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Jetforce 03-03-2008 08:07 AM

*hugs all and leaves a few warm teddy bears behind*

Look after urself ppl..i'm thinking about u all :-P

MammaMia 03-03-2008 09:53 PM

I'm back.

I feel sooooooooooo ill =[

chocostashchick 04-03-2008 05:34 AM

aww Helen i hope you feel better soon

*snatches up a teddy bear and clutches it*

i'm scared of myself

Jetforce 04-03-2008 09:29 AM

wb Helen...hope ur feeling a bit better there!!

Callie....*hugs* look after urself there and stay safe :-)

I feel like **** atm :-( i got a cold probably ugh...stupid cold

MammaMia 04-03-2008 12:12 PM

*gives everyone hugs*

I'm so annoyed right now, my mum is doing my head in, again!

Jetforce 04-03-2008 02:16 PM

*hugs helen*

That's no good... poor u :-(

MammaMia 04-03-2008 04:18 PM

I shall retract that statement, we're all good again :)

Hopefully shall stay like this for ages, had FAR too many arguments lately :(

My birthday on friday :\ :| How am I gonna be 18????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pomegranate 04-03-2008 04:45 PM

*steals a teddy and curls up in the corner to sleep*

Glad you sorted things out with your mum Helen, *hugs to anyone that needs them*

MammaMia 04-03-2008 05:13 PM

I need hugs haha.

I'm scared about tonight, it'll be fine but yeah...

chocostashchick 04-03-2008 08:45 PM


*hugs Helen and Emma*
*hope you feel better Jeremy*

MammaMia 04-03-2008 10:32 PM

Tonight went fine, confessed a whole bunch of stuff to yr12 girls, deary me....but least they were kind :]

I'm sooooo tired but must do my Psychology work or fall even further behind =[

Pomegranate 05-03-2008 12:58 AM

thanks for the hugs Callie :)

Glad it went ok Helen, talking can be good and sometimes the most unlikely people are the most helpful! Don't work to hard m'dear and TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF! Love ya xx

I am exhausted (still) lol so shall be returning to my corner to sleep now xx

~*forever_broken*~ 05-03-2008 02:27 AM

*hugs to all*

My head hurts... I've had a headache since the OD I took Thursday night last week... Not sure it's connected but... I wish it would go away.

*cuddles underneath her blanket clutching her stuffed lamb*

Small_Black_Flower 05-03-2008 02:45 AM

:crying: not feeling too safe tonight...can I check in ?

Jetforce 05-03-2008 11:27 AM

Anytime Small_Black_Flower

Ahhh, i'm feeling better today yay...not as ill as i thought i'll will be..anyway, thx's for the msgs of support ppl...hope u all r well too xxx

chocostashchick 05-03-2008 03:42 PM

tra la la la la
sitting at the front desk at my new temp placement for the next couple of weeks
you know, i can't STAND the idea of expectations, that i have to get up every morning and come here and be happy. i get really nervous that i will screw up or something, that i don't have the freedom to take too many tablets and sleep through the morning.
i am such a freak

*sits in a corner and passes out cake because i still want cake*
*no, wait, passes out a huge tub of chocolate frosting. i want frosting so bad.*

MammaMia 05-03-2008 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by Lifeisabitch (Post 602525)
Glad it went ok Helen, talking can be good and sometimes the most unlikely people are the most helpful! Don't work to hard m'dear and TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF! Love ya xx

Talking is good and yeah I agree...I'm still bloody working :( I didn't go into college today, I feel really bad about it. Grr grr! I'm just really happy though because I'm talking to someone I've not spoken to properly in like nearly a whole year!!!!!!!!! :hop: Had I been at college....I wouldn't been able to do so heeh :wow: But my attedence over a 3 week peroid will be dragged down again. :mad:

chocostashchick 05-03-2008 05:24 PM

aww Helen it's okay
you are allowed a Mental Health day or two, that's more important than your attendance
have some frosting, or not frosting i don't know whatever it must be that time of the month or something because i am obsessed with sweets, and it will all seem better in a bit

Small_Black_Flower 05-03-2008 05:33 PM

:-( I didnt manage to get to college either feel bad about it, but just didnt feel up to it

hope you are all ok take care

MammaMia 05-03-2008 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by chocostashchick (Post 603413)
aww Helen it's okay
you are allowed a Mental Health day or two, that's more important than your attendance
have some frosting, or not frosting i don't know whatever it must be that time of the month or something because i am obsessed with sweets, and it will all seem better in a bit

Hehe yeah. I had loads of time off last term, well feels like it cus I couldn't be bothered. So far this term I've had 3 days off, two due to sickness. I couldn't face going in today knowing I was so behind....well that's after I woke up dead late :(


Originally Posted by Small_Black_Flower (Post 603438)
:-( I didnt manage to get to college either feel bad about it, but just didnt feel up to it

hope you are all ok take care

*hugs* I know the feeling xxx

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