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Ahimsa 18-05-2023 05:10 AM

I'm awake, ew.

Don't need to be awake for another hour and a half.

Pi.R^2 18-05-2023 06:14 AM


Originally Posted by long road (Post 4351600)
I mean you have lived here long enough it can be your country too if you want it to be.


Also ew Beth, I hope you got back to sleep!

Cacoethes 18-05-2023 06:46 AM

I think lip piercings do!
The bar came out so there i was at 3am, pushing it back through XD
it won't go all the way through though
And now I've lost the bar *facepalm*

Morning guys!

long road 18-05-2023 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by Pi.R^2 (Post 4351623)

I didn't say it had to be your country just it could be :p

Morning everyone!

I had a rough night with emotions, pain and non epileptic seizures and feel a bit off this morning but not as bad as I would expect. Taking it slow this morning though.

How is everyone else?

tamobhuuta 18-05-2023 10:45 AM

Hi everybody. I am ok. Going to Mass at a shrine at lunchtime for Ascension, it's very little so hopefully not too many people. I also need to do laundry.

What are you guys up to?

tamobhuuta 18-05-2023 11:09 AM

I've got 5 minutes to waste while my brother's washing finishes.

Cacoethes 18-05-2023 11:23 AM

Morning both

Sorry you had a rough night jen
Good idea to take it slow

I hope you enjoy mass tamo

I've been to piercing shop to sort out my lip piercing, went to the pharmacy about the bloating issue and have some extortionate tablets to try, went to asda and got a good haul of salad bags in the reduced section, then aldi because asda hasn't had parsnips for weeks for some reason, but aldi does. Also, their romaine lettuce looks a much better quality and is 5p cheaper!
I'm also doing washing, need to clean out the boys and taekwondo this evening.

tamobhuuta 18-05-2023 11:46 AM

Do the bargains make up for the bloating tablets?

I've decided i'm not going to Mass, it's stressing me out too much.

Cacoethes 18-05-2023 11:59 AM

Yes they do! I was actually below budget in asda because of it.
I wasn't going to buy any salad bags because i wouldn't have been able to afford it.
Clearly the universe has decided to give me a small break!

Fair enough. Do what you need to do

one_step_closer 18-05-2023 12:49 PM

Hi everyone. I woke up so many times through the very early morning. It seemed to be extra light. Got my prescription, washed my hair, and did a short hoover because I'm feeling brain physically and mentally unwell and I couldn't continue with the hoovering.

I'm sorry your night was so difficult, Jen. Look after yourself today and do all the safe things that will hopefully help.

You've been up to loads already, Beckie. I hope you have a good day.

What will you do instead of mass, Tamo? I hope you're ok.

Cacoethes 18-05-2023 12:57 PM

It has been bright recently!
Maybe we're still not used to the clocks changing and it being much lighter?
I hope you feel better soon lindsay. Have a good rest!

I'm still psyching myself up to clean out the boys.
I'm so tired! 5 hours sleep is not enough.
And i still feel quite unwell.
I'm not sure if I'll even go to taekwondo. I'll see.

one_step_closer 18-05-2023 01:15 PM

Don't be pushing yourself too much. You'll get the boys space cleaned because they're important to you, but maybe you could postpone it to tomorrow if you really don't feel up to it. You've already done quite a lot for someone who hasn't had much sleep and isn't feeling well.

Cacoethes 18-05-2023 01:17 PM

I'm not sure what I'm doing tomorrow yet.
My mum hasn't decided what the plan is :eyeroll:
So could be going tomorrow afternoon, could be going on Saturday
I'm not sure when she'll decide.

tamobhuuta 18-05-2023 01:20 PM

Sorry you guys aren't feeling well
I'll just do my normal day, read the readings etc. And I'm having hot chocolate to relax.

one_step_closer 18-05-2023 01:27 PM

Your Mum always leaves plans to nearly the last minute, doesn't she?! That would stress me out.

Do what's best for you today. What are you doing right now?

I hope you have a nice relaxed day, Tamo. Did you use your velvetiser or whatever it's called for your hot chocolate? Have you been reading the book you got from the library?

tamobhuuta 18-05-2023 02:23 PM

Yes I used my Velvetiser, it felt like a treat. I did a hazelnut one. And I read a bit of the Richard Osman I'm reading. It's really fun and in nice short chapters. How are you?

not_so_insig 18-05-2023 02:23 PM

Hello all. I am trying to clean my flat but I havent got the enthusiasm. It's very warm and sunny here. Been to the park where I saw a tiny but cute black dog.

Cacoethes 18-05-2023 02:45 PM

She does lindsay. It's really annoying.
But it's not worth the aggro that bringing it up with her will cause!

I have cleaned the boys out and cleaned up the aftermath of that. I am sweating and my ribs are very sore for some reason!
Put my washing away, the boy's stuff is in the wash now.
I still need to sort my meds into their boxes for the week.
And shower tonight.

Mmm hot chocolate.

tamobhuuta 18-05-2023 03:21 PM

How's the cleaning going insig?

Well done for the cleaning Cacoethes. Have fun sorting your meds! Always fun.

Cacoethes 18-05-2023 03:23 PM

Just have to get on with it i suppose!

not_so_insig 18-05-2023 03:41 PM

I have done some of it tamobhuuta. Cleaned the communal area, done the toilet and bathroom sink plus sprayed the recycling boxes with antibacterial spray. Since covid was a thing I have been spraying the boxes with antibacterial stuff. I have started tidying up the bedroom but am knackered now and rather hot. Oh and I have shook a rug outside.

tamobhuuta 18-05-2023 03:52 PM

Anti bac spray is a good habit to be in I guess. Well done on everything. Time for a rest yet or is there more to do? I need to check on my washing.

Cacoethes 18-05-2023 03:57 PM

I've sorted my meds.
Waiting for second load of washing to finish.

long road 18-05-2023 04:00 PM

So I had such a slow morning I fell back asleep around 11 and didn't wake up again until 2:30pm. Today is definitely a rest day, tired again after just getting up for a little bit to go to the bathroom and use my exercise ball to stretch out my legs.

Need to recharge today as tomorrow we are driving 2 and a half hours to stay in a cottage for the weekend so we can go to a friend's wedding on the Sunday. Although if needed I can nap in the car

Cacoethes 18-05-2023 04:05 PM

2½ hours in a car can be very draining!
Definitely rest beforehand.
Are you looking forward to the weekend away?

long road 18-05-2023 04:08 PM

I am although I am little nervous after yesterday being so rough. Plan for Saturday is a super chill day just hanging out at the cottage. And it will be great to see our friend get married on Sunday.

tamobhuuta 18-05-2023 04:13 PM

Time away, and car journeys, can be stressful but you've got a plan which is good, I hope it goes well.

I've got my towels and dressing gown on the line, main wash in the dryer, and woolies in the washing machine. Big washing day! And soon I really need to wash my blanket.

long road 18-05-2023 04:20 PM

Big washing day indeed Tamo. I hope the weather where you are is as sunny as my weather so all your washing can get nice and dry.

Think I might lie back down and try and rest some more now. At least today I am mostly just struggling with physical symptoms, feeling better mentally than yesterday.

Cacoethes 18-05-2023 04:26 PM

I can see why you'd be nervous. Hopefully all goes well and you'll enjoy yourself :)

Well done for doing all your washing tamo

tamobhuuta 18-05-2023 04:28 PM

Thanks for the recognition!

one_step_closer 18-05-2023 04:35 PM

Well done everyone with all that you've managed.

I hope you're ok enough to enjoy the wedding, Jen. I'm glad you're feeling mentally better today.

Cacoethes 18-05-2023 04:43 PM

You up to much lindsay?

one_step_closer 18-05-2023 04:49 PM

No. I'm not sure how I'm going to occupy myself this evening.

What about you? Have you decided about taekwondo?

Cacoethes 18-05-2023 04:53 PM

Hopefully you'll find something

I haven't. I probably won't go. I'm exhausted and i won't be able to concentrate.
Plus my ankle is just getting worse.
My grading isn't until September, and I've got all day training in a couple of weeks. I've got loads of time. I am sad about missing it though.

one_step_closer 18-05-2023 04:55 PM

It's a shame you can't go but it seems like the best idea right now. I know you enjoy it but you probably wouldn't enjoy it much with the way you're feeling etc right now.

tamobhuuta 18-05-2023 05:02 PM

Agreed with osc.

one_step_closer 18-05-2023 05:11 PM

What are you doing this evening, Tamo?

Ahimsa 18-05-2023 05:17 PM

Hey guys

one_step_closer 18-05-2023 05:19 PM

Hi Beth, how are things?

Ahimsa 18-05-2023 05:20 PM

I'm okay, my meetings were okay. A (director) said I shouldn't have gone back to work Tuesday afternoon with how unwell I was with my anxiety.

How are you?

one_step_closer 18-05-2023 05:29 PM

I'm glad you're ok and the meetings went ok. I'm glad someone acknowledged your anxiety, is there anything you could do differently if it happened again? Is there someone who would allow you to go home if needed? What are you doing this evening?

I'm struggling a bit but I'll keep going as usual.

Ahimsa 18-05-2023 05:34 PM

Can we help at all OSC?

The thing is, we're short staffed and there isn't the budget for anyone else. Me going home would have left just one person for the afternoon - we struggled with just the two of us, and neither of us took a lunch break! However A was like "Your wellbeing is more important"

one_step_closer 18-05-2023 05:37 PM

Do you think A meant it? I'm sorry you're having to work even when you're not doing great because of staff shortages etc. It really isn't right.

Are you doing anything nice this evening? Will you try and do some of your jigsaw?

It helps a bit just to chat. It's a bit quiet right now though.

Ahimsa 18-05-2023 05:39 PM

I'm around? I'm going to have a bath and a nap soon - I can't remember the last time I had a bath, which isn't good!

one_step_closer 18-05-2023 05:41 PM

I'll probably go offline for a bit soon anyway. Bath and nap sound good, don't be napping in the bath though!

tamobhuuta 18-05-2023 05:42 PM

I just started watching the new Waterloo Road which I used to love but now I seem to not like it! So it's back to doctor who.

one_step_closer 18-05-2023 05:43 PM

Has it changed since you last watched it or do you think your tastes have changed? There's always Doctor Who to fall back on!

tamobhuuta 18-05-2023 05:49 PM

I think my tastes have changed. The kids are so gobby.

Cacoethes 18-05-2023 06:33 PM

Hey, I'm back.
I suddenly decided to update my CV and write a long personal statement just for an apprenticeship that I am 100% not gonna get XD
Oh well, haven't updated it since i started working at the pub so it needed doing anyway.

long road 18-05-2023 06:55 PM

You do keep suddenly deciding to do chore type things lately XD

What is this apprenticeship you are a 100% not going to get?

I had another nap and have woken up quite woozy. Just ordered Chinese for dinner.

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