I am knackered Lindsay as I have done a lot of walking today. My feet were hurting, but they're ok now.
Morning everyone!
I am very groggy this morning but trying to get back on routine after waking late the last three days. Just eating Weetabix and banana for breakfast and then I am going to have a coffee. |
I was quite groggy this morning too!
Coffee should help |
Groggy means just stay in bed! Mornings are awful. I don't even drink coffee either.
Hope you're both feeling more awake. What's everyone doing today? |
My mum has just popped in to cut the boy's nails. They are obviously not impressed XD
But they've had some treats and they will get over it! I was at the gym this morning, glow beatz later. How about you? |
I did stay in bed watching you tube for a good 45 minutes before getting up for breakfast. But did want to get back in routine so needed to stay up.
Coffee and outside has helped shakes the groggyness. Just about to meditate for a bit. And then partners parents are popping over for tea and coffee this afternoon. Great of your mum to trim the boys nails, bet that saves some coins! How is your mouth feeling today Beckie? This is your friendly reminder to use your salt mouth wash :) What's the weather like where you guys are? It's a grey day here and cooler but a bit humid especially inside. Was jumper weather outside so got to wear my favourite fleece hoodie which is always so cosy!!! |
Saves a lot of coins!
Hope you have a nice time with your partner's parents! My mouth is fine thanks! And thanks for the reminder, i had indeed forgotten XD It's grey and windy but still warmish. |
Glad your mouth feels ok. And that my reminder was helpful! Just remembered I hadn't told you guys that my new hammock arrived yesterday! Sadly weather has yet to cooperate so I can try it out. Rained all day yesterday and keeps threatening rain but not actually raining today. :plain: |
Yay new hammock!
Boo crappy weather! |
1 Attachment(s)
The new hammock is rainbow coloured.
Here is the photo from the internet hammock shop Attachment 23769 |
Love that!
Hope you get to use it soon! |
Is it weird that i actually really like swishing with salt water??
Loving the hammock.
Nothing is weird when it's coming from you, Beckie. You are 100% not weird. |
Phew. Good to know :tongue2:
How are we this evening? |
Hello all.
Oooh rainbow hammock!
I kinda like the taste of salt water. Plus it does really make your mouth feel clean. I'm trying to decompress from a stressful day at work =( |
Yeah that's it np! Taste and cleanness!
Oh no! What happened? |
Just the usual bullshit. =)
Tomorrow is axe throwing afternoon though!
Fair enough!
Oooh you'll have to let me know how you get on! I was totally **** at it tbh XD |
I'm not sure if the axe throwing people will be there tbh. But there will be archery and other stuff so we will just have to wait and see.
I wasn't good at it last time. |
Hope you have a fun time np!
Morning everyone! |
Morning all.
Morning dawn
How are you Beckie? Got any plans for today?
Not bad thanks.
Just meeting up with L and then glow beatz tonight. You up to anything? |
Yes I am up to stuff but don't want to say what on a public forum.
Fair enough
I just watched Keeping Up Appearances. I discovered that I have access to discovery plus so have activated my subscription. Doubt I will watch it though.
I hope you are all having good days.
Mine is relaxing so far.
Glad to hear that, Dawn.
Missing all my buddies. RYL is extra quiet. |
I was out with L. Heading off to work in a bit. Volunteered for a 5-close for some reason.
My payslips this week and next week are gonna be much better than usual! Hope you're having an ok day lindsay! |
I am so badly wishing that it's something illegal. |
Sadly nothing illegal nonperson.
Life has been a bit busy the last week or so and so haven't had as much spare time/ been online much. Still thinking of you all though. I find that irl social engagements use up a lot of my energy so on my free time I don't have energy to use the internet.
Tomorrow our friend K is coming over for board games as he has the week off work. And then Friday I have a free day again apart from roleplaying in the evening and Saturday and Sunday I have a glorious two free days. I enjoy socialising but it can be rather tiring so just having a few chill days in a row will be very welcome. If I am lucky the weather will be good enough to get the hammock out! |
Chill days sound like a good plan with all that social-ness jen! I'm back from work. It's 12:30am XD |
It will be nice to play board games with K tomorrow afternoon but yes very much looking forward to chilling out.
Was it a good shift Beckie? When are last order in your pub on a weekday? 11 or 12? Trying to nosely work out if you stayed a long time after hours :p |
I believe last orders was 10:30-10:45? But this group of school mum's stayed for AGES after last ordered, shrieking and being generally annoying. Wanting a ridiculous amount of shots and cocktails :plain: And the closedown list is really long now. Smashed it though, apparently XD Hope you managed to sleep! I woke up at 4:30am :plain: Grand total of 2? hours sleep |
*Shakes fist at school mums* Did they at least tip? (I am not hopeful but you never know) Eurgh. 2 hours isnt really a sleep counts more as a nap. Got much on today to tackle on low sleep? I managed around 6 hours in the end. So not great but much better than your night. |
Nah. Not really a thing to tip the bar staff unfortunately!
I have to go and pick up meds, possibly meet L on her lunch break, clean out boys and then taekwondo. I've cancelled bodycombat because i feel far too dead XD My cpn popped in for about 10 minutes. Didn't even get out his little notepad today so was obviously in a rush! The 10 mins was mostly explaining things i already explained like 30 seconds beforehand, and multiple times XD You got much planned for today? |
I guess we don't live in America (which is a good thing in many ways!) so tips are less of a thing generally. I think if I was ordering lots of things that take skill to make like cocktails as opposed to a bottled cider I would tip. Unless I was too drunk to think about it :p Not that I drink anymore my brain gets me dizzy, confused and disorientated without any help these days!
Hope you get to see L, I saw she brought the boys treats the other day which is super cute!!! Wise to cancel body combat. Well done for listening to your body. I dispair at your CPN, but by now I don't really expect him to retain information and then act on it appropriately. Would be nice if he surprised us all though ! Only plans are board game afternoon with our friend K and usual routine stuff. Although might try fitting in my strengthening exercises from physio meant to do them 2 - 3 times a week but havent done them at all this week yet. |
A lot of people don't really think of how much goes into making a cocktail! The layered ones are fine, but the shaken ones, if you order 8 at a time (people often do) we have like 2 or 3 cocktail shakers, and not many people on the bar! We can only fit 2 martinis into 1 shaker. So have to do the whole process 4 times! But most people won't think of that. And then complain it's taking too long *facepalm*
Yeah she did! Just waiting to hear when her lunch break is! He called back when I was in boots, but i was too busy trying not to faint/was too shaky to hold my phone. (Will have a bit of an rv about that later) Sounds like a nice chilled day! Try to do the exercises, but don't stress if you don't feel up to it! |
I did a cocktail class once for a friend's hen do. It taught me just how much skill goes into cocktails! I guess a lot of people aren't thinking of anything but themselves and maybe their friends on a night out. Could you ask management for one more cocktail shaker? Seems like it would make your job easier and wouldn't cost that much.
You have found a good one there! I will read your RV later. How are you feeling physically now? |
Even if we had another one, we wouldn't have the staff to have 2 people making one set of drinks. Unless there was a spare person doing literally nothing. Which is very rare! And never on the shifts where you have to make 8 shaken cocktails!
I have! Not great tbh! But one of the pharmacy assistants got me some water in one of the little medicine bottles which was hilarious. It's the only thing she could find XD I'll live. I'll cut taekwondo if i have to. But do still need to clean boys out. |
Hope you can feel better soon. Maybe are old frenemy sodium would help? Can you have some of your rehydration stuff? Also on the subject of sodium gentle reminder to do your salt water mouthwashes
My friend arrived halfway through typing! Have this now very old post |
I do not know where the rehydration stuff is *facepalm*
Have actually just done my saltwater mouthwash thing! Go me! Haha! Did you have a nice time? I'm now working tonight. Because i have no self control |
Not finished yet we just took a short break. Now having a meditate break and then playing one more board game. I won the game about capitalists bees (Honey Buzz) and now we are about to play Seven Wonders with a load of expansions. I am definitely having fun.
Can you appropriate some sugar from work to add to salt you own already and do a homemade one? Will you be able to eat at work on shift or do you think it will be too hard.
No self control is a thing but working while under the weather is probably better than taekwondo but not better than resting energy wise. |
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