your post count!! And great job on not SIing; definitely positive :)

Jen - there was indeed a cat! Hilarious! Hope you enjoy the birthday party :)

Beckie - looks like guinea pigs have the same critical care type things as chinchillas. Our Millie loved Emeraid and even though I think it's slightly less nutritious than some of the others, I'd recommend it for emergencies as it's easier. The first critical care stuff we were given barely even came out of the damn syringe.

tamobhuuta 29-07-2023 11:35 AM

Maybe I will up my hugging game.

Cacoethes 29-07-2023 11:58 AM

Cats get everywhere.
Next door's cat made it his personal mission to get into my house when i lived in the old place! He managed it a couple of times. One time when my cpn was there. I just saw him at the top of the stairs, i said 'oh, there's a cat!' And i think she assumed i was hallucinating because she didn't look round XD

Yeah sounds like it!
Thanks for the recommendation!

I was considering a jaunt up to the retail park. For no particular reason. Potentially garlic doughballs. If my brain stops being a troll XD

long road 29-07-2023 12:09 PM

Lol ninja cat! I assume they snuck in through an open window...better check your valuables incase they were also a cat burglar XD

Garlic doughballs are definitely worth a trip to the retail park! Hope your brain lets you get them.

Hug ALL the threads Tamo!

Cacoethes 29-07-2023 12:14 PM

I am unsure! Its been raining on and off!
Goes between being sunny to pouring down within minutes!

long road 29-07-2023 12:22 PM

Ah I see the dilemma being soggy sucks. It would be tolerable getting rained on on the way home but would suck on way there.

Cacoethes 29-07-2023 12:31 PM

It would!
Think I'm going to play it safe and do asda.

not_so_insig 29-07-2023 12:39 PM

Hello all again. I fell asleep which is a good thing because I am in pain :-( . Pain is due to time of the month :'-(

one_step_closer 29-07-2023 12:40 PM

Just saying hi, can?t do RYL on my phone. I want my macbook! *cries*

tamobhuuta 29-07-2023 12:48 PM

Naughty cats! Go for the doughballs!

It's quite sunny here.

Urgh, hate monthly pains. Thing is, my period also makes my constipation worse.

Hi osc! Sorry about tech woes.

I'm making chai tea.

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