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YodaBearInterrupted 26-12-2007 06:17 AM

*hugs all of you in here*

I understand that alyssa.star. I have had nightmares of that happening to me as well. *HUGS*

Jetforce 26-12-2007 02:17 PM

*hugs all*

Hope u guys r keeping well there xxx

Bella_forever 28-12-2007 04:58 AM

*curls into a ball on couch*

black feather 28-12-2007 08:03 AM

*checks in again* nightmares...can't do nightmares anymore...don't want to sleep.

Jetforce 28-12-2007 08:41 AM

*hugs black feather*

Maybe watch a dvd to keep busy until u fall asleep?

MammaMia 28-12-2007 08:38 PM

*walks in sobbing*


Bella_forever 30-12-2007 12:56 AM

*continues to rock on the couch*

*whispers* They are after me I swear

Seraphsigh 31-12-2007 04:13 AM

*waltzes in, jumps around, clutches head, runs into the wall by accident, talks a lot, hopes to receive a muzzle for mouth and brain*


MammaMia 31-12-2007 03:12 PM


Just hate it.

Seraphsigh 31-12-2007 05:51 PM

*finally falls into heap on floor*
Wow that was fun. Too bad it gets me in trouble.
Oh, Miss Dance, I hope you feel better soon.
*rubs head*
*finds two fluffy blankets and gives one to Dance*
Good night.

MammaMia 31-12-2007 11:53 PM

Thanks Monarkh

I'll join you when the party is over haha!

****ing glad 2008 is almost here =P

jdpasino 01-01-2008 06:50 AM

i wanted to read all the posts, but i couldn't make it....*signs myself in* boy do i need this place

xyon 01-01-2008 07:17 AM

Checking in again, it's been a while cuz my internet access is ****ed. I need this place too. Hope you're ok dance.

Ileana 01-01-2008 09:22 AM

I'm like...suicidal right now. Funny.
I'm not doing anything, just that eternal rest is calling me to her arms again. Nothing to worry about.

MammaMia 01-01-2008 08:32 PM

I'm sorry. I'm scared again. So so so scared.

Seraphsigh 01-01-2008 10:37 PM

Hide under the blanket!
*brings flashlight*
I wish I could make you feel better. It should be a happy new year.

MammaMia 01-01-2008 10:47 PM

*hids with you*

I was doing okay.
Then I started feeling crap.
Then I started getting scared.
Now I'm bawling my eyes out over a 12 year old.
She's not worth it and I'm better than her.
I knew her for what 5 months?
I did nothing but comfort her.
She helped me too.
Then, she turns around and tells me she's not gonna be online.
So I emailed her one night when I was missing her and she replied.
Then I forgot because of Christmas & New Year.
So i emailed her today.
And she doesn't want to be friends anymore.
She "wants to be with her friends of her own age, this is the year I want to get better and I can't solve your problems."
Her 12year old friends won't understand.
I didn't understand self harm, overdoses, suidices etc at that age.
****ing hell, I help her and this is how she repays me?
I am sick of people walking out on me and making me say goodbye.
It's hard enough trying to get over my parents split, even though I still see my dad regularly.
This really hurts.
Everythig hurts me.
I want to cut the hell out of me today.
I can't.
I have a party in 4 days.
I'm scared about that too.

Bella_forever 01-01-2008 10:59 PM

*stops rocking* I need a book... *grabs a book from the book case then returns to the couch and starts reading it*

Seraphsigh 01-01-2008 11:05 PM

*Grabs another book and pounds the heck out of the bad vibes*
Oh, my girls. I'm sorry you're sad.
Come here *hugs*.

I'm checking out. Sure it won't be long till I'm back.

Bella_forever 01-01-2008 11:16 PM

Aw we will miss you till you get back... *walks to her room and sits in the dark with her big fat book*

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