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Jelli 21-10-2016 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by Doikers (Post 4063777)
Hi Jelli , Welcome to the VPW , I'm Mark . Wanna bean bag to sit on ? It is quiet here but we are nice :)


Originally Posted by visibleMemories (Post 4063828)
hey jel, we don't bite...come chat at us. hope you are doing okay right now...mind you its almost noon here in canada

Thank you for the warm welcome. :) And for the bean bag, I appreciate it. Sometimes niceness is comforting haha.

*sits on bean bag in corner* It looks like you've been here awhile, Mark? :)

And visible, thank you. I appreciate it. I'm struggling but am still doing okay. :) Just trying to keep breathing and distracting.

stumpy 21-10-2016 11:49 PM

Well I guess things went well today with my counsellor, no medical intervention thank god, my counsellor just wanted to go through a letter he'd written for me, he has said if I need him to get in touch, which is really nice, he also wanted to make sure I was safe and hadn't self harmed after Tuesday's incident, and that I have first aid supplies, he didn't take away my blade, as he doesn't want to risk me using dirty blades or glass in place of my clean blade, but asked that I try my best to pick up the phone and call him before I do. I'm still apprehensive about how I'm gonna manage through the weekend, and through my Safeguarding Training on Monday, as well as my volunteering meeting on Tuesday, and my meeting with my mental health support worker on Wednesday to fill in the paperwork for my anger management referral, so I think I'll stick around here for now where it's safe, curled up on my bean bag :)

Kathryn_Anna 12-11-2016 01:54 AM

It's been too long. Sorry I've not been around much. Life is rough right now and I'm struggling quite a bit.

Eir 12-11-2016 03:11 AM

Hi all
Just hiding here for abit

Kathryn_Anna 12-11-2016 01:25 PM

You would think kids would be a great distraction but waking up every day before dawn is a total mood killer. Coffee use to help some but I'm finding more and more it does nothing. I need a MH day. Not me by myself but just me and hubby. He doesn't get how I'm always so stressed out and seriously on the brink of insanity. I've half joked about running away. Just drive until I'm tired of driving. Find a nice hotel and spend the night. Drive back the next day. Not a run away for always but that's crossed my mind too. Just give hubby a taste of what it's like with 3 kids and a million Dr's appointments and house repairs. *Sigh* back to reality. Hubby's off to work.

Eir 14-11-2016 09:05 AM

Yeah children don't distract. They add more stress. I'm considering running away too.

Kahlia1981 16-11-2016 08:09 AM

Hey Annie, Mark and Kat. I'd say it's nice to see you, but I'm also sad to see you as it means things aren't going so well.

VisibleMemories, Jelli and Stumpy: I believe this is the first time I am meeting you (apologies if that is incorrect my brain isn't working very well right now), so hello. Come along inside and make yourself comfortable.

Hot chocolate or milkshakes anyone? Personally I think I would prefer a lemonade, but the heat and humidity are getting to me.

*creates drinks for everyone that wants one*

Drowning in a lake of my university work, stress, not punching someone in the face (maybe more than one person if I'm honest), and my mood. *sigh*

*disappears into pillow fort*

YodaBearInterrupted 17-11-2016 07:36 PM

*puts brownies and cookies on the table*

*Makes a hot chocolate*

Its like 60 degrees here right now, but I love hot chocolate lol.

I haven't been in here in awhile, so hi to the new people in here -- Jelli, Stumpy, and VisibleMemories *waves*

Hi to everybody else *waves to them as well*

Having a really tough time right now with SH/SI stuff and writing in my journal isn't helping that much... I have a psych appt coming up soon but I really don't feel like going and getting into trouble with him again.

Kahlia1981 21-11-2016 11:00 AM

Hi Matt. Sorry to hear that the journal writing isn't helping right now.

Having a crisis right now that most of you would laugh at. Oh well... that's life.

*sneaks her dogs in and takes them into her pillow fort for cuddles*

Eir 22-11-2016 04:37 PM

*knocks on the pillow fort* can I come in?
I've staved off physically harming myself for a week through a really rough patch. Don't know how much longer I can hold out so I'm hiding in here.

yoyogirl 28-11-2016 08:36 PM

Wonders into the psych room

psychadelicflowergirl 29-11-2016 05:35 AM

i think i need to come hide in here for bit, everything is really overwhelming me and making me think bad things tonight. have spoken to crisis team who are passing a message on to psychiatrist in the morning, until then i feel like i'm stuck in limbo not knowing what to do with myself to be honest.
i'm also in a lot of physical pain with my fibromyalgia. so not having a great time of it at the mo.. can i hide here from everything for just a little bit?

xxjuliexx 30-11-2016 10:12 PM

Hi everyone! :)

Eir 01-12-2016 03:52 AM

Feeling so fragile today. At work anyway.
Hi everyone * curls up under a bed*

Eir 01-12-2016 01:04 PM

Work didn't work out. Feel pathetic and low and I just don't want to do this any more.

Eir 16-02-2017 09:49 AM

*lurks* I hope that the reason the board is quiet is that everyone else is doing ok.

Kahlia1981 16-02-2017 11:21 AM

2.5 months in hospital with another 2/3 to go is becoming unbearable...
*curls up and cries*

Doikers 17-02-2017 11:57 PM

*Leaves a Jar of Hugs*

Eir 18-02-2017 11:53 AM

Hi Kahlia and Mark.
*Hugs if people want them*
I'm really down.

Kahlia1981 19-02-2017 12:36 AM

Annie - *safe hugs*

*curls up in pillow fort*

*hugs* for anyone who wants/needs them

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