Hiya Alice(?) Welcome Muchly to the Psych ward :]
You know what I reckon? The doctors stand on the streets and go "oi you! *grabs a random stranger* you have a brain cell....come join the Crisis Team :-D" "erm...ok?" |
lol Alexx
Hahaha, I'm glad everyone agrees about the crisis team. I'm not glad that that means no one is really getting the help they need.
I feel really sick today, had to take the day off work. I don't know what's brought it on. Anxiety I think. |
*cuddles Zowie* sorry to hear that hun
I just realised today marks one month since I last hurt myself.
Not because I'm trying to quit, but because I have to wear a short sleeved shirt at work. It's really hard. |
Sorry to hear you're feeling poorly :( Quote:
*pokes her head out from under her blanket*
Hi Alice, welcome. Hmmm, glad I don't live there now... If I said that stuff I'd be locked up before I had a chance to blink... Hmmm, on second thought maybe I DO wish I lived there... |
Halloooo again sweetheart :]
I wish I had some advice for you :( You wanna talk about anything in particular that has happened? |
Whether it's because you are trying to stop or because of a work dress code it's still great Zowie! You've made it a month and that is SO hard.
Hello again Alexx. Thanks but I'm not sure there's much to talk about. I felt awful, lastnights fiasco happened and made it all worse and I've only gotten up twice today, once to eat even though I'm not hungry I know I should... Woo-hoo I'll just keep getting fat |
Oh darling!!! you wont get fat :(
I wish there was something i could do to take it all away... you really dont deserve all this and im sorry you have to deal with it. *snuggles you and wraps you in a blanket* |
*snuggles Alexx*
You know, I wish all our wishes and hopes for each other really worked... Then we'd all feel better... I hate seeing us all like this, and it's the majority of us... Why do we all have to feel so awful? What did WE do to deserve it? There are so many terrible people out there and yet we're stuck like this and they just go about their lives... |
I know hun...I know...and I really don't know why it's like this but one day...they'll get their comupance (sp?) trust me....
at least...in a way...we are getting it over and done with? They will become niave..thinking nothing bad will happen to them |
its like we've been picked off the street (much like the crisis team) and someone's gone "we'll f**k up your life, lets see how you like THAT!" and then left us 2 scrabble around for help :( |
*feels ignored*
Oh well. It's not like I'm depressed is it? Oh wait. Nobody knows. *coutinues hiding til someone realises* |
*hugs everyone lots after reading the past couple of days worth of posts* Everyone seems to be really low at the moment :S I hope everyone's coping as well as they can tonight *more hugs*
*hugs helen* You're not ignored :D
Except...we're better than the crisis team...we know what to say ;)
HELEN!!!!!!!!! :( *pounces and hugs you*
*sigh* Tis true. And if you'll allow me to harken back to my Christian roots there is a Psalm that talks about exactly that (if anyone wants the reference I'll look it up but my Bible is down stairs atm)... Still when feeling crap it's hard to care that they'll 'get theirs' later *shrug*
*snuggles everyone* Helen!! *pounces on you* Sounds like you're having a good day :-) what's up luv? |
Thanks guys.
Ally, how'd you work that out =P Ugh. Why do I have to be so low at the moment? Yeah things are good...but they're also sooo bad. CONFUSING MUCH? |
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