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Billy! 21-03-2011 09:45 PM


Doikers 21-03-2011 09:45 PM

*Hugs Charlie*

Billy! 21-03-2011 09:49 PM

*Hugs Mark* How are you?

misskitty112 21-03-2011 09:51 PM

*collapses in the ward... exhausted*

Uni can go die now, kthanks. Also, I have to make up my schedule for next semester by tomorrow. I can't find a schedule that's not going to be completely overwhelming.... so overwhelming it is. :)

Sorry, I came in here to say something profound, but it left me.
Love y'all. <3

Doikers 21-03-2011 09:52 PM

Was bad , now numb , but Lia has helped me out a ton . Numb is better than the alternative.

How are you Charlie Hun?

Doikers 21-03-2011 09:53 PM

*Squishes Felicia*

FlyingNy 21-03-2011 09:54 PM

I'm glad I was able to help you Mark :) And I agree that you do need to watch the movies. And read the books. Or if you can't get the motivation, listen to the audio tapes. It'll make your life magical :)

*Hugs Felicia* How are you other than uni stresses?

*Hugs Charlie* RAWRR to you too.

misskitty112 21-03-2011 09:59 PM

Harry Potter does make life magical. True statement.
Ummm... how am I, well, I got stung by a bee when I was walking to work today, and I'm allergic, so I had to use my epi pen thing... luckily it worked so I bypassed a trip to the hospital. Work was horrendous, I have a huge Brit Lit test Friday (but that's a uni stress... sorry), and I apparently have to see my mom soon, or she's going to never let me see my brother again. Despite all of that, I guess I'm okay. I never really know from minute to minute.
And wow... that was long... sorry. How are you?

Billy! 21-03-2011 10:01 PM

Lia's amazing at cheering people up :) a few weeks ago she had me doing yoga on my bed XD

FlyingNy 21-03-2011 10:02 PM

It wasn't long Felicia don't worry about it :) **** about the bee sting. I'm allergic to wasps. I'm glad you're alright :) That's nice of your mother. How can she stop you seeing your brother?

Lol Charlie, that was funny. I tried it too (making suspisious sounding bed spring noises) and then I tried to learn my Polish lines for my drama so as a result my sister now thinks I have a secret Polish boyfriend.

Doikers 21-03-2011 10:03 PM

*Squishes Felicia*

*Hugs* Charlie , Didn't you fall off your yoga bed? :P

*Hugs Lia*

*Night time hugs my wardies*

misskitty112 21-03-2011 10:07 PM

My brother lives with my mom, my "stepdad," and my "stepsiblings." I don't. I wasn't allowed to come with mom when she left, and in order to see my brother I have to ask my mom first if I can come to her house, or I have to talk mom's parents into possibly risking their rights to see everyone, and letting them pick him up and bring him to my house. So... mom wants something, probably money (or to rub my cousin's little family in my face), from me, and I didn't go to her house this past weekend to give her the satisfaction of watching me go to pieces over whatever she wants me to do... so, she's saying if I don't come see her soon, I will no longer be allowed on her property to see my brother, and if I do try to see him, she will call the police on me. Isn't she lovely?

misskitty112 21-03-2011 10:08 PM

Goodnight, Mark. *hugs*

FlyingNy 21-03-2011 10:11 PM

Night night Mark *hugs* You resisted the big urges :)

Delightful, Felicia. What gives her the right to treat you that way? Especailly when she doesn't do the same to your brother. Grr. She's so out of order, but there seems little I can do about it other than tell you you don't deserve it.

misskitty112 21-03-2011 10:17 PM

I know, she's just wonderful, Lia. The only way I can describe why I get treated so horribly and my brother doesn't, is my mom never wanted me, my dad did, and once he died, mom just kind of lost her mind in dealing with me. I mean.. it got bad, I don't really want to say how bad, but basically, I'm glad she's gone. I just wish I could see my little brother every now and then without having to go through hell, or risk my grandparents' family standing.

FlyingNy 21-03-2011 10:24 PM

She shouldn't treat you like that Felicia, you don't deserve it. At least you have your brother though. When you're allowed to see him.

Billy! 21-03-2011 11:09 PM

*Cuddles Felicia, Lia and Mark*
That sucks Felicia, i'm sorry.
Lol Lia, same here, I told my mum about it the next day and she was like 'I wonderd what all the banging was' It was a laugh though, definatley cheered me up :) Then I had a rave to the ketchup song lol.

misskitty112 22-03-2011 01:38 AM

I am stressed out of my head. Somedays, you just need to forget you have a huge paper due and a portfolio to (keep) working on, and go out and party.
Welcome to my Monday night :)

ˈsäləˌterē 22-03-2011 02:12 AM

I'm sorry you're havin a rough night Felicia!

frenchhorn 22-03-2011 02:27 AM

*hugs you all* love all my wardies lots, sorry I've not got the energy to do individual replies, but lots of cuddles to you all.

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