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I like family guy.
I haven't watched corrie in a while. I think I'll watch doctor who again. Phew, I made a decision. |
Classic doctor who or new doctor who Lorraine?
The old shows on challenge are great!
I love takeshis castle. Doctor Who is cool. New episode coming soon!! My Internet isn't working on my laptop but is working on every other device so that's annoying! |
I'm watching new doctor who. I'm looking forward to the new series. I think the new companion will be good.
I'm looking forward to it too!
I'm re-watching Doctor Who! I haven't watched the last couple of series but I will try to this time!
Definitely do it Hannah!!
My laptop was working and now it won't connect again. Gah!! |
Oh no!! Stupid laptop! Have you tried turning it off and on again? :P
I turned it off and on again and it worked. Then it did it again and again and now I've given up!!!
Hey all
Having computer issues? |
Technology sucks sometimes!
I am about to put my pizza in the oven! :D |
I love pizza! I really would like a take-away pizza as they are the best haven't had one in about a year!
What toppings have you got on yours? |
piiiiizzzzaaaa!!!!! :hop:
I'm getting pizza tomorrow :-D |
Lol I really wish I was having pizza now
I am having pizza tomorrow.
Pizza is life
I don't know how anyone cannot like pizza. Plus tomorrow is Tuesday so it's Domino's Two For Tuesday!
I can't believe there are people out there who don't like pizza.
Although Hannah doesn't like doughnuts which was a shock because everyone likes doughnuts!! :p |
Have you had a Krispy Kreme doughnut Beckie?
I'm with Hannah, I'm not keen on doughnuts.
Whenever I go to a particular seaside resort my dad buys doughnuts. He is on first name terms with the doughnut seller.
I do not see the point in doughnuts! They're just big lumps of dough! I do like the krispy kreme ones though!
I have never had a Krispy Kreme doughnut. I don't know anywhere in town that sells them.
My local Tesco sells them :) I have been good and only bought one once though!
Donuts are awesome!
Hello! How are you all today?
I'm a tad overexcited 'cos seeing Beauty and the Beast with my friend today :)
How are you Hannah? |
Yay :D It is amazing! I would happily see it again!
I'm okay. I need to get up and do stuff but it's too much effort :P |
Ha ha procrastination ftw!
I just wish I hadn't gotten up and ready really early as since about 5 am I haven't been able to sit still/stop myself checking the time :P |
Lol! what time are you going?
I am an expert at procrastination! I'm so good at procrastinating I will often do things I neither want nor need to do just to avoid doing something that is necessary and not even that bad! |
I seem an expert at that too Hannah!
Thats meant to be a great new film, I know you love it anyway, but yay! |
Some time past 11 depends how long my support worker thinks it will take to get there.
Ha ha you should both start a procrastination club....oh wait :P |
Not too long to wait then :)
Haha... I sometimes think myself into thinking I've done something. That is procrastinating on a whole new level! |
It feels like aaaages :( :P
Ha ha that is quite the talent Amy!!! I can think myself into thinking I have definitely put something in my bag when I haven't, get to my destination and am like ffs. |
Oh how annoying! It's mostly with small things like replying to messages and putting things in my calendar and such. Some of my friends get super pissy about the messages one. Like soz I'm not attached to my phone 24/7 and quite frankly I did reply to your message in my head, so you should feel extra special you're getting two replies biatch!
It's horrible when you forget your headphone and it's oh so busy. Or your phone or money or fags or a lighter. I'm forever forgetting tissues atm and end up in town a complete snotbag which is highly delightful!
I woke up with a headache. Can't decide if it's a sleep deprived or a dehydration one.
Have something to drink, maybe then you will know..
I have had a drink and it's made a little but of difference but not much. I have had some painkillers too.
Maybe a compress on your head may help. I hope it buggers off soon.
Have you any plans for today? |
Hey guys! :)
How are you Bex?
Good thanks :)
You? |
That good to hear, you got any plans?
I'm going to workout after I've had my brew, not sure what else today yet. |
Not really. My washing has just been picked up so hopefully I'll get that back tomorrow!
Need to go to asda. Will probably go for a walk and slimming world tonight! Working out sounds good! |
Hope you get some nice noms from Asda, and good luck with Slimming world :-)
I know I can't wait to work out, haven't done it for a week so gonna get a proper buzz after it! Have you got any of your gym classes soon? |
Have fun working out Amy :)
Hope slimming world goes well Beckie! Just blame me if not :P |
Clubbercise and zumba are both off for the holidays :(
I'll just have to do some exercise videos! Yes Hannah, it will be totally your fault if I gain!! :p |
Exercise videos can be good!
Haha, yeah, obviously I am a terrible influence :P I just ate the pizza that I was too lazy to cook last night! It was lovely! |
Oh thats a shame Bex! Exercise vids it is then!
I'm sure you can let yourself off this week lovely, you did have that fainting spell and end up in A&E, and you had the London trip and less exercise classes. A slight gain really isn't going to be the end of the world if you keep a logic head about it, emotionally it may feel it but it's really not. Yay for pizza Hannah. You up to much today? |
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