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squiggles 29-03-2008 10:43 PM

*Hugs, Helen, Alex & Emma*
Katey - How are you today, feeling better I hope. PM me if you need to chat.
Had a good day today, house hunting is good fun. I hope I find something soon.
Cookies for all, double chocolate ones for those most in need.

dark_light 29-03-2008 10:55 PM

Hey everyone, hugs all round
Really need to hide somewhere been in the hospital since yesterday. How can things get any worse?
I'll be over in the corner then...

MammaMia 29-03-2008 10:58 PM

I really need the double choc one :'(

I'm having a shitty night =[

Alex, don't die....and yeah I think my friend is ok

Detour. Derail 29-03-2008 11:00 PM

*makes other dieing noises*
I cant DO this anymore :pinch:
you know how bad I was when I text you this morning Helen...
I really really cant :crying:

MammaMia 29-03-2008 11:06 PM

I know how bad you were hun and I've been so worried about you *massive cuddles* What's making you feel so bad hunnie? You're so worth so much more than being dead, seriously!

Me, arrrrrrrgh I'm gonna ****ing do something >>.<<

Detour. Derail 29-03-2008 11:10 PM

I feel...DEAD inside....im not getting pleasure out of anything anymore...
all the things i used to love doing...now dont make a blind bit of difference...
I keep getting urges...everywhere i go...everything i do..
Im not gonna make anything of myself so why should i bother?

MammaMia 29-03-2008 11:13 PM

Hun, I know how that feels. Depression sucks majorly I know hun, esp when everything triggers you. *hugs*

Seriously Alex, I know you don't believe you can make anything of yourself. I think that at times, but look at me...I'm finishing college in a few weeks and been offered places at universities...so must be doing something right.

You can get through the dark days/weeks/months and still make something of yourself.

Detour. Derail 29-03-2008 11:35 PM

*cries and curls up*

MammaMia 29-03-2008 11:48 PM

*holds Alex*

It's going to be ok. x

Detour. Derail 29-03-2008 11:54 PM

It wont be....
I should be locked up...
and the key thrown away...
Im no good for ANYONE

MammaMia 29-03-2008 11:56 PM

Hun, you are good for so man people.

Believe me, you showed that you are, by showing that you cared about me the other week...even though we barely had talked.....

Ugh, I need to stop supporting people and forgetting myself. I need to look after me and still help people.

Detour. Derail 30-03-2008 12:00 AM

yeh..but...you're important...
i was worried about you...
im not worried about me...
i dont even CARE about me...
I can go..die for all i care ><

squiggles 30-03-2008 12:09 AM

*Hugs Alex*
Alex, You're a great person, you're important and we care about you.
You're really good to people, you've helped me, through giving me advice and chatting to me.
*Hugs* don't know what else to say but I care about you. Hope you are safe.

Detour. Derail 30-03-2008 12:12 AM


She says it. She says its true. Cant get away from her...

Katey-lou 30-03-2008 12:28 AM

hey, thankyou to everyone who was around last night. not feeling loads better but a bit, have calmed down a bit though i got really really worked up last night. i've spent most of today excercising though needed something to do and it always helps me.

hope everyones ok x

*sits in the corner and stares into space!*

MammaMia 30-03-2008 12:28 AM

She needs to not be allowed to control you hunnie.
Please tell someone?

Now I wanna say summat bowt me.
Sorry for being selfish but why can't someone care about me.
Noboyy cares.

MammaMia 30-03-2008 12:29 AM

Katey, I'm glad you're feeling better :)

Detour. Derail 30-03-2008 12:46 AM


Originally Posted by Hells (Post 661359)
Sorry for being selfish but why can't someone care about me.
Noboyy cares.



MammaMia 30-03-2008 12:49 AM

Nooo :(

I'm somebody nobody really honestly cares about.

squiggles 30-03-2008 01:14 AM

I care too!

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