![]() |
That's good.
Anything planned for the evening? |
I do. I have my parents coming later so we will have cake. Though I suspect my My Little Pony cake won't go down well. If they don't like it then all the more for me!
Cake is cake!
I had a batman cake the other year. And caterpillar cakes are kind of a tradition in my family! I didn't get cake last year though. |
Cake is always a must on birthdays!
Definitely is!!
Omg crutches are so hard. I keep nearly falling over.
Oh no that's not good!
Probably take a bit of time to get used to them. |
Well my mum told me off for having a My Little Pony cake. But she ate some. I have the majority of it left.
You're an adult so if you want a my little pony cake then get a my little pony cake without shame!
My little pony cake sounds amazing. I'd happily take a slice.
I'm just home from my writing group. It ran later than normal and I had to get a later train home. Glad to be home though. Glad I managed to go. |
Did you enjoy yourself Lorraine?
I did thank you. I was anxious and didn't like going home in the dark, but I'm glad I did it. I needed to get out.
Hi all, I need a distraction, is it OK to join in? I think a my little pony cake sounds awesome.
Of course you can join in. Everyone is welcome here.
What is everyone up to? |
I'm just here and on fb. What are you up to?
Glad you enjoyed it Lorraine!
Welcome to the thread tamobhuuta! :-D I'm watching x men and I have hot chocolate! |
I'm going to watch some Netflix for a while.
A hot chocolate sounds good. |
Mmmm hot chocolate, nommy. |
I've watched all of orange is the new black. I just need to wait for the new series to start. I'll need to find something else to watch now.
I'm off to bed now guys!
Good night and hope you all sleep well! :) |
Good night Beckie. Sleep well.
Welcome tamobhuuta.
Challenge is annoying me atm. The older programmes such as Crystal Maze and Bullseye are no longer being shown in widescreen format when they were previously shown. It's probably a technical problem but I wish they would announce it either on telly or on their website that they are aware or something. It's spoilt my enjoyment of bullseye so much that I have stopped watching it. I sent them a tweet - my second ever and both are complaints. |
Good morning threadlings <3
Morning! How are people?
Morning :)
I'm starting to feel like I've caught up on my sleep. Cba to et washed though. How're you? |
That's good! Small steps, there's time for washing tomorrow :P
I'm alright just need to get my arse in gear to do things that need doing rather than faffing around. |
I am going swimming.
Faffing is such a good word though I hope you can get going love. You'll probably find its alright once you do.
Yay for swimming. Hope you enjoy. |
Hey guys :)
Glad you caught up on sleep Lillie! Hope you can get going soon Lorraine! Have fun swimming Dawn. |
Afternoon all. I fell asleep. Feel a bit more alive now.
Hi Luna!
You obviously needed that sleep! Glad you feel better :) What are you up to today? |
I'm just about to write a little bit of my essay then need to go to Managing emotions. Got slimming world tonight too.
How about you lovely? |
Sounds like a busy day!
Not got anything planned. I have maths homework to do so I'll get on that at some point! |
Busy day Luna!
I'm hungry :( but can't really make it to the kitchen boo. How's everyone's day been sk far? |
Oh no Lillie :(
Eww Maths, Good luck with it Beckie. |
I agree with Luna. Ew maths.
I also agree. Maths is the worst!!
What's you homework on? (as in what specific aspect of mathematic hell are you embarking on?)
Love what you've written in brackets! So accurate!!!
It's mainly on ratios. Fun times! |
Maths is wonderful! Numbers can't lie!!
Lillie does accio food not work?? |
Oh god, I hate ratios. I can never get myself to understand it. Frustrates the hell out of me.
I'm not convinced on ratios. They are deceptive.
Just walked to the kitchen. I'm afraid I'm not going to be able to rest this foot like they want. But at least I'm fed. |
What did you get to eat love?
Shopping for sperm is so weird. It's like Amazon for baby daddys :P |
You like maths sarah?!?!? Weirdo :p
I can understand ratios in class, but as soon as I step out of the door it's all gone again! I'm glad you managed to get some food Lillie. Haha Luna!! That sounds so weird!! |
Haha I bet it is! What sort of things do you even look for?
I'm trying to work out which sperm bank to go with. I have 3 to choose from and I've already eliminated one.
You see a profile that has a descriptions of their looks, their occupation, relevant medical history/family medical history, likes/interests etc. It's all very strange. |
That does sound strange!
Why would you need to know their likes and interests? Are they genetic? |
I don't know actually, I guess it gives you more of an idea of their personality.
I do indeed like maths, I would go as far to say maths is my one true love.
I imagine they include likes and interests to help with the elimination process otherwise it would 2893472309 brown haired dudes 2394832009 blonde haired dude and 7 super-special gingers. What someone would admit to liking might tell you a lot about their nature, like someone who would admit to liking maths whilst surrounded people going ugh is clearly has a strong sense of self! |
Ah yeah that makes sense!
I might have a look at some of these sites! Might need to use them one day seeing as dating isn't really working out :p I really don't understand how people can like maths!! I wish I did like it because then passing exams wouldn't be so horrible! I just need to do enough to scrape by in these classes and GCSEs and then I'll never have to worry about it again! |
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