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What did you have for lunch Cacoethes?
Hi all.
How is everyone. It's a miracle! I got out of bed and made it to my writing group! Glad I did. This feels like a huge step considering how low and exhausted I've been feeling. |
I'm OK, had a ham sandwich, how many people are in the group?
Hope you enjoyed your sandwich. Usually there are 5 of us, but there were only 3 this week.
I had a 'Moroccan style veggie cous cous salad' from Boots.
It was very tasty!! Well done for getting to your group lorraine! Thats excellent! |
That does sound tasty.
Thanks. How is your day so far? I'm in costa having a tea before I go getting passport forms, photos and other shopping. |
I didn't know any shop of Boots was big enough to do food anymore. There used to be a huge Boots shop in the city centre where I am, but that was years ago, got taken over by M&S, or Marks & Sparks as people call it.
Only the city centre boots tend to do food here.
Is it big? the M&S store where I am is massive, I think there's only 2 Boots stores in the city where I live, both small
Two of them are rather big. We have big m&s too.
Right I'm off to get my passport forms. Catch you guys later. |
Afternoon all.
I dropped my kitties off at the cattery this morning and I am already worried about them. |
Have you used them before? I'm sure your kitties will be fine, although I can understand you worrying.
I volunteer at the local homeless cats shelter, but the have boarding cats too, some people - if they have more than one cat - put their cats in the same kennel, some people book different kennels for each cat, dunno why.
No I haven't used them before. They took the kitties off me so I didn't get to settle them in the pens. I know that my youngest will be fine as she's confident but my oldest is quite nervous.
I had two pens. My youngest sometimes picks on my oldest and in my flat she has enough space to get away. I didn't want my oldest to be bullied so it's probably safer on her own.
When I had my previous cat he was on a different diet to the others so it was detrimental if he ate the others food. I used to supervise him at meal times at home; they couldn't do that in the cattery. Although the other two were on the same diet they didn't get on well enough to be locked in a small space so they had a pen each. |
I got my forms. Now on train home, waiting for it to leave.
I hope your cats are well looked after. I'm sure they will be. Do you leave tomorrow? I hope you have a good time. |
I am leaving tomorrow Lorraine.
Hope you have a fab time. It will be nice getting away for a bit.
not_so_insig, did you book them into on of the catteries where they put webcams in so wherever you are in the world you can log in & watch your cat?
I think maybe that started as a novelty, but the fad wore off maybe. |
Home now. I'm so tired from my early start to the day.
where are you going not-so-insig?
The cat on my avator was called Monty, he was my parents cat but he died in March 2014. This is a video of me interacting with him. http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct...zkoycQsFhTIqVw |
It is quite easy to set up a YouTube account & record videos of your cats, they sort of have like a really easy guide on how to do it.
Monty unfortunately passed away from heart failure over 3 years ago, I've got pictures of him still, but videos are better to remember him by. |
I watched the video. Monty looked an adorable affectionate wee cat. I'm sorry for your loss.
he was really cute, I grew up with Burmese cats, but my parents decided they were a bit too affectionate, so after the last one died, they got Monty a British Blue, cuddly but not overly affectionate.
I'm not allowed a pet where I live now, renting. |
I bet you're glad to be home now Sketchy, got much planned for the rest of the day?
I am glad to be home thanks. You can call me Lorraine if you like.
I'm just going to have a relaxing rest of the day and maybe do some drawing. Do you have plans? |
Just had a nap, have quiche & chips for dinner probably. Then watch a movie on YouTube.
I like quiche. Hope you enjoy it.
bet your favourite is quiche lorraine, sorry rubbish joke, bet you've heard that before.
quiche is nice, my mum makes it from scratch, really big to, yum.
Haha yup I've heard that before.
watching a bit of Ali G now, have more to eat maybe egg on toast later before bedtime
Good plan. I'm just lying down for a bit. Really tired after early start and I didn't sleep well last night. I'll be watching casualty later.
I have been called 'The man with a plan' before.
It's getting colder now. I might have to start putting the heating on again. |
I know the feeling Lorraine with the 'is it time to put the heating on....yes' Also I;ve been getting my wooolly jumpers down from upstairs via mum/support workers.
Sorry if I've ignored anyone haven't got energy to read back through so hello how are you? <3 |
Also Casualty is always a win.
Hi Katy.
Yay casualty! I'm looking forward to that. |
I didn't know Casualty was still going, is it mostly still the same format?
Yeh, it's still pretty much the same format. A lot of us on this thread all watch it.
I have just got home and am also waiting for casualty!
I was walking through town and there are all these people in pubs and waiting at the train station all dressed for a night out and here I am, in my PJs eating nectarines and drinking tea :p Rock and roll!! |
Hi Beckie. I'm in my pjs too. I'm not ashamed!
So am I! I'm super tired right now.
Beckie you are hard core-don't deny it :P
yeah a lot of people on this thread are Casualty addcits cpt (okay that sounds wrong out of context :P) |
Eska, Lorraine, Beckie etc etc you are all PJ LEGENDS.
Hi Eska.
Katy you are a legend too! :) |
And pjs rule!
I am at least in pure HP quidditch gear so maybe I am a slight legend :P
You must have more hp clothes than anything else. :)
Damn right :P
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