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nonperson 16-12-2022 09:57 PM

The only answer then is to have two boys and two girls, surely? =P

Cacoethes 16-12-2022 10:11 PM

I don't have enough room!
They already take up half my living room!

My amazon package has been returned and a refund will be processed in 5-7 days. Ffs.

Cacoethes 17-12-2022 09:05 AM

Morning everyone!

tamobhuuta 17-12-2022 11:03 AM

Good morning :) how are you?

nonperson 17-12-2022 11:14 AM

Morning all. How're you both?

I'm cold and tired despite having a huge lie in and don't know what to do with myself today.

That's a bummer about Amazon. I suspect that's what will happen with mine too, except they didn't even try to deliver it again since Monday! It still says they'll try again... but when?! It's a Christmas present too... =(

tamobhuuta 17-12-2022 01:09 PM

Oh dear i hope it arrives soon.

We've now got 6 people with covid but I'm still negative thank goodness. I want to have a shower but they're being funny about me having my razor, even though I was perfectly safe with it last time.

Cacoethes 17-12-2022 02:13 PM

Hey guys!

Mine was a Christmas present too.
I can't reorder it until they refund me!
My neighbour said she had a conversation with the driver, who asked her if she'd take the package, she said yes and then he drove off!

I had taekwondo this morning. It was the last one so it was kind of like a sports day at school! Split into 6 teams and we had to do things like run to the cones and back and then add press ups, sit ups, patterns etc!
My team won! We all got a tube of those fancy jelly beans for winning!
Then there was a taekwondo quiz and a music quiz! It was a lot of fun!!

tamobhuuta 17-12-2022 02:22 PM

Ooo yummy, well done!

Cacoethes 17-12-2022 02:26 PM

Thanks! It was really good!

tamobhuuta 17-12-2022 02:52 PM

What are you up to this afternoon?

not_so_insig 17-12-2022 03:09 PM

Afternoon all. I currently have a cat sitting on me purring away.

Cacoethes 17-12-2022 03:26 PM

I'm doing some washing and meeting up with someone later. Think that's it!


not_so_insig 17-12-2022 03:30 PM

Anyone watching the football final tomorrow?

Cacoethes 17-12-2022 04:42 PM

Football does not interest me

tamobhuuta 17-12-2022 05:25 PM

Nope, I never watch football.

Aw, nice cuddles insig.

I hope you had a nice time out Cacoethes.

They let me have my razor unsupervised in the end :) so I'm all showered.

one_step_closer 17-12-2022 05:36 PM

Hey everyone. I hope you've all had a good day and it continues.

I've made a mess of my day by getting up too late.

Cacoethes 17-12-2022 05:45 PM

That's good tamo

That's a shame lindsay
There's always tomorrow!

Cacoethes 17-12-2022 06:50 PM

Omg a dessert place is now on justeat!

tamobhuuta 17-12-2022 10:47 PM


I hope things go better tomorrow osc.

Cacoethes 18-12-2022 09:23 AM

Morning everyone
I am feeling very ill!

Zurg 18-12-2022 11:13 AM

Morning Beckie.
Me too. We should start a club :D

Cacoethes 18-12-2022 11:41 AM

Oh no, you too?
What have you got?
I've got a cold i think. Along with lots of random aches and pains!

tamobhuuta 18-12-2022 11:41 AM

Sorry you two aren't feeling well. Apparently I have an infection but I feel fine.

Cacoethes 18-12-2022 11:45 AM

Thanks tamo!

Are you on antibiotics?
I generally feel fine with infections tbh! They can still be bad though.

tamobhuuta 18-12-2022 11:59 AM

No, I haven't seen the doctor yet. My urine sample had lucocytes (?) in it.

I hope you feel better soon.

Cacoethes 18-12-2022 12:03 PM

I always get UTIs in hospital for some reason! Never when I'm at home. It's weird! Don't tend to get symptoms though. Usually picked up by accident.

Thank you
Currently psyching myself up to drink the disgusting lemsip type drink. I like actual lemsip, but this asda version has menthol in it and it's gross

Zurg 18-12-2022 12:17 PM

Just a sore throat and feeling a bit rubbish for me. But it can take a turn for the worse soon enough, in my experience. However, i do not get ill very often, there can be years between. But when i do i legit feel like death is breathing down my neck XD

Bun-bun has a minor stomach problem. He is making more of the soft kind of poop and apparently he can't poop anywhere Except on my carpets. I need to only feed him hay for a few days which makes me feel awful because he loves his treats and pellets. But i don't want it to turn into legit diarrhea.
Feeling rubbish myself and needing to clean the litter box today made me very, very grumpy. Still need to hoover the rest of my flat now that i've done the livingroom.

I hope you Will stay feeling okay, Tamo. Are you having any visitors today?? :)

Beckie, trust the menthol in whatever shape it comes!!! It is vile but it is effective!!!

Cacoethes 18-12-2022 12:38 PM

I'm the same really!
Rarely get ill.
It was bound to happen though. Everyone at work has been ill. Chest infections, colds, covid etc.

Aww poor bun.

I downed it. Wasn't actually too bad!
I just want to feel better enough to work tomorrow. I can't afford to take time off! Plus work is super busy

tamobhuuta 18-12-2022 01:15 PM

I just had a visit from my mum and L is visiting later :) no hugs because I don't want what you have got!

Cacoethes 18-12-2022 01:19 PM

That's nice :)
Hope you have a good visit with L!

I don't blame you!

nonperson 18-12-2022 03:11 PM

The Great Thaw has begun! Hope everyone's enjoying the tropical temperatures.

one_step_closer 18-12-2022 03:13 PM

Oh no, *sends soothing drinks and warm blankets to everyone* Who started this chain of unwellness? :laugh: I rarely get unwell. I hope you all feel better soon.

one_step_closer 18-12-2022 03:14 PM

Missed you there NP. Thawing here too but still a bit of ice. As for tropical temperatures...

Cacoethes 18-12-2022 03:15 PM

It is definitely much warmer!
It's raining though! Hopefully it doesn't all freeze over! :crazy:

Everyone at work has been ill so i was bound to get it!
It's not covid though! Just did a test!

nonperson 18-12-2022 03:19 PM

Hah, I know, it's certainly not tropical but the rain and above zero temperatures are a (pleasant?) change at least.

Feel better soon everyone. No one's used to being ill any more! I had a minor cold a couple of weeks ago, my sister has got one now too, there's some nasty stuff going around...

not_so_insig 18-12-2022 03:20 PM

Hello all. I am avoiding the football because I find it boring.

nonperson 18-12-2022 03:22 PM

Took four minutes to type that.

There's lots of people off at my work too. All my illnesses come via the nursery that my friend's kid goes to. My sister says she hasn't had a cold since before COVID but that's because she only ever works from home, she doesn't have an office at all.

Edit: dunno why covid autocorrected to caps. Looks like I'm shouting a naughty word there, lol.

one_step_closer 18-12-2022 03:25 PM

Just no one send me illness through whatever device you're using, please. :-) It's hard to tell if it's covid or not sometimes and the rules are less strict. I was lucky that I still had some tests left over to check or I wouldn't have known I had covid. Nurseries are always full of ill little people.

I'm not a fan of football either, Dawn.

nonperson 18-12-2022 03:27 PM

I'd watch the football if it was England, maybe.

Good job there's lots of other TV channels eh?

Cacoethes 18-12-2022 03:35 PM

Thanks np!

I am actually feeling a little better.
The constant nose running isn't great though!

I have left over tests too. Idk if I'd still go to work if i did have covid. Can't really afford an entire day off! Especially with Christmas and cost of living stuff!

tamobhuuta 18-12-2022 04:10 PM

They still haven't started me on antibiotics. Maybe they were wrong about me having an infection? I should ask!

Cacoethes 18-12-2022 04:19 PM

Leukocytes don't ALWAYS mean 100% infection i don't think. They'd need to send a sample to a lab to look under a microscope.
I've had leukocytes and been told i MAY have a SLIGHT infection. So i chose not to take antibiotics.
You should ask to confirm though! And get them to send a sample to a lab if they haven't already. You don't want to be ignoring a possible UTI!

one_step_closer 18-12-2022 05:53 PM

Definitely ask, Tamo. I hope you're actually ok.

I'm glad you're feeling a bit better, Beckie. Hope it lasts and the rest of your symptoms resolve soon too.

Cacoethes 18-12-2022 06:06 PM

It's mainly just the runny nose now!
And random pain. I can deal with pain though!
Think I'll be ok for work tomorrow! I always carry hand sanitiser anyway. Also need to go to the post office in the morning.

The guinea pigs are arguing

not_so_insig 18-12-2022 07:12 PM

You do realise that your package won't arrive until after Christmas Beckie?

Cacoethes 18-12-2022 07:26 PM

Yes i am aware

not_so_insig 18-12-2022 07:37 PM

Oh that's good Beckie. Just that some people are unaware that the last posting date for first class was Friday.

Cacoethes 18-12-2022 07:40 PM

Nah..its been well publicised. And i looked it up to send something to my nanny.
This is just to return something, it's not time sensitive.
Also, aren't the last posting dates just for a guarantee they'll be posted before Christmas? But actually, things sent afterwards could arrive before Christmas, it's just not guaranteed to? I'm sure i read that somewhere. Idk. It doesn't matter anyway

Zurg 18-12-2022 07:45 PM

Well, i am feeling a bit more rubbish now. But whether that means i am getting more ill or just that i've done too much today, i can't say.
Poor Findus is not liking the limited treats and hay DEFFO doesn’t count as a treat!!!!

And yay!!! Someone finally bothered to win the football world cup so we can be done with all this bloody nonsense and hypocrisy!!!

Cacoethes 18-12-2022 07:57 PM

Oh no :(
Plenty of rest and fluids!
Yeah I can't imagine my boys would be too impressed with limited treats!

Oh good. Glad that's over.
I'm glad we didn't make it to the final. Always ends up in carnage thanks to a lot of football fans being absolute morons.

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