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zombiehunter 24-11-2018 08:01 PM

no word from the department of wankers and pricks yet eggplant

Aubergine 24-11-2018 08:03 PM

Oh dear, Zombie. Rubbish. :( Hope you hear from them sooner rather than later! Awful, awful, awful department.

nonperson 24-11-2018 08:07 PM

Another half hour or so.

I've done a lot of chores actually but mostly been watching Fantastic Beasts and all the bluray extras in preparation for tomorrow when I'm seeing number 2 with my mum and sister. =)

Aubergine 24-11-2018 08:13 PM

Ah. Not too long. Though it feels like forever when you're hungry!

Well done on the chores. Cool that you watched Fantastic Beasts etc. :) Great that you're going to see number 2 tomorrow. I hope you really enjoy it!

Aubergine 24-11-2018 08:14 PM

1 Attachment(s)
My Mum and Step-Dad got another cat today! His name is Walter:

nonperson 24-11-2018 08:15 PM

What a cutie! Love ginger cats. =D

Cacoethes 24-11-2018 08:15 PM


Aubergine 24-11-2018 08:18 PM

He is a cutie. All the way from Wales!

Though my Alec the Cat is still the best. :D It makes me kitten broody, but I cannot have another as my flat is too small and I couldn't afford to look after a second. Also, one cat detroying my technology is enough. :wow:

not_so_insig 24-11-2018 08:18 PM

I have Fantastic beasts on DVD but all my dvds are packed away due to the fact that I am having new flooring in my bedroom next month so the DVD cabinet had to be emptied. I have to empty a drawer because there is stuff that I don't want my parents seeing.

Aubergine 24-11-2018 08:18 PM

HELLO BECKIE! How are you?

Aubergine 24-11-2018 08:19 PM

Hello Dawn! :)

Cacoethes 24-11-2018 08:21 PM


I'm ok thanks.
Went to see Jasmine today which was nice :)

Im going to go and see the new fantastic beasts on Monday after clozapine clinic :)

nonperson 24-11-2018 08:24 PM

If I had another cat I don't think I'd have ANY room on the sofa... =P

Yay for Fantastic Beasts 2! I haven't been to the cinema for about 3 years... We're going to an IMAX too... never been to one before... o.o

Aubergine 24-11-2018 08:25 PM

Oh awesome. How was she? :)

IMAX is so cool! I went to one when they were first around and watched a specially made film about a haunted house. It was awesome!

not_so_insig 24-11-2018 08:27 PM

Hi Ducky

Aubergine 24-11-2018 08:29 PM

How's your day been. Dawn?

not_so_insig 24-11-2018 08:33 PM

Spent most of it asleep. Had a letter for a previous neighbour today through my letterbox. She has been dead for 10 years so they won't be getting to her.

chinahorse 24-11-2018 08:42 PM

I am so jealous! Walter is amazing!!

I have read nothing else. Evening.

Aubergine 24-11-2018 09:04 PM

That's a long time after her death to have received a letter for her. Hope it didn't upset you.

Hey Lillie. :) How's your evening?

Cacoethes 24-11-2018 09:19 PM

IMAX is cool.
4D is epic though!

Im catching up with holby

Aubergine 24-11-2018 09:20 PM

Hope it's good, Beckie!

4D does sound amazing.

chinahorse 24-11-2018 09:26 PM

what on earth is 4D?

Aubergine 24-11-2018 09:27 PM

Vibrating seats, fog, wind, bubbles etc. :) I've neber been to one, but I'd love to!

Cacoethes 24-11-2018 09:33 PM

The seats dont just vibrate!
They actually move!
So much fun!

Aubergine 24-11-2018 09:39 PM

They move? That sounds even cooler!

Cacoethes 24-11-2018 09:49 PM

During a car chase scene I was getting chucked around all over the place! It was hilarious.

Aubergine 24-11-2018 09:49 PM

Wow! What film did you see?

Cacoethes 24-11-2018 10:03 PM

That was a Jason Bourne film.
I also saw the latest pirates of the Caribbean film in 4D and it was absolutely incredible!

Aubergine 24-11-2018 10:14 PM

Awesome! The closest one to here is Cardiff. Boo.

Cacoethes 24-11-2018 10:16 PM

Ah that's a shame!
I'm lucky I've got one only a train ride away!
Booked my ticket to see fantastic beasts on Monday. So far im the only one that's booked so I got my choice of all the seats!
Its not the 4D cinema though, its one a bus ride away because clozapine clinic is in that town.

chinahorse 24-11-2018 11:24 PM

Oh, that sounds erm interesting...

I wanna see that film so badly! You'll all have to let me know if its worth going.

chinahorse 25-11-2018 09:59 AM

Morning guys :)

one_step_closer 25-11-2018 12:03 PM


How are you Lillie?

My brother asked me if I wanted to go and see the new Fantastic Beasts with him but I'm not a big fan of films because they're so long. I think I enjoyed the first Fantastic Beasts though, I maybe should have just agreed to go!

chinahorse 25-11-2018 01:08 PM

That is true though films can be hard to concentrate tate on.

Cacoethes 25-11-2018 01:30 PM

Hey guys!

Might be worth a go Lindsay!
You could always leave if it gets too much

Im having a PJ day today

one_step_closer 25-11-2018 01:51 PM

Duvet fort?

chinahorse 25-11-2018 01:54 PM

Pj days and duvet forts are the best!

I'm restless and very fatigued. Not a good combination.

Cacoethes 25-11-2018 01:57 PM

Yep duvet fort!
With hot water bottle and snacks.

That isn't a good combo Lillie

chinahorse 25-11-2018 02:01 PM

Sounds amazing!

I have minimal food and no snacks :-( I'd go to the corner shop but am worried they just the amount of crap I buy. May go to the mini tesco a bit further away.

The Heathrow christmas advert is amazing!!

Cacoethes 25-11-2018 02:10 PM

Im sure they don't care or even notice what you buy!
What are you planning to get?

I don't think I've seen it

chinahorse 25-11-2018 02:14 PM

I don't know. They don't have a lot of variety which is another reason to go to tesco.

You have to Google it!

Cacoethes 25-11-2018 02:23 PM

Is Tesco far away?

Just watched it.
Very cute!
Have you seen that advert that the guy made for £50? Legit made me cry and I do not cry!!

chinahorse 25-11-2018 02:26 PM

Don't know which one you're on about beckie :(

About a 15 min walk. Seems impossible though so may end up at the corner shop.

Buttons. 25-11-2018 02:30 PM

I'd just go the corner shop Lillie, as Beckie said highly doubt they notice what you buy.

Been to church this morning but back to feeling bleugh now.

Cacoethes 25-11-2018 02:38 PM

I can't find the video on YouTube.
Probably for the best.
It is very emotional!

Just do the corner shop Lillie.
No need to push yourself if you don't feel up to it

How was church buttons?

Buttons. 25-11-2018 02:40 PM

Church was fine and lovely seeing my mum and grandma thanks Beckie.

Cacoethes 25-11-2018 02:46 PM

That's good :)

chinahorse 25-11-2018 03:02 PM

Glad church was good, sorry you aren't feeling great now though. What have you got planned for the rest of the day?

I'm curious now though beckie!

Am on my way to tesco. Should have brought gloves but the slow walk is improving my mood.

Cacoethes 25-11-2018 03:06 PM

If the ad pops up again I'll share it!

Thats good Lillie
Fresh air can really help!

chinahorse 25-11-2018 03:44 PM

It does help a lot at times yes. I made fairly sensible food decisions and am home now. Might have another nap. Feel like my brain is fog.

What's everyone up to?

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