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YodaBearInterrupted 07-09-2011 10:45 PM

*waves at Jay and hugs*

Recently I have become more and more emotionally fragile. I don't take emotional hits very well. I always get run over by family and friends because I can't say no. I am just tired of resisting what the voices tell me to do because its very draining

PoisonedApple 07-09-2011 11:09 PM

*waves at Ella*

Jay, if the music makes you down have you tried other music?

Mark, I'm pretty sure you qualify to visit with only a passport... this is the linky though to the info i was looking at -specific to the uk even:) - hope that makes you less nervous. *hugs*

I totally understand that, Matt. *sits with*

*hugs Matt and Jay*

broken and used 08-09-2011 01:48 AM

Yeah,....I have now...but its already done its job you know?

risenfromperdition 08-09-2011 01:56 AM

*cuddles laura and anyone else who wants*
love you guys <3

Doikers 08-09-2011 09:22 AM

*Hugs Jay*

*Hugs Crimson* I have Never travelled internationally since childhood and never alone.

*Waves to Ella*

*Hugs Matt*

*Hugs Heather*

Doikers 08-09-2011 04:52 PM

I have an update from Oliver , I guess I'll just type out the texts
"I'm not good ,saw the Doctor yesterday and she wasn' happyas I ran away again yesterday and she said if I do it again they will put me on a secure unit. Then I got angrywith her over a different matter and she told me to leave so I did then I was punching walls and she told all the staff to just leave me and not intervene. I've just been lying on my bedever since crying and scared cos now my name isn't on the board with the other patients so I'm scared they are moving me. But no one is telling me anything . Sorry for the ramble"
"I know the urge to run away is so strong but I'm trying not too. Trouble is I have shower gel etc in my room and want to do stuff with that just want to die but I'm too scared to talk to the staff cos I'm convinced they all hate me"

I'm sorry I'm not the bearer of better news :(

Doikers 08-09-2011 08:50 PM

Oliver Sends cuddles and says he misses the ward :)

Doikers 08-09-2011 09:02 PM

*Night time hugs my wardies*

PoisonedApple 08-09-2011 09:03 PM

*sends cuddles back* tell him we miss him too!

shadowedsoul 09-09-2011 07:48 AM

curls up small, cant do this today crying my eyes out right now. just really suicidal and extremely low.

Doikers 09-09-2011 09:38 AM

*Hugs Crimson*

*Hugs Jill* What happened hun?

PoisonedApple 09-09-2011 08:15 PM

*hugs Mark and Jill and anyone else wandering around in here*

I'm starting to feel like a yoyo. It's dizzying. I think I actually prefer all being low or all being ok. This up and down and up and down is driving me crazy.

*runs off to write while I'm not feeling thoroughly uninspired* 27750 words btw :) more than half way through my word goal for a month of working on my novel (it's day 21 of 30, goal is 50k words)

Emo 09-09-2011 08:41 PM

Want to cut ...really not so good right now

Louise 09-09-2011 08:43 PM

hugs everyone

PoisonedApple 09-09-2011 08:59 PM

*hugs Louise and sits with Ella*

Wanna talk about it?

Doikers 09-09-2011 09:43 PM

50k word , wow thats a lot but you can do it crimson hun *Hugs*

PoisonedApple 09-09-2011 10:07 PM

I probably could have already if I just didn't get so low periodically that i can hardly think... I've skipped writing 11 days of the 21 so far. :( It helps that I know where I want this part of the story to go and wrote myself out prompts so if I forget what's going on I can look at my notes...
*hugs* How are you tonight?

*update* up to 28882 words.

Doikers 10-09-2011 05:49 PM

Just To Let y'all know , Lindsay is inpatient for her exsema and is thinking of us all :)

broken and used 10-09-2011 08:11 PM

Hi guys....
don't know what to say but...*hugs*

Doikers 11-09-2011 09:11 AM

*Hugs Jay*

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