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one_step_closer 02-04-2024 06:14 PM

So much waiting and being on edge. :(

Cacoethes 02-04-2024 06:18 PM

I know. Super annoying!

What are you up to?

one_step_closer 02-04-2024 06:33 PM

I think I'm just about to go offline and put the TV on. You?

Cacoethes 02-04-2024 06:34 PM

Watching tv. Going to L's later

Accidentally Abstract 02-04-2024 08:25 PM

Evening everyone, nice to read about your days. I've been in the office today and I'm knackered and barely got through the day at points, but chilling in my pjs now with the telly on.

Cacoethes 02-04-2024 08:31 PM

Hey Luce!
Well done for getting through the day!
Definitely deserve a restful evening!

Accidentally Abstract 02-04-2024 08:38 PM

Yeah, not sure it'll be entirely restful but we shall see. Catching up on EastEnders for now. How's your evening at L's?

Cacoethes 02-04-2024 10:17 PM

Hope you can do at least some resting
It's good. We watched a film and bed time now

Cacoethes 03-04-2024 07:44 AM

Morning everyone

tamobhuuta 03-04-2024 08:48 AM

Morning people.

How are you Cacoethes?

Cacoethes 03-04-2024 10:15 AM

Morning tamo
I'm ok thanks. About to drive to and have to park at costco! D:
It's always rammed. Nervous!

How are you?

tamobhuuta 03-04-2024 10:27 AM

Good luck i hope you have fun. I'm ok, I'm at the CMHT nice and prompt for my first therapy appointment!

long road 03-04-2024 11:35 AM

Morning everyone!

Hope driving goes well Beckie.

Good luck at your therapy appointment Tamo.

I am grumpy because I was woken up by construction noise from another flat in my block. And said noise is still going on.

one_step_closer 03-04-2024 12:49 PM

Afternoon everyone.

Hope your driving isn't as scary as you imagine, Beckie. You are a pro remember!

Hope your therapy appointment goes well, Tamo and that it will be useful for you in the long run.

I hate being woken up by construction noise, I feel for you Jen.

tamobhuuta 03-04-2024 01:26 PM

Hi guys. Therapy was good but not what I was expecting from the leaflet and Google. How have your mornings been?

long road 03-04-2024 01:56 PM

Hey Lindsay, How are you?

Glad it was good Tamo even though it wasn't what you expected.

I have read another volume of the One Piece Manga today and now about to attempt to rest as tired from being woken up by noise but noise seems to have quietened down now so might be able to nap.

tamobhuuta 03-04-2024 02:01 PM

Wishing you a good nap lr.

Cacoethes 03-04-2024 03:16 PM

Hey again guys

My drive was good thank you! And had my first experience with emergency services coming up behind me. First a fire engine then a police car. The police car very kindly turned off their lights when behind me so i didn't panic so much, then put them back on when they passed me. And first time driving in S. Which i was not a fan of. It's also extremely windy!
But i did well.

I'm glad therapy was good tamo. Do you think it will be helpful?

Construction noise is the worst!
Hope you manage to nap!

How are you doing lindsay?

one_step_closer 03-04-2024 03:40 PM

I'm glad you found therapy good, Tamo. Hope you're doing some nice things with the rest of your day.

Hope you're able to nap, Jen.

Well done, Beckie. That's a lot to contend with.

I'm mostly worrying about my psych appointment on Friday.

not_so_insig 03-04-2024 03:50 PM

Afternoon all. I have put my bin and recycling box out. I have also been wild swimming. The water is definitely getting warmer as I didn't need my thermal gloves on this week.

I have a load of laundry going in the machine as I speak and am going to tackle cleaning the toilet later as it's a bit messy. Probably will do the dusting this evening. Already tackled the dishes. Then it's a case of general tidying up as I have made a mess of the flat.

tamobhuuta 03-04-2024 04:07 PM

I think it will help. It's based on CBT which I've found helpful before.

I hope you can find some enjoyment in your cleaning insig.

Is worrying helping osc or do you need to distract?

Well done Cacoethes.

Cacoethes 03-04-2024 04:19 PM

Thank you lindsay and tamo!
I'm quite proud of myself!

I'm not surprised you're nervous lindsay, i know you have a lot you want to talk about.

Hopefully it does help then tamo :)

not_so_insig 03-04-2024 05:01 PM

Thanks tamobhuuta. I have now tackled the toilet and tidied up the bedroom. About to tackle the communal area outside my flat (well the hoovering bit anyway, will do the mopping either later or tomorrow) and then sit down and watch Pointless. Only two more loads of laundry left to do.

one_step_closer 03-04-2024 05:50 PM

I have a schedule where I slot in some housework every day so it doesn't all build up, could you do that Dawn?

I'm glad you think therapy will be helpful, Tamo. Did the therapist seem nice enough?

You need a well done sticker, Beckie!

I'm doing my best to find a balance between distractions and trying to prepare myself for the appointment.

tamobhuuta 03-04-2024 08:02 PM

The therapist seems nice and friendly :) I hope you've managed some balance!

not_so_insig 03-04-2024 08:12 PM

I am too lazy to do it every day so am more likely to do it all in one go Lindsay. Though saying that I do my dishes every day and the laundry too. It's the tidying up I suck at. I have been the same since i was small according to my mum XD.

Cacoethes 03-04-2024 09:43 PM

Do love a good sticker XD

All you can do is your best!
You're doing well lindsay! Even if you don't think you are

Back from work. Busy but ok!

Accidentally Abstract 03-04-2024 10:03 PM

Evening all, glad to hear decent and productive days were had. I miss my therapist, she's on leave this week due to Easter and childcare.

Cacoethes 03-04-2024 10:06 PM

How are you this evening Luce?
Any better than yesterday?

Accidentally Abstract 03-04-2024 10:12 PM

Drained as hell, but got through the day. Went to the supermarket half out of it and it was unnecessarily loud but it grounded me, ha. Dreading the office tomorrow as I'm so tired, and also my line manager is off on leave and she's my lifeline. But I'm meeting a friend for coffee after work so that should be nice.

How about you? Glad work was alright.

Cacoethes 03-04-2024 10:15 PM

Huge well done for getting through it!
When's you line manager back? Having both her and your therapist gone must be extra tough.
I hope you enjoy the coffee. You deserve it!

I'm ok. Also tired and drained but nothing a sleep won't hopefully fix!

Accidentally Abstract 03-04-2024 10:43 PM

Thanks lovely. She was in today and off now until Monday I believe. But I only have to be actually in the office tomorrow. I'm just nervous because last Thursday I had a meltdown in the office and it was a ****ing lot. But yeah it'll be alright I'm sure. And yeah not my favourite thing having them both away but so be it.

Yeah it'll be nice to see my friend, not seen her in a while.

Glad you're okay, sorry you're also feeling tired and drained but I hope you get some decent sleep to help.

Ahimsa 03-04-2024 10:55 PM

Hey all

Accidentally Abstract 03-04-2024 11:06 PM

Hey Beth, how's it going?

Ahimsa 03-04-2024 11:13 PM

I'm okay, this is a difficult week with an anniversary yesterday, another on Friday, and my ADHD meds aren't working at all 6 weeks in but I can't swap to anything else because of my antidepressant, which I can't change because of the horrendous withdrawals so I'm a bit stuck :(

So however that is?

How're you?

Accidentally Abstract 03-04-2024 11:45 PM

I'm sorry it's a rough week. You're halfway through though! You got this. The ADHD meds thing sounds like a right pain too! :( So I'd say that's not great, but you can push through. Hopefully doctors have some idea or plan if you speak to them..? Could you taper off the anti depressants suuuper slowly if needed and with supervision..?

Eh, I'm okay. Should be in bed, and will be shortly, just been procrastinating because I'm nervous about the office tomorrow. But I'm alright mostly. Drained, struggling, but fine really.

Ahimsa 04-04-2024 12:34 AM

I can only speak to my Drs surgery if I turn up at 8am, and they "may try to phone me at some point during the day" and if you miss the call, you try again the next day because they won't try again.

I work 7:45-4:45pm. If you turn up anytime after 8:30, not a chance of being seen.

The ADHD team are equally as rubbish.

I hope you're managing to get some rest?

Accidentally Abstract 04-04-2024 03:48 AM

Ugh, yeah it can be so difficult with GPs can't it? Mine are fortunately pretty decent compared to most, but that sounds like a pain. Sorry they're like this, and hope you get to speak to someone at some point soon - even if via a routine appointment a few weeks away instead..?

I got a couple hours sleep, woke up to pee haha and now I'm here. Hopefully I'll drift back off soon as I need to be up at 06:30 so wasn't going to get enough sleep as it was! Hope you're resting too.

Have a good day everyone! I feel like I always miss the active period during the day lol.

Accidentally Abstract 04-04-2024 07:12 AM

Morning all. So I didn't manage to get back to sleep after that and am now on my way to work - excellent start. I hope other people have better starts than that!

Cacoethes 04-04-2024 07:41 AM

Oh no Luce!
I really hope you get through the day ok. Lack of sleep never helps matters

tamobhuuta 04-04-2024 08:52 AM

Morning guys. I hope work is going well Abstract.
What are you up to Cacoethes?
I'm up early to wait for a GP call.

Ahimsa 04-04-2024 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by Accidentally Abstract (Post 4380677)
Ugh, yeah it can be so difficult with GPs can't it? Mine are fortunately pretty decent compared to most, but that sounds like a pain. Sorry they're like this, and hope you get to speak to someone at some point soon - even if via a routine appointment a few weeks away instead..?

I got a couple hours sleep, woke up to pee haha and now I'm here. Hopefully I'll drift back off soon as I need to be up at 06:30 so wasn't going to get enough sleep as it was! Hope you're resting too.

Have a good day everyone! I feel like I always miss the active period during the day lol.

You can't book anything a few weeks ahead, its on the day only :(

Cacoethes 04-04-2024 10:01 AM

I've just been to the gym and have a driving lesson at 11:45. Need to go to asda and aldi this afternoon.

Hope you're not waiting too long tamo

It's such a **** system beth :(

tamobhuuta 04-04-2024 10:05 AM

Still waiting.

It's similar here Ahimsa. You have to ring up at 8am to get an on the day appointment or if you're really lucky you can get a phone call in a month's time - what I've got. Oh and it's not a proper time, just at some point in the morning.

not_so_insig 04-04-2024 12:09 PM

Afternoon all hope you had your phone call by now tamobhuuta.

I had an unwanted letter. It was from the Tories. Urgh
Once I realised that it was from the Tories I didn't read any further. :angry:

tamobhuuta 04-04-2024 12:25 PM

Nope, no phone call. Mum reckons they're not going to phone at all.

Urgh, politics. There isn't a single party I actually support.

one_step_closer 04-04-2024 12:38 PM

Afternoon everyone.

Sorry you had an awful sleep, Luce. I hope your day improves.

Hope your day goes well, Beckie.

I hope the GP does call, Tamo.

I don't know why doctors surgeries think working things that way is useful, Beth.

tamobhuuta 04-04-2024 01:11 PM

Hi osc, how are you?

tamobhuuta 04-04-2024 01:39 PM

My laundry is going well. I even decided to do my bedding!

not_so_insig 04-04-2024 02:52 PM

I had a poll card come the other day so i suspect that I will be bothered by various election stuff. Hence why I had a letter from the tories today.

I have had a delivery of clothes today. Out of the 7 items only 1 doesn't fit :-( . So looks like i will be returning it.

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