![]() |
That must be frustrating Beckie. Do you have something planned for tomorrow to keep you occupied?
Nothing planned. There's not a lot you can do without money!
I might just walk and walk and see where I end up! |
Walking is good. You could take some photos too.
That's a good idea :)
I like taking photos when I'm out and about. I bet you would take some interesting ones. I need to start using my old slr camera. It's a good camera my dad got when he was 21ish (a long time ago) and it takes excellent photos. It's also nice to use film and get them developed.
There is something really nice about getting photos developed!
I wish I lived somewhere more interesting! |
That's true. It's always exciting to see how they will turn out.
Maybe on your walks you will see something worth photographing. I get fed up with being in the same area. I'll need to go further afield. |
I was considering maybe travelling to Cambridge. It's not far from me at all and it's a nice city to walk round. |
That's a good idea. I'd imagine there is much to see there. Lots to photograph. I've never been there. I've actually been to few places in England. Mainly Carlisle and the Lake District.
Yes there's quite a lot to see. It's a very historical place with lots of fancy buildings!
I haven't been to either of those places. I'd love to go to the lake district |
I've been to Keswick at the Lake District twice. I went last year. A beautiful place. I've always had fun there and enjoyed the boat trips and feeding the ducks on the lake.
Sounds lovely!
I'll have to make the effort to go one day. I can't wait until I can drive! I'll be able to move about more freely! |
Driving is the ultimate freedom!
Is it too early to go to bed yet? |
Indeed! I should hopefully getting my provisional delivered sometime this week!
I wouldn't say it was too early. I've just taken my meds so it won't be long til I'm in bed! |
I wouldn't say it's too early either.
Exciting stuff about the provisional Beckie! |
I'm wanting to go to sleep too, but I'm doing washings.
I'd love to be able to drive, but my anxiety would get in the way. It would be a nice freedom. |
Hi Katy . Your new avatar and signature threw me off guard there. Didn't register that it was you at first. I should change mine and add a signature.
It is exciting! I can't wait!
Loving the new sig etc. Katy!! Night at the museum ftw! |
Hi Katy :)
Oh exciting stuff beckis. Right Im off to sleep. Night folks. |
Night night Lillie!
Good night Lillie. Sleep well.
Ha ha sorry Lorraine!
Thanks Beckie. Night at the museum just never gets old!! Hi Lillie. Goodnight Lillie :P |
It threw me off a bit too! Lol!
Ha ha I'm glad to be of service in confusing people :P
Haha! :p
I'm going to bed after this episode. I've decided I'm going to Cambridge tomorrow. Love a good random trip! |
I'm jealous of your Cambridge trip. Sounds much more exciting than my Asda trip. I hope you have fun.
It's a lot more exciting than my usual trip to asda!
Although I will still be going to asda when I get back though :p Bedtime now! See you all tomorrow! Night Night! |
Good night Beckie. Sleep well.
Enjoy Cambridge Beckie :)
Morning all! |
Morning guys!
My provisional licence came today!! Yay!! :hop: |
Woop woop!!! Now to book some lessons :D
Yep!! I'm so excited!
How are you Lillie? |
Hi there!
I have received 2 signed photos from celebrities today. At least I think that it's what they are because I have 2 envelopes with my handwriting on. Wonder who it can be? |
It was from 2 celebrities. Jason Durr (David in Casualty) & Terence Hardiman. Terence Hardiman was most famous for playing The Demon Headmaster though he was briefly in one episode of Keeping Up Appearances.
I'm not good beckie but hey ho. Yay for more photos dawn do you have a folder for them all? |
Morning everyone!! Congrats on your licence Beckie!!!!
Really envious of your signed pictures Dawn! I need to write off to David at some point. I used to watch the Demon headmaster all the time as a kid!! The good old days!! |
No I have them in my happy box Lillie.
I used to watch The Demon Headmaster as a kiddie. Terence Hardiman wrote a brief note of which he said that The Demon Headmaster is available in bbc store. There's a dvd of Series 1 which is quite rare and expensive but I have it.
I watch episodes of the Demon headmaster on YouTube for free so I won't buy the dvds :p
I have managed to hack my dvd player. Yay!
Just stopped off for some lunch in the market square.
It's been a nice day so far! |
Glad you're having a nice day beckie. The weather is certainly lovely for it!
Finally back home!
I'm exhausted!! It's been a lovely day though. What's everyone up to? |
What did you get up to there? You can rest now, and it's always better when you've been busy.
I'm crocheting. Wasting time till I have to meet with someone. Cba though. |
I walked a lot. Went to a museum. Saw lots of fancy buildings and churches. Ended the day at the botanical gardens which was lovely.
I feel good after being out for the day. Not so wound up! Hope it goes ok. I bet you're getting good at crocheting now! |
Sounds like you had a lovely day Beckie. Did you take any photos?
I took a few at the botanic gardens. It was really pretty!
How's your day been? |
I love botanic gardens. We have one in Glasgow, and it's one of my favourite places.
I went to Asda with my sister then we dropped off our shopping and went for a coffee. I'm now home and having a lazy evening because I'll be out the next few days. |
They are lovely places!
That's good. I always say this but it must be so nice to have someone to pop out with! Lazy evening is well deserved! |
It is. I realise how lucky I am. She's got nearly two weeks off work just now so I'll be seeing more of her.
What are you up to this evening? |
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