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not_so_insig 09-04-2020 09:03 PM

Same here. It was very noisy last week.

tamobhuuta 09-04-2020 09:11 PM

I've forgotten to clap the NHS every time.

The Worst Witch 09-04-2020 09:14 PM

What's your favourite Queen song, np? Do you approve of Adam Lambert replacing Freddie Mercury as their lead singer?

nonperson 09-04-2020 09:14 PM

I forgot the last two weeks too. =/ Last week I was in the middle of a yoga class so wasn't paying attention to the time.

You don't have to make noise to appreciate what they're doing though.

nonperson 09-04-2020 09:18 PM

Oooh good question... too many! Bohemian Rhapsody goes without saying and pretty much all the other classics... But I like some of the lesser known ones such as Keep Yourself Alive and Headlong.

nonperson 09-04-2020 09:20 PM

I think Queen will be tomorrow's gardening playlist.

The Worst Witch 09-04-2020 09:40 PM

Good plan!

I like bohemian rhapsody and all the classics too. My favourite has to be 'I want to break free' though, it's usually my tidying playlist.

Cacoethes 09-04-2020 09:47 PM

Love a bit of Queen!

not_so_insig 09-04-2020 09:48 PM

My cat likes Killer Queen. He shuts up and is very still when it comes on.

nonperson 09-04-2020 10:16 PM

Freddie Mercury loved cats. The song Delilah is about one of his.

Cacoethes 09-04-2020 10:20 PM

Awww I didn't know that!

Cacoethes 10-04-2020 06:33 AM

Morning guys
I was up at 6am for some strange reason

chinahorse 10-04-2020 06:53 AM

Welcome to my life beckie.

Cacoethes 10-04-2020 07:25 AM

So annoying

How are you Lillie?

chinahorse 10-04-2020 07:34 AM

I am so tired.

How are you?

Cacoethes 10-04-2020 08:26 AM

Can you nap today or are you at work?

I'm ok. Just annoyed that I couldn't sleep longer!

chinahorse 10-04-2020 08:39 AM

It's a bank holiday so yep can nap later.

Trying to nap now but cant has kept me awake.

Cacoethes 10-04-2020 09:01 AM

That's good

How annoying! Hopefully you'll get a chance later

nonperson 10-04-2020 10:09 AM

Morning guys.

Cat just brought in a live blue tit. =(

tamobhuuta 10-04-2020 10:18 AM

Aw poor birdie. Sorry you guys were up so early. I thought I was going to sleep badly but I didn't. Just a little boast there.

nonperson 10-04-2020 10:20 AM

I caught it and put it outside but I don't know if it will survive. =(

Glad you had a good sleep. =) Mine wasn't bad but not great either.

tamobhuuta 10-04-2020 10:36 AM

Fingers crossed it recovers. Any plans for today?

nonperson 10-04-2020 10:59 AM

Well it's disappeared from where I put it so I hope it flew away somewhere safe.

Need to get on with some work in the garden today. Might start with mowing the lawn in a bit.

What about you?

tamobhuuta 10-04-2020 11:16 AM

I'm thinking of reading the Gospel of Jesus's crucifixion later because it's Good Friday. And I may put some clothes on....

nonperson 10-04-2020 11:21 AM

Is your church doing any online streamed services for Easter?

tamobhuuta 10-04-2020 11:27 AM

Yes Fr A and others are streaming all the services on Facebook but I'm not sure I can manage the whole service, they can be quite long.

nonperson 10-04-2020 11:34 AM

That's really good it's available if you want to watch though, even just half of it. =)

chinahorse 10-04-2020 11:44 AM

Just woke up for the second time :/

nonperson 10-04-2020 01:22 PM

Are you rested now?

I'm so hot after mowing the lawn that I don't know what to do with myself... =(

one_step_closer 10-04-2020 01:22 PM

Afternoon everyone.

nonperson 10-04-2020 01:23 PM

Hey Lindsay.

Is it sunny and hot in Scotland?

one_step_closer 10-04-2020 01:24 PM

Yes it is! It was miserable yesterday so this is a nice surprise. I wish I could get out in my garden.

nonperson 10-04-2020 01:27 PM

Could you go and sit at the door for a bit instead of going out there? I do that sometimes.

one_step_closer 10-04-2020 01:29 PM

My neighbours would still see me and talk to me.

How is your day going?

nonperson 10-04-2020 01:34 PM

Ah I understand, my neighbours always seem to be out in their garden at the moment too which puts me off going out in mine. =/

It's going alright... mowed the lawn, having some lunch now then probably should shower. =/ Might go back out again later.

How're you today?

Cacoethes 10-04-2020 01:51 PM

Afternoon everyone

It is a lovely day today
Well done for mowing the lawn np!

nonperson 10-04-2020 02:29 PM

Hey Beckie.

Thanks. Think it's wiped me out for the rest of the day though.

tamobhuuta 10-04-2020 02:35 PM

My parents and sister have been gardening but I don't really fancy it. I forgot Doctors wouldn't be on today :(

Cacoethes 10-04-2020 02:48 PM

Dread to think what the state of my grass is going to be like when I eventually get home

tamobhuuta 10-04-2020 02:54 PM

You'll have your own jungle.

tamobhuuta 10-04-2020 02:57 PM

That's a comment on how fast grass grows, not on how long you'll be in hospital!

Cacoethes 10-04-2020 03:12 PM

Yes I will have a jungle
Just hope my cheap lawnmower can get through it all without needing a strimmer as I don't have one

one_step_closer 10-04-2020 03:38 PM

I'll send you a few sheep Beckie.

chinahorse 10-04-2020 04:16 PM

A sheep would be an epic pet.

tamobhuuta 10-04-2020 04:42 PM

Or a goat...

Cacoethes 10-04-2020 05:49 PM

I would love a sheep
Even though their eyes freak me out a bit
Same with goats

nonperson 10-04-2020 06:03 PM

They do have really freaky eyes.

I've been asleep all afternoon =(

Cacoethes 10-04-2020 06:09 PM

Mowing the lawn must have tired you out!

one_step_closer 10-04-2020 06:14 PM

I don't think I really know what sheep eyes look like.

Did you have a nice nap NP?

nonperson 10-04-2020 06:20 PM

Google it Lindsay!

It was nice-ish. Had the cat for company. I suppose I needed it but am finding it difficult to get up now. Meh.

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