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SnowBerrySnuffles 05-03-2008 07:24 PM

I'd like to check in, but can't update until about Friday morning I'm afraid, or possibly tomorrow, but very much doubt it. :(

chocostashchick 05-03-2008 07:45 PM

hi SnowBerrySnuffles
the more the merrier
do you like frosting?
*passes out frosting*
frosting? anyone?

*hands out courage and encouragement to Helen*
you can catch up honey, now that you are all rested up!

~*forever_broken*~ 05-03-2008 08:30 PM

*makes a good, strong pot of tea to cut the sweet of the frosting, passes around the pot and takes some frosting*

Mmm if only this were real... I think I'd prefer to be in a psych ward drinking tea and eating frosting with you all than trying to figure out what the hell is wrong with me and still trying to function :crying:

*retreats to her corner, wraps her arms around her knees and stares vacantly into space*

MammaMia 05-03-2008 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by chocostashchick (Post 603900)
*hands out courage and encouragement to Helen*
you can catch up honey, now that you are all rested up!

Thank you sweetie, well I've done some of it...just really hate this. :-(


My mouth feels all funny *cries*

*wants to hug Emma*

*hugs everyone*

MammaMia 05-03-2008 08:35 PM

I just realised....that I've been doing so well....

Why do I feel like I want everything to get wrecked again soon :\ :\ :\

Is it because I took today off?

Small_Black_Flower 05-03-2008 08:36 PM

sorry to sound silly *embaressed* but what is frosting?!

chocostashchick 05-03-2008 08:38 PM

well done Helen! yay!!
did you eat too much frosting? sometimes that makes my mouth funny from all the sugar making it feel raw. have some tea. tea fixes everything.

*takes some tea from Alyssa and passes it about*

so, yeah, i am going to take up permanent residence here because apparently i have been rejected by the real psych hospital.
my self esteem is so damaged right now.
this is the end of the line, right? when the therapists reject you, what's left?

*hoards frosting maniacally and hopes there is some sort of therapeutic quality to a sugar high*

Small_Black_Flower 05-03-2008 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by Hells (Post 604054)
I just realised....that I've been doing so well....

Why do I feel like I want everything to get wrecked again soon : : :

Is it because I took today off?


I know how you feel, I know Ive been doing well but now feel college will go downhill cos missed today.

hope your ok? tis ok to miss one day!!..tis probably better if you werent up to it, you wouldnt have felt good and would have probably made you feel worse. *more hugs* xxx

chocostashchick 05-03-2008 08:42 PM

you poor soul
you poor neglected soul

frosting is like the yummiest thing ever
you're in the UK, yeah?
i wonder if there is a different name for it there
frosting is the stuff that you put on a cake or cupcake or maybe even cookies
it's mostly sugar and water or sugar and butter or something like that
but there's buttercream frosting, and royal frosting, and creamcheese frosting, and chocolate frosting, or strawberry flavored. and sometimes you can use ganache or creme fraiche.
they sell it in tubs here in the USA at the grocery store for lazy freaks and you can just eat it out of the container and gorge yourself as necessary and eat your problems.
it's lovely.
try it some time.

Small_Black_Flower 05-03-2008 08:46 PM

Ooo i think is called Icing over here (would make sense!)


chocostashchick 05-03-2008 10:14 PM

yes! icing!
why i couldnt have just used the other name instead of rambling on incessantly i don't know


effervescence 05-03-2008 10:21 PM

hey, im too scared to go to a real hospital - can i come in?

MammaMia 05-03-2008 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by chocostashchick (Post 604071)
well done Helen! yay!!
did you eat too much frosting? sometimes that makes my mouth funny from all the sugar making it feel raw. have some tea. tea fixes everything.

Hehe I love iceing <333 But erm no that's not why hehe.


Originally Posted by Small_Black_Flower (Post 604080)

I know how you feel, I know Ive been doing well but now feel college will go downhill cos missed today.

hope your ok? tis ok to miss one day!!..tis probably better if you werent up to it, you wouldnt have felt good and would have probably made you feel worse. *more hugs* xxx

Thank you sweetheart. I hope it doesn't go downhill for you -huggles- I don't feel ok and yet at same time I'm so hyppppppppppppper!

Small_Black_Flower 05-03-2008 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by Hells (Post 604572)
Thank you sweetheart. I hope it doesn't go downhill for you -huggles- I don't feel ok and yet at same time I'm so hyppppppppppppper!

hehe I'm hyyper too... but nothing to do...ah well *dances madly* xx

Pomegranate 05-03-2008 11:42 PM

I am having an emo moment. I am sorry for being so **** recently and not replying to you lovely people. I am currently working on regaining my faith and building a relationship with God, something I lost many many years ago but would like back. I just seem to be failing. Everything is going wrong. I am drinking to make it feel better and then I plan on SIing and thus shall be three times in one week in A+E. I hope everyone is ok, and once again...I apologise for neglecting the community, I just cant contribute properly at the moment x

chocostashchick 06-03-2008 03:57 AM

you have nothing to apologise for honey - your health is more important
everybody at RYL has times when they can contribute less
please dont feel bad

*passes out more tea and hugs to those who are in need*

*huddles in corner and wonders where the fvck my sanity went and why i keep feeling like my body is made of lead does anybody else ever suddenly feel like that or is it just me and should i be concerned? thoughts? yes? no?*

~*forever_broken*~ 06-03-2008 05:19 AM

*accepts some tea and a hug from Callie and tries not to spill her tea*

Callie, hunni, you're no more nuts than the rest of us (which may or may not be saying anything, lol). As for feeling like lead, no, it's not just you, no worries hun. Just one manifestation of depression.

Helen, hunni, everyones right, sometimes you just need a mental health day or two. Believe me, I've been there, taking a day off for your mental health and thwn feeling bad for it. However, it has always been for the best.

Oh I'm drunk... Pretty exciting (read:not at all). I should know better... I DO know better... I tend to get more suicidal than usual when I'm drunk...
god I suck... I hate this... Why can't I just die? Lots of people die accidentally every day... Why in the world can't I be one of them? Does God really hate me that much?!:crying:

*stumbles back to her corner and cries herself to sleep clutching her stuffed lamb*b

l.e.g.o 06-03-2008 10:29 AM

hugs to all
i just want to die right now-wanna do so much damageit cant be repaired-want to suffer as i know i deserve
im sorry

SnowBerrySnuffles 06-03-2008 10:48 AM

*Takes some tea and runs off to hide*
I really am not up to going to my assessment today... oh well...

SnowBerrySnuffles 06-03-2008 10:50 AM

uni assessment that is...

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