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tamobhuuta 31-05-2023 11:54 AM

My blood test was meant to be at 11.15am. I am still waiting. I'm glad you got decent sleep.

Sorry work is making you angry np.

Pi.R^2 31-05-2023 11:54 AM

Oh great news that you slept well Jen. I hope your chest-xray is useful I guess? In that it rules out bad things but maybe finds an easily-fixable thing or something??

np, one time me and Lio and Finn tried to make a wheelchair ramp so maybe I'll send you a video of that as fun antics when you've finished your day at work. I am on guard for a question!!!! Also hooray for sweet treats =D

Pi.R^2 31-05-2023 11:55 AM

Oh, out-ninja'd. Goodness me tamo, that's a big delay! Hope you're not waiting much longer.

Cacoethes 31-05-2023 12:13 PM

Morning tamo!

Good to hear jen!

I have had my back to work meeting and I'm back on Monday! :-D
Starting off with one shift a week for 2-3 weeks then see how things are!

Pi.R^2 31-05-2023 12:22 PM

Oh that's great news Beckie :)

tamobhuuta 31-05-2023 12:24 PM

Good news Cacoethes :)

Finally got called in at 12pm, they got my blood with 1 jab.

Cacoethes 31-05-2023 12:40 PM

Thanks guys!

one_step_closer 31-05-2023 12:47 PM

Afternoon everyone.

Lots of good news apart from NP's work. I hope you get through ok NP.

I'm so stressed. Having to apply for UC on top of how I'm feeling right now. I should maybe postpone it. It's not crucial right now.

Pi.R^2 31-05-2023 01:00 PM

Do you have any help with applying for UC? There were a few organisations I think you were going to contact?

not_so_insig 31-05-2023 01:01 PM

Hello all. As you may have read in my r/v i feel physically unwell today. Didnt get much sleep. My cat is currently sitting on me.

Cacoethes 31-05-2023 01:07 PM

I found applying for UC really straightforward
I think the thought is probably worse than the actual thing!

I'm out for lunch with a hospital friend.

Pi.R^2 31-05-2023 01:17 PM

Ooh, have a nice lunch! Send me a jpg and I'll maybe even spare you some harassment :P

one_step_closer 31-05-2023 01:30 PM

I'm getting help from Money Matters. She phoned me but I didn't know anything about my money and PIP etc so she emailed me a list of things I need to find out and about having to get sick notes until they start the assessment. I've looked out some things but think I'm going to leave the rest for tomorrow. I stress drank a whole bottle of Pepsi Max (just 500mls) which would usually last me all day.

Take care of yourself today, Dawn. I hope you feel better soon and your cat looks after you.

I hope you enjoy lunch with your friend, Beckie. Finally seeing another person after isolation!

How are you getting on, Jenna? Did you drive your purple car today?

not_so_insig 31-05-2023 01:47 PM

Thanks Lindsay. I feel slightly better now than when I initially woke up.

Pi.R^2 31-05-2023 01:48 PM

Ah I see, that sounds like a stressful list of things to do - it seems sensible to not do it all at once. Maybe you could do one or two of the things each day?

Alas, no driving for me yet, I can't get it until Monday afternoon.

long road 31-05-2023 01:49 PM

Afternoon All
I am back from chest X-ray now so just have to wait for results. Oh and go for blood test tomorrow morning


Originally Posted by Pi.R^2 (Post 4353397)
Oh great news that you slept well Jen. I hope your chest-xray is useful I guess? In that it rules out bad things but maybe finds an easily-fixable thing or something??

That's reasonable benefaction Jenna, I am hoping it gives a reason for why my asthma is flaring that is treatable. Or that it's fine but I would kind of prefer a reason for my asthma flare you know? Other than my lung being practical jokers.


Originally Posted by Cacoethes (Post 4353401)
I have had my back to work meeting and I'm back on Monday! :-D
Starting off with one shift a week for 2-3 weeks then see how things are!

Great news Beckie, I am super happy for you.


Originally Posted by tamobhuuta (Post 4353404)
Finally got called in at 12pm, they got my blood with 1 jab.

Oof 45 minutes is a long delay. Glad they managed it in 1 jab though. Do you reckon hydrating yesterday helped?


Originally Posted by not_so_insig (Post 4353412)
Hello all. As you may have read in my r/v i feel physically unwell today. Didnt get much sleep. My cat is currently sitting on me.

Hope you feel better soon Dawn and that car snuggles help


Originally Posted by one_step_closer (Post 4353406)
I'm so stressed. Having to apply for UC on top of how I'm feeling right now. I should maybe postpone it. It's not crucial right now.

Hope applying for UC goes smoothly Lindsay, are there stress relieving things you could try while gathering info for the application like using your fidget cube or having some chill music on? Think doing the rest of it tomorrow sounds a good plan.

I am now chilling with music before possibly going to visit my partner's sister and nephew.

one_step_closer 31-05-2023 01:55 PM

I'm glad you're feeling slightly better, Dawn. Hope it keeps getting better.

I'm leaving the rest of the stuff till tomorrow. Just trying to wind down which is hard. I would normally hide in a book but still can't.

Did you go in a test drive of the car, Jenna? When I last bought a car I didn't know the area well and didn't want to drive there so I just asked the dealer person if he would drive and I sat in the passenger seat!

I hope the chest x ray and/or bloods show up something that can be worked with to help you feel better, Jen. What music are you listening to? I hope you enjoy your visiting if you manage.

long road 31-05-2023 02:48 PM

Listening to Florence + the Machine. I have decided to stay home and potentially nap but apart from being tired I feel reasonably well so partner is going to go visit.

one_step_closer 31-05-2023 03:05 PM

You do what is best for you, Jen. :-)

Cacoethes 31-05-2023 03:35 PM

I am back!
Apologies jenna, i ate my lunch before seeing your post so no jpg for you!
But i can assure you, i had lunch :tongue2:

Pi.R^2 31-05-2023 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by one_step_closer (Post 4353422)
Did you go in a test drive of the car, Jenna? When I last bought a car I didn't know the area well and didn't want to drive there so I just asked the dealer person if he would drive and I sat in the passenger seat!

Interesting you say that actually- last time I bought a car from there I was similar and drove in utter terror but we now actually live in the area so I was feeling much more confident and the test drive was fine!

Leaving the rest of your tasks til tomorrow sounds wise. Sorry you’re struggling to wind down- is there anything you fancy doing/reading? (I know you sometimes force yourself to read things that aren’t what you fancy reading)

tamobhuuta 31-05-2023 03:58 PM

I think it was the hydration LR but it might have been luck. Not enough data!

long road 31-05-2023 04:03 PM

I am sort of rested. Didn't really nap just mildly zoned out to my music. Just had an apple for a snack and am now pottering about the house.

My lungs are a bit achy and I am generally not 100%. Hoping to be well enough to roleplay tonight after two weeks of not managing it.

Well try again next time Tamo and see if a trend begins to emerge!

tamobhuuta 31-05-2023 04:13 PM

Take things gently, I hope you are able to do your role playing.

Pi.R^2 31-05-2023 04:25 PM

I know of a statistical research collaboration who might be able to assist in this srs bsns research!!

one_step_closer 31-05-2023 04:45 PM

Did you have a nice time, Beckie?

No, Jenna. I'm still struggling with my views on books although I have tried to read and can't and nearly start crying. I have ordered a Sarah's Scribbles book because it was on sale (they are usually so expensive) so maybe I can read the not many words.

I hope you can manage role play today, Jen.

Pi.R^2 31-05-2023 05:21 PM

I thought I'd never heard of Sarah's scribbles but when I googled it I did recognise it! I hope you enjoy that book when it arrives.

one_step_closer 31-05-2023 05:22 PM


How is your day going?

Cacoethes 31-05-2023 05:57 PM

My provisional licence application was sent back because i need an updated passport style photo :plain:
So now I'm gonna have to pay for that AND a stamp to put on the envelope to send it back again! Irritating.

one_step_closer 31-05-2023 06:05 PM

That's annoying. At least you'll get a new photo put on instead of one that was taken ages ago where you might look different and cringey. They usually are cringey, or are you the exception? :laugh:

nonperson 31-05-2023 06:09 PM

I bet Beckie styles out a passport photo like it's the cover of Vogue.

Mine, however, make me look a bit like an addict - kinda grey skinned with huge bags under my eyes...

I am home!

one_step_closer 31-05-2023 06:11 PM

Lol, that's kind of unfortunate NP!

I'm glad you're home, I hope you have a nice evening. You don't have loads of stuff to do, do you?

Pi.R^2 31-05-2023 06:13 PM

Hooray! You survived the day! What sweet treats did you obtain?

nonperson 31-05-2023 06:18 PM

I don't photograph well at the best of times =P

I have plenty of things I could do this evening but I'm not going to.

Co-op was disappointing with its sweet treat selection so I bought some ring doughnuts as cheer up food and also as a reward for being an outstanding diabetic for the first time in my life. And I am enjoying the irony in that.

long road 31-05-2023 06:20 PM

I was reliably informed that my old passport photo made me look like the girl from The Ring.

You can take a passport style photo yourself (well with help from someone else no selfies allowed) you just need a white background and to not smile, hair out of face, no glasses or hats. So that could save you some money?

Cacoethes 31-05-2023 06:20 PM

I did actually look ok in my last provisional so I'm disappointed i have to do another one!
My actual passport photo is horrendous though.

That's the plan np! Full makeup and everything! XD
And I'm gonna get it done at snappy snaps rather than in a booth.
It's a bit more expensive but worth it to get a guaranteed acceptable photo rather than risk having it sent back again.

That is some good irony np XD

I can't do it online jen, it won't let me. So i have to send the physical form and attatch the photo in the little window on the form. I took a selfie against my living room wall for my passport!

long road 31-05-2023 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by Cacoethes (Post 4353466)
I can't do it online jen, it won't let me. So i have to send the physical form and attatch the photo in the little window on the form. I took a selfie against my living room wall for my passport!

Super frustrating. Although would it be cheaper for snappy snaps to print your own photo rather than take the photo and print it?

Understand if you don't want to risk it getting rejected again though.

long road 31-05-2023 06:26 PM

Lol NP that's the equivalent of an asthmatic treating themselves to a cigarette for a good breathing review XD

Cacoethes 31-05-2023 06:27 PM

I don't want it to get rejected again, my bus pass runs out at the end of the month so the sooner i can start driving lessons, the better!
And £13 really isn't that bad. Especially as the booths are about £6 now!

Pi.R^2 31-05-2023 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by nonperson (Post 4353464)
Co-op was disappointing with its sweet treat selection so I bought some ring doughnuts as cheer up food and also as a reward for being an outstanding diabetic for the first time in my life. And I am enjoying the irony in that.

Oh congrats on being a Top Diabetic! I hope you get a reward sticker for that!

Much sympathy for your need of a new passport jpg Beckie, that's super-frustrating and it's the exact kind of thing I cannot be arsed to do.

one_step_closer 31-05-2023 06:28 PM

Doughnuts and Irony are a perfect enjoyable combination.

The girl from The Ring is scary, doesn't compute with your niceness, Jen.

On a side note, Japanese horror films are terrifying. Like the original Dark Water.

I hope however you get your photo done you look like your perfect IRL self, Beckie.

long road 31-05-2023 06:36 PM

I really hate passport photo booths, so maybe the hate showed in the photo?

As a 7 year old for my first passport it took like 5 attempts to get a decent photo and I always struggle with them, that and I wear glasses and am so used to my face with glasses that I don't really like how I look without them as it doesn't look like me, which makes me grumpy.

I would also like to state I am not Japanese, I am white with near black hair. But I have been mistaken as Chinese once by a school friend's parents....

nonperson 31-05-2023 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by Pi.R^2 (Post 4353470)
Oh congrats on being a Top Diabetic! I hope you get a reward sticker for that!

No sticker sadly.

one_step_closer 31-05-2023 06:40 PM

A sticker can always be made?

Pi.R^2 31-05-2023 06:44 PM

Who remembers when I had a badge machine and was RYL's official supplier of custom badges?!

long road 31-05-2023 06:54 PM

I remember and still have two of such badges

Pi.R^2 31-05-2023 06:59 PM

hurrah! Although if one of them was QK, I didn't make those ones, I bought them, I think before I had my own badge maker. I might have a look at my old rucksack as I'm sure I put a few of my homemade ones on there and frankly I imagine that they're pretty cringey.

Cacoethes 31-05-2023 07:06 PM

Aww thank you lindsay! <3

When we were kids, to save money, we'd go in the passport booth and have to switch really quickly so 4 of us could get a photo each with only one go XD
My mum is so cheap. The booths now only give you 4 of the same photo now though, so you can't do that anymore!

Literally lol'd about you being mistaken for a chinese boy jen. How?! XD

long road 31-05-2023 07:28 PM

Not as a Chinese boy just as Chinese girl. I guess a combo of olive skin tone and near black hair ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ But it did bemuse me. Maybe if I am being generous, you could have thought I was half Chinese when in winter as my skin does get quite pale and if you needed your eyes tested?? This was in Buckinghamshire so not many real Chinese people for the middle class white parents to encounter but yeah awkward....

I did separately get mistaken for a boy once though. During the summer I had got a short bob that in retrospect was too short, I came back to school and someone I vaguely knew from my English class asked if I was Jen [Redacted]'s brother. I was wearing trousers and had small boobs back then but seriously!!!

I have the Jen Patrol one and a QK one still in my possession.

nonperson 31-05-2023 07:30 PM

That sounds like a fun game! Also a bit risky. How many times did it go wrong? o.O [Edit - the photo booth shenanigans, that is]

One of my friend's nephews definitely looks a bit Chinese. His brothers don't... >.>

I've also been mistaken for a boy many times. Once most memorably was when I was in my mid-twenties, the cashier in Boots tried to give me a voucher for makeup and said I could give it to my girlfriend... XD

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