![]() |
I'll look that up.
I was just looking for the trailer for you and check this out, you can watch it for £2.49 in full on youtube apparently! Is this new or did I miss something?
in mean time, this is a fairly reasonable trailer for it, doesn't quite capture the importance but givess the jist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7F7lUIapVz8
That looks like it would be interesting. I'd like to see that.
Morning lovelies, how are you?
I'm a bit tired but otherwise ok. How about you?
Yeah, probably the same as you. What you up to today?
I really have no idea! My parents have just gone away for the week so I'm on my own and at a bit of a loose end. I might see about going for a walk later.
Ah right! A walk sounds nice though. How long are your parents away for?
Until next Sunday.
Are you going to be ok while they're away?
I hope you have a relaxing day lovely <3 |
I think so... it's going to be strange though.
Thank you sweetheart. What are you up to today? |
I'm just watching tv then will go to my parents a bit later for dinner.
Dinner sounds nice. Do your parents live close by?
Hey guys!
Hi Beckie! How's your weekend going?
Really good thanks!
My friend has just left so unsure what to do with myself now! How are you? |
It's always weird when you've had someone around and then you're suddenly on your own again!
I'm ok thank you :) Watching GPs Behind Closed Doors. |
Yep it is!!
Thats a good show! |
Afternoon everyone.
How are we all? |
Hi Lorraine!
How are you? |
I'm a bit blah, but I'll be ok.
How are you? |
What's up?
I'm ok thanks. Just doing an exercise video. |
Depression is making everything harder. I keep hiding in bed. I'll be going out tomorrow though. I have life drawing and before it I'm going for pizza with my sister.
Hope you enjoy the exercise video. |
Hopefully being out tomorrow will help.
Do you have anyone to talk to? Thanks :) |
No. My next appointment isn't until a couple of weeks. I'm just going to stay in this one last day and then hopefully tomorrow will be a new day. Because my sister is going with me I'll be more inclined to actually get out and go.
Did you enjoy your weekend with Chels? |
I hope seeing your sister helps.
And its good that you'll be doing something you enjoy I did thanks. We had a good time! |
*hugs for Lorraine*
I hope you have a lovely time with your sister tomorrow and enjoy the life drawing. I'm watching The Bridge to Terabithia which I love but always makes me cry. |
Thanks guys. Thanks for the hugs Eska.
I've never seen that. I don't know what to watch tonight. Might see what films Netflix has. |
Bridge to terabithia is heartbreaking!!
I'm watching Death Note on Netflix |
I still don't know what to watch. Maybe I should just read my book.
*hugs to all who need*
Hope everyone is as well as possible :) I'm currrently trying to convince my dog that a banging gate does not mean we are under attack. Over an hour's reassurance however and she is still barking -_- I'm going to ask support worker if she'll put another brick in front of it-it's a very old wooden gate and doesn't lock properly so bricks is only option atm. |
What book are you reading Lorraine? (sorry if you've already said and I've missed it)
That sounds really annoying katy!
At least you know that you have a good guard dog :p |
I'm reading 'the heart goes last' by Margaret Atwood.
I hope your dog calms down soon. He's just being protective and looking out for you. |
Yes it is reassuring to have such a good guard dog, I just wish she could guard against the terrifying gate a little more quietly :P Seriously though, it is good to know she's on the ball.
That sounds interesting Lorraine, what's the rough plot? |
Only started it, well I started it a while ago; but been lazy. It's a dystopian book about a couple offered a job where they can never get out.
That sounds like a good book.
I like dystopian type stuff! |
Ah I see :)
I have to get up at 6:50am tomorrow
*dies* |
Is that for college Beckie?
I am excited but not looking forward to the early starts! Especially now it's getting colder! |
Ha ha at least the cold air will wake you up :P
I start college on Thursday, but my class is in the evening! Excited and nervous :) -it's been a long time since I studied. |
Lol! True :p
That's exciting Katy! I'm sure you'll do great! |
Thanks :)
What's everyone up to?
Watching X-factor whilst waiting for next episode of Victoria. Carer is sorting meds etc.
I've heard Victoria is quite good!
I'm watching Rick and Morty. Very tired! |
I love Victoria was so happy when found out today that there was a 2nd series, I've watched the first two episodes of it back to back. Taken my brain cells down a bit to watch X factor, then will watch tonights in a bit.
I want to stay up and watch Have I Got News For You but I'm so tired!
Think I'll head off to bed. Night night all! |
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