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Louise 04-09-2011 09:12 PM

~hugs everyone~

shadowedsoul 05-09-2011 07:50 AM

curls up small, cant do this. rocks back and forth.

Doikers 05-09-2011 08:21 AM

*Hugs Louise*

*Hugs Jill*

How are you both?

shadowedsoul 05-09-2011 08:39 AM

Hmm not good want to hurt myself, at work and there is so many things I can do it with, very scared right now

Doikers 05-09-2011 08:56 AM

*Huggles Jill*

shadowedsoul 05-09-2011 10:01 AM

Ugh can't keep myself tougher really want to hurt sorry I'm sorry . Curls up and cries

Doikers 05-09-2011 10:44 AM

*Hugs Jill* I'm sorry hun , can you distract yourself at all?

shadowedsoul 05-09-2011 12:17 PM

Hmm I'm trying to, trying to keep myself buzy. Sorry I'm beigning ac
Whiny sod.
How's you mark

Doikers 05-09-2011 01:17 PM

Weird Jill , I'm feeling weird :/

Billy! 06-09-2011 11:59 AM

*Cuddles everyone* Wow, ward's very quiet lately!

Doikers 06-09-2011 12:35 PM

*Hugs Charlie* It has been hasn't it ?

SoMuchMore 06-09-2011 03:59 PM

*hugs everyone* finally, getting settled into my new apt. Can't believe how long this summer has been.

Hope everyone is okay.

PoisonedApple 06-09-2011 05:48 PM

wow it really is quiet. i noticed it was slow last week but less than a page in the 3 days i wasn't on here... damn.

*hugs all*

Mark can u repost this to the fb vpw for me? i can't do fb from here... I'm okay I just have to start over again. Day 3. :S
Though oddly people have been commenting on how happy I look today. I guess it just built up and built up and now that it's been released it's kinda zenned me up. 0.o

Doikers 06-09-2011 05:58 PM

So "They" are wanting to keep Oliver in longterm for psychotherapy . " They" tick me off but as long as he is safe right?

*Hugs Laura*

PoisonedApple 06-09-2011 06:14 PM

I take it going back to uni next term is out for him then?
That sux.
I'm glad he's safe though.
*sends hugs to Oliver*

Doikers 06-09-2011 06:19 PM

He won't be able to go on his Testosterone, I'm worried about him.

Doikers 06-09-2011 06:21 PM

Crimson , I copy pasted the same message from FB onto here . Is that correct

PoisonedApple 06-09-2011 06:25 PM


Crimson , I copy pasted the same message from FB onto here . Is that correct
You mean from here to FB? Yep. Thanks :)


He won't be able to go on his Testosterone, I'm worried about him.
There's no way at all that he can? Do they at least know when he can?

Doikers 06-09-2011 06:35 PM

Oliver sends Cuddles , But no he won't be able to do testosterone in patient in a psych ward. I'm keeping an eye on him , I don't know thouigh if he is the Male or Felmale wing?

PoisonedApple 06-09-2011 06:41 PM

:| Is the staff at least being kind about his being trans?

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