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nonperson 15-02-2018 04:23 PM

And pipe cleaner spiders.

Pomegranate 15-02-2018 04:41 PM

What’s a pipe clean spider?

Just going to get coffee in town. Might pop into paper hade and look at their unicorn stuff.

Aubergine 15-02-2018 05:09 PM

Got the flat scratching thing. :) No idea what a pipe cleaner spider is! Got a thing on a string that I can wiggle though. :D

Love Paper Chase! Unicorn stuff is everywhere at the moment. Think they're the new owls!

nonperson 15-02-2018 05:16 PM

Pipe cleaner spider, best toy ever:


not_so_insig 15-02-2018 05:17 PM

I wouldn't go for a grit litter as it sticks like glue to the tray. Otherwise as said it doesn't matter in most cases unless you have a fussy cat. I use the wood based litter but I have used the world's best in the past too.

nonperson 15-02-2018 05:31 PM

I get the Cat's Best clumping wood stuff. Clumping is definitely easier to clean up. Don't often need it though cos he normally goes outside...

I've lost my mug cake making ability... =(

Sketchy 15-02-2018 05:44 PM

I’m so excited for you Aubergine! An igloo bed is good. Molly sleeps at night in bed with sister or on sofa, but often during the day she likes a nap in her igloo bed so she can have time to herself. She loves her bed. It has her favourite blanket in it and a soft toy dog that she grooms and snuggles.

Maybe you can get a variety pack of sachet food to see what the cat likes first. Molly loves her sachets. She goes through fussy phases, but don’t we humans do that too? Also some dry food left out is good too. And water of course.
Definitely dreamies for treats! There’s also treats you can get that look like sticks. Molly loves them!

It sounds like you are getting all the right things. I hope you get your cat soon and I’m sure they will be happy in their new home.

Good luck!

Aubergine 15-02-2018 06:13 PM

That toy looks so much fun for a cat, Person! :D What's gone wrong with the mug cake? :(

Thank you, Dawn! I got some clumping wood stuff, which says it's kind to cats' paws, so that's always good. Hopefully no gluing to the tray, either! How are you?

Thank you, Lorraine! :) A variety pack of sachets is a good idea! I've heard that Dreamies are a favourite for lots of cats! Hehe. I'll maybe get a couple of flavours and see how they go down. :) How are you?

Eeep. Cat. It's vaguely taking my mind off of what a nightmare being female is. :wow:

Cpt_Stunning 15-02-2018 06:14 PM

Cat I used to have liked catnip

Sketchy 15-02-2018 06:21 PM

I’m ok thanks.

A cat is great company. I love the days I babysit Molly. Such good company. They can be beneficial for mental health. Molly certainly makes me smile. Just think, your cat is out there waiting for you to adopt them. So exciting.

How is everyone?

zombiehunter 15-02-2018 06:24 PM


Sketchy 15-02-2018 06:24 PM

Hey zombie! How’s it going?

nonperson 15-02-2018 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by Aubergine (Post 4158714)
That toy looks so much fun for a cat, Person! :D What's gone wrong with the mug cake? :(

Tried the victoria sponge again but the first two attempts failed and the third that I actually cooked was stodgy and rubbery again... So I made my classic chocolate nutella one which was much better so I think I'll just do that with some whipped cream on top and sprinkles or something!

zombiehunter 15-02-2018 06:40 PM

all good here thanks.

and you?

nonperson 15-02-2018 06:42 PM

I want to rescue a cat. =(

Sketchy 15-02-2018 06:47 PM

Nutella cake sounds great Nonperson.

I’m ok thanks zombie.

Having a lazy indoors day and I’ve got my feet up. Going to get my charcoal and paper out later and get drawing.

nonperson 15-02-2018 06:59 PM

Whatcha gonna draw?

Found a couple of cats for rehoming called Sheldon and Leonard. =D

Sketchy 15-02-2018 07:03 PM

That’s cute!

I’m going to draw some landscapes. I did some sketching and took photos when I was in Arran last year that I’d like to use.

nonperson 15-02-2018 07:05 PM

Ah that sounds cool. =)

Aubergine 15-02-2018 07:43 PM

All I've done from getting in from lunch with my sister is look at cats and cat stuff. :)

Those are brilliant names, Person! Any pictures?

Drawing some landscapes sounds good, Lorraine! :)

Mmm. Nutella mug cake! :D

ZOMBIE! How are you? :)

Sketchy 15-02-2018 07:46 PM

I bet you are excited Aubergine. I’m excited for you! Cat’s are amazing animals.

nonperson 15-02-2018 08:13 PM

Sheldon and Leonard were both black cats. Can’t remember which site I saw them on now. Oh well.

Aubergine 15-02-2018 08:26 PM

Hehe thanks Lorraine! :D May have been messaging a lady about a kitten type thing...

Black cats are cool! So many on the RSPCA website. :( Unfortunately none close to where I live!

Sketchy 15-02-2018 08:32 PM

Black cats are the hardest to adopt. So sad because they are beautiful. I love Molly and think she looks gorgeous.

Aubergine 15-02-2018 08:36 PM

They really are! Molly is stunning. :) The cat I'm talking to the current owner of is grey and white. :)

I just told my friend that landlord said I could get a cat, so that's what I'm going to do, and he said "so you're officially going to be a cat lady?" :plain:

Pomegranate 15-02-2018 08:37 PM

My friends have started buying me crazy cat lady stuff too Aubergine. We can be crazy cat ladies together!

Aubergine 15-02-2018 08:38 PM

Yay! :D I'm clearly in excellent company. :-)

Sketchy 15-02-2018 08:46 PM

Nothing wrong with being a cat lady. You will be providing a cat with a good home. Such a nice thing to do.

Aubergine 15-02-2018 08:48 PM

Hehe. We can all be cat ladies together!

Sketchy 15-02-2018 08:49 PM

Yay sounds good.

Aubergine 15-02-2018 08:52 PM


Had an email about Charlie earlier and they want him to live in a house because he's so active. I agree he wouldn't be happy here if he needs to run about in a really large space, so am pleased that they're waiting for the right home for him. The search is continuing, so it's all good!

Sketchy 15-02-2018 08:57 PM

Your cat is out there. It’s meant to be and it will happen. I believe Molly was meant for my sister and me.

Aubergine 15-02-2018 08:59 PM

Thanks Lorraine. :) I'm so excited! Looking forward to kitting the house out when my Amazon things come. :) Bought a set of three fleece blankets too, and a catnip toy, so I think I'm done for the moment! Must not buy anymore cat related things. :P

Sketchy 15-02-2018 09:00 PM

Sounds like you are all set. This will be one lucky cat!

Aubergine 15-02-2018 09:03 PM

Hehe. :) Most of it's coming tomorrow! (Hooray for Prime Student!) Will be taking my time finding the right cat, but it'll feel nice having everything ready for when the cat that's meant to be does arrive. :)

Sketchy 15-02-2018 09:05 PM

Sounds like you are very organised.

Aubergine 15-02-2018 09:06 PM

The tower is going to take longer, but that's OK. :)

You up to much?

Sketchy 15-02-2018 09:08 PM

I’m just deciding what to watch on tv and going through my art supplies. I didn’t make it to the art shop today. Just too tired.

You up to much, apart from looking at cats?

Cacoethes 15-02-2018 09:11 PM

Im at my nannys now.
I was at my other nannys for a bit (haven't been over there in years) and she suddenly has a cat.
Apparently he adopted her!
He suddenly just turned up one day a couple of years ago and invited himself in and just stayed.

Sketchy 15-02-2018 09:12 PM

Aww that is so cute Beckie. I hope you and your nanny are having a good time.

Aubergine 15-02-2018 09:27 PM

Aww that's lovely, Beckie!

I hope you find something good to watch on TV, Lorraine. :) Have you got a lot of art supplies?

I'm listening to music. :)

chinahorse 15-02-2018 09:30 PM

Sounds good beckie :)

What type aubergine?

I'm considering going to bed. I've had a hell ish busy day at work and am absolutely shattered. Like I want a cuppa but I'm too tired to achieve it.

Aubergine 15-02-2018 09:33 PM

Bed sounds like a plan. I'm sorry work was so busy. Have you had something to eat? Waking up in the night hungry is no fun!

I'm listening to a Spotify playlist. Bit of everything. :)

Cacoethes 15-02-2018 09:43 PM

The cats name is 'BC'
Short for 'black cat'
I dont think my nanny is too good at naming animals

Go to bed Lillie!

chinahorse 15-02-2018 09:45 PM

I'm in bed now. :) will be asleep soon i think! And yup I had pizza and a pasty- to make up for my severe lack of anything else today.

Oh cool, bits of this n that is nice.

Sketchy 15-02-2018 09:56 PM

BC is a cute name.

Sorry you are so tired Lillie. Hope you recuperate and get your strength back. Get some rest.

Yes Aubergine I have heaps of art supplies. Lots of oil paints, and drawing materials. But I can never resist a look through the art shop for more. I’m greedy!

not_so_insig 15-02-2018 11:08 PM

Anyone about?

Sketchy 15-02-2018 11:12 PM

I’m around Dawn. You ok?

not_so_insig 15-02-2018 11:14 PM

I am feeling sad and bored with life but I dunno why.

Sketchy 15-02-2018 11:16 PM

I’m sorry. Is there something you can do that makes you feel good?

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