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long road 17-05-2023 08:52 AM


6 hours is better for sure. Did it feel any mor restful sleep?

I managed 8 hours although I did wake up at 4:30am to go pee. Feeling much mor ehuman this morning.

Cacoethes 17-05-2023 09:06 AM


Yes it did thanks!
I'm definitely not as tired as i was yesterday

Waking up to pee is so annoying! I did at about 2am.
I'm glad you feel better this morning :)
Have you got much planned for today?

tamobhuuta 17-05-2023 09:24 AM


Cacoethes 17-05-2023 09:30 AM

How are you?

long road 17-05-2023 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by Cacoethes (Post 4351475)

Yes it did thanks!
I'm definitely not as tired as i was yesterday

Waking up to pee is so annoying! I did at about 2am.
I'm glad you feel better this morning :)
Have you got much planned for today?

Less tired is definitely good.

I've got asthma nurse this morning at 11:30am and then roleplaying in the evening. How about you?

Cacoethes 17-05-2023 09:42 AM

I have looked in the mirror and have the most ridiculous bags under my eyes though XD

Hope it goes well!

I have glow beatz tonight, need something to keep me occupied today.
If the money bounces back into my account (in minus) then i may pop up to work. Mainly for the walk. And i really like the kids houmous bowl with vegan wings last time!

long road 17-05-2023 09:50 AM

Thanks I am a bit nervous about appointment. I need to get this asthma under control so I only have FND to dela with.

Cacoethes 17-05-2023 09:53 AM

Really hope they can do something!
Must be so draining dealing with both!

There is a maintenance van that's been parked outside since yesterday, some of it is a very bright green/yellow, so whenever i catch it in the corner of my eye, i think it's an ambulance! Quite annoying. And its been there since yesterday, so you'd think I'd be used to it by now XD

tamobhuuta 17-05-2023 09:59 AM

I'm ok. Need to go over the road for bread in a bit. Then I'm seeing my CPN this afternoon.

long road 17-05-2023 10:02 AM

Me too. It's stressful and when my asthma flares it's harder to do the things I need to do to manage my FND.

Eurgh that van sounds stressful. It would make me anxious. Hopefully it moves soon!

Good luck for your CPN appointment later Tamo, I hope it goes well and you come out feeling supported.

I just had blueberry porridge for breakfast, I love purple food!!

tamobhuuta 17-05-2023 10:02 AM

I hope everything goes OK with the nurse LR.

tamobhuuta 17-05-2023 10:03 AM

I still keep mistaking a plant pot for our old cat!

Cacoethes 17-05-2023 10:10 AM

I think the van probably belongs to someone that lives around here.
Hopefully they'll head off to work at some point!

Good luck for your cpn appointment tamo!

Mmm blueberry porridge!
I had butterscotch flavour porridge

That's the sort of thing I'd do tamo XD

tamobhuuta 17-05-2023 10:16 AM

Thanks. I decided the best way to explain what's going on is to walk him through my day, with added notes!

long road 17-05-2023 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by tamobhuuta (Post 4351485)
I hope everything goes OK with the nurse LR.

Thanks Tamo


Originally Posted by tamobhuuta (Post 4351486)
I still keep mistaking a plant pot for our old cat!

XD is it a fuzzy plant pot??


Originally Posted by Cacoethes (Post 4351487)
I think the van probably belongs to someone that lives around here.
Hopefully they'll head off to work at some point!

Good luck for your cpn appointment tamo!

Mmm blueberry porridge!
I had butterscotch flavour porridge

That's the sort of thing I'd do tamo XD

Fingers crossed they head to work then.

It was delicious I don't usually have porridge because it's super filling and I often have breakfast quite late but as I am up early today and have things to do, so I thought it would be a good idea. Butterscotch porridge sounds lush!

long road 17-05-2023 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by tamobhuuta (Post 4351488)
Thanks. I decided the best way to explain what's going on is to walk him through my day, with added notes!

Good plan. Notes are super useful

Cacoethes 17-05-2023 10:22 AM

Good idea tamo

I'm always up early, so filling is good! Though i have it so early, that by 10am my body is ready for lunch!

Ahimsa 17-05-2023 10:24 AM

Morning guys

Cacoethes 17-05-2023 10:30 AM

Morning beth!
How are you?
What have you got on the cards today?

Ahimsa 17-05-2023 10:33 AM

Well, I'm working Saturday so I'm off today. I have limited spoons after yesterday, but I have a zoom meeting at 12 for a show I'm doing in July, and then the dentist at 4.

Cacoethes 17-05-2023 10:35 AM

Hopefully you'll have some time to rest a bit too!

Ahimsa 17-05-2023 10:39 AM

Yes, I'm currently still in bed, and going to have a jigsaw evening after the dentist - curtain shut, fairy lights on and candles lit, and a new jigsaw.

How're you?

Cacoethes 17-05-2023 10:42 AM

Sounds like a lovely relaxing evening!

I'm ok!
The van that i keep thinking is an ambulance has finally moved! And I'm going to go to my work for lunch and see my friend.

tamobhuuta 17-05-2023 10:44 AM

The plant pot is not fuzzy, just dark and about the right height!

Hi Ahimsa.

Ahimsa 17-05-2023 10:46 AM

That sounds good Beckie!

Hey Tamo, how're you?

tamobhuuta 17-05-2023 10:51 AM

I'm ok. I hope the dentist is OK. Sounds like you're going to have a lovely evening!

long road 17-05-2023 10:54 AM

Ooh jigsaw evening with fairylights and candles sounds lovely Beth. What do the cats think of jigsaws? I hope they don't think the pieces are toys...

Yay that the van moved Beckie.

Fair enough Tamo. I can see how you could make that mistake out of the corner of your eye.

I am currently in that weird not enough time to do stuff before I have to leave for my appointment but not time to leave for my appointment yet space. Just kind of loitering and trying not to get anxiousm

Ahimsa 17-05-2023 10:57 AM

They're pretty good, one of them loves to sit right in the middle of it though!

I'm in that same weird time thing, my zoom meeting is at 12, so not enough time to do anything (not that I have spoons anyway) but too early to get out of bed and dressed

long road 17-05-2023 11:07 AM

Of course one of the cats sits on the middle!

I was vaguely productive and folded the dry washing. Off out nowish.

Cacoethes 17-05-2023 11:14 AM

I just put some music on in those awkward in between times!

tamobhuuta 17-05-2023 11:24 AM

Have fun LR!

Cacoethes 17-05-2023 11:39 AM

I find it funny that the guinea pigs have 2 massive piles of hay, but they still dig through it to find the best strands to eat XD

Ahimsa 17-05-2023 11:45 AM

They're funny potatoes aren't they!

Cacoethes 17-05-2023 11:47 AM

They really are!
I love watching them just go about their piggy business

tamobhuuta 17-05-2023 12:02 PM

I miss having a fluffy.

one_step_closer 17-05-2023 12:26 PM

Afternoon everyone, hope you all have a good day and your various appointments go well. I'm so glad you'll be doing something nice with your evening, Beth. You deserve it.

Cacoethes 17-05-2023 12:33 PM

I couldn't imagine life without them now!

Hey lindsay! What have you got on today?

I'm at work but my friend is doing the drinks order in the outside shed and she has my money. So I'm just kinda sitting here awkwardly XD

Ahimsa 17-05-2023 12:36 PM

Zoom meeting over, I'm back in bed for a bit.

one_step_closer 17-05-2023 12:43 PM

Pets are amazing. I don't know if I'd get another cat when Crookshanks dies though, there is no other cat like Crookshanks he's so affectionate.

Sitting awkwardly is something I do well! Is she going to continue working while you're there or will she have a break to chat?

I've made it to Tesco, which is a big thing! Might pay for it at some point though. I put a washing on as well as going to the chemist as usual. Got a pen pal letter to reply to but it looks like a hard one and I might put it off. Nothing else big to do today except putting out the bin(s) and filling the bird feeders later on.

Well done, Beth. How long can you stay in bed?

long road 17-05-2023 12:47 PM

My asthmanurse appointment went okish, I was an anxious mess but just about covered things that need to be said. There are some options for further treatment but she needs to talk with GP about them.

long road 17-05-2023 12:47 PM

Currently sitin gin the car while my partner gets us subway as I wanted a treat.

Cacoethes 17-05-2023 12:54 PM

She has to work, but it's Wednesday afternoon so it's dead.
She doesn't have a break today unfortunately! Don't get a break on a 12-6

Well done lindsay!
You should get a treat to celebrate!

Fingers crossed they can do something jen!

Ahimsa 17-05-2023 12:57 PM

Ooh what are you getting in your Subway?

I have the dentist at 4, so I can realistically stay in bed until about 3:15ish?

I've just put fish fingers and chips in the oven, #adulting #notachildrensmealatall

Cacoethes 17-05-2023 01:08 PM

How did i miss the subway comment??
Love a subway.
Their salads are really nice

Is it just a check up beth?

Fish fingers and chips is an awesome meal!

Ahimsa 17-05-2023 01:13 PM

I have a strong dislike to Subway, but only because the only one I ever go to is the one next to work and it's rubbish!

Yeah, just a check up, but they'll tell me I dont brush them enough and I'm like "babes I have depression"

Did you get your hummus meal?

tamobhuuta 17-05-2023 01:24 PM

Well done for doing things everybody.

Cacoethes 17-05-2023 01:28 PM

I did get my houmous with vegan wings!
And the kitchen were nice today and let me replace the bread for the wings without extra charge.
And my friend had a beer paid for on a ticket, so i got a free beer :-D

Considering dessert

I swear they always tell people to brush more, no matter what you do!

Ahimsa 17-05-2023 01:36 PM

What are your dessert options Beckie?

long road 17-05-2023 01:40 PM

I had a meatball Mariana 6 inch sub.

When I went to dentist last year. The hygienist actually said to me that while I should brush twice a day idealy. That I was doing a good job with once a day so she wasn't going to be super on my case about it considering my chronic fatigue and to keep up what I wa sdoing. It was quite funny. When I said I hadn't had a cleaning in seven years she was like we might need several appointments and then she looked at my teeth and my x-rays and was pleasantly surprised and got them cleaned in like 5 - 10 minutes. I thinks it's partly because I eat a diet relatively low in added sugar after I had issue with my blood sugars in 2019 and was told if I didn't get it under control I would become a type 2 diabetic. Sorry to ramble.

Dentist did say to floss more though.

I had a fish finger sandwich yesterday, was delish. Fish fingers are awesome food for all, apart from vegans...

Glad you enjoyed your houmous and vegan wings combo Beckie.

tamobhuuta 17-05-2023 01:42 PM

My teeth were surprisingly ok last time I went to the dentist. I am trying to take better care of them but effort.

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