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Cacoethes 23-12-2024 06:27 PM

Thanks guys
Feeling slightly better again. Hopefully it lasts this time!
Sadly, no blood. She even tried my foot!
Booked in for the last attempt with her and another nurse in the new year, if not, I'll have to go to the hospital for bloods.

How is everyone?

one_step_closer 23-12-2024 07:07 PM

That must be so annoying, Beckie. Do you know what's making it difficult for them to take blood? Fingers crossed you keep feeling better.

I just want to eat all the chocolate in the world right now!

How is your day going, Tamo?

tamobhuuta 23-12-2024 07:36 PM

My day's been ok thanks. I saw the psych and she's decreasing my meds :)

That must be very frustrating Cacoethes.

I hope you enjoy it if you go for the chocolate osc!

one_step_closer 23-12-2024 07:53 PM

I hope the med decrease goes well, Tamo. Are you feeling alright?

I only have a twix in my house for my 7.30pm snack. Can't really be eating all the chocolate in the world.

Cacoethes 23-12-2024 08:47 PM

No idea lindsay
It is super annoying

It's Christmas, all the chocolate in the world is allowed!

That's good tamo. Hope it goes well :)

not_so_insig 24-12-2024 07:22 AM

Morning all. Happy Christmas eve.

Tamobhuuta are you going to midnight mass tonight?

Cacoethes 24-12-2024 10:47 AM

Happy Christmas eve!

not_so_insig 24-12-2024 11:02 AM

After over 2 weeks I finally have teletext and the Welsh channels. Hooray!

tamobhuuta 24-12-2024 11:56 AM

Morning everyone. It's misty here, what's your weather?

Yes insig, I am going to midnight mass, although it will actually be at 11pm. We've chosen a local abbey which has lots of space so hopefully the number of people won't be overwhelming.

Hurrah for telly!

Cacoethes 24-12-2024 12:13 PM

Morning tamo

It's rather grey here but not very cold luckily

I hope you enjoy mass tamo!

tamobhuuta 24-12-2024 12:24 PM

Sadly it's too far to walk there. In past years I have enjoyed the walk to and from town in the middle of the night.

Cacoethes 24-12-2024 01:39 PM

That's a shame.
There is something nice about walking in the middle of the night sometimes. It feels peaceful.

I'm at work. 1pm-9pm.
We have no milk at all, so costa machine is out of action :(
But I got a discount when I went to actual Costa because he knows I work at whsmith :-D
And extra cream on my hot chocolate XD

not_so_insig 24-12-2024 02:06 PM

That is good Beckie

Tamobhuuta I hope mass isn't too overwhelming for you. If it is at least you know not to go there next year.

one_step_closer 24-12-2024 02:10 PM

Afternoon everyone. Happy Christmas Eve.

Glad you have your normal TV back, Dawn.

Hope you enjoy Mass, Tamo.

Hope the extra cream on your hot chocolate powers you through your shift, Beckie. Are you feeling ok today?

tamobhuuta 24-12-2024 04:42 PM

That's a win Cacoethes!

Thanks for the encouragement guys. What are you up to?

Cacoethes 24-12-2024 05:26 PM

I'm having one of those days where I'm feeling really good and nothing can bother me!
It's (surprisingly) not too busy! And most people are in good spirits

How is everyone?

one_step_closer 24-12-2024 07:26 PM

Hope everything's still going alright, Beckie.

Are you having a good day so far, Tamo?

not_so_insig 24-12-2024 08:35 PM

I am ok thanks. Not up to much just mainly watching TV. I have just discovered a showing of Keeping Up Appearances in a few days time. I have not long woken up from a nap. I only got about 3 hours sleep before the nap so was badly needed. Hopefully I will sleep better tonight.

tamobhuuta 24-12-2024 08:59 PM

I am having a nice day thank you. I'm glad you are Cacoethes! What about you osc? I'm glad you had a nap insig.

long road 24-12-2024 09:10 PM

In case I don't get online tomorrow I wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas!

tamobhuuta 24-12-2024 09:14 PM

Merry Christmas to you too lr!

not_so_insig 24-12-2024 09:14 PM

Thanks Jen, same to you.

Cacoethes 24-12-2024 11:23 PM

I am home!
Managed to mop the entire shop floor and stock room and cleaned behind the SCOs. Which no one ever does, there were dust bunnies literally the size of hamsters. Literally!
Mainly to speed time up!

Merry Christmas everyone! I probably won't get on for long tomorrow because of busyness but I hope you all have a great day!

tamobhuuta 25-12-2024 02:22 AM

Merry Christmas everyone!

Cacoethes 25-12-2024 08:53 AM

Merry Christmas!!!

one_step_closer 25-12-2024 03:17 PM

Merry Christmas everyone. I hope you all have a lovely day.

This is my first Christmas on my own but my friend came over for an hour and one of the people from the chemist just quickly popped over to give me some turkey and mash and chocolates and hot chocolate. People are so incredibly kind.

tamobhuuta 25-12-2024 03:50 PM

I'm glad you've had some human contact today osc!

one_step_closer 25-12-2024 03:58 PM

How is your day going so far, Tamo?

not_so_insig 25-12-2024 05:27 PM

Merry Christmas all.

tamobhuuta 25-12-2024 05:51 PM

Good thank you osc. My sister, who said she wasn't doing Christmas, joined us for present opening!

one_step_closer 25-12-2024 06:46 PM

That's nice, Tamo. :)

Merry Christmas, Dawn. How is your day going?

Cacoethes 25-12-2024 09:20 PM

Popping in!
Hope everyone has had a good day <3

Cacoethes 26-12-2024 10:04 AM

Morning everyone

not_so_insig 26-12-2024 11:39 AM

Morning Beckie how are you doing today?

one_step_closer 26-12-2024 12:46 PM

Morning almost afternoon everyone, how are you all?

Is RYL being extra slow for you?

Cacoethes 26-12-2024 12:52 PM

I'm ok thanks!
How are you dawn?

Hi lindsay! How are you?

It was, but seems ok now

not_so_insig 26-12-2024 12:58 PM

I had ryl being slow for me the other day too, but thought it was my connection.

I am ok. Not long had a shower.

Cacoethes 26-12-2024 01:18 PM

I need to shower today

Did everyone have a nice Christmas?

tamobhuuta 26-12-2024 01:34 PM

Afternoon all. I went to Mass because I woke up 'early' with a sore back. It was an hour and a quarter long! I needed a restoring cup of tea afterwards. What are you all up to?

Cacoethes 26-12-2024 01:39 PM

That's a long time!
I hope you enjoyed it though!

We're just chilling. Or trying to, S is still pretty hyper!
But L's parents have left now. Her dad is coming over with his puppy later. I'm going to take her for a walk :-D

one_step_closer 26-12-2024 01:49 PM

RYL is being a bit more speedy for me now!

Showers for everyone! I just washed my hair.

That is so long, Tamo. Are you doing your exercises for your back? Back pain is horrible.

Aww puppy wallking sounds nice.

I usually don't like wearing things that remind me of bed time when it's not bed time but my friend gave me an oodie for Christmas and I was cold and put it on and now I don't know if I'll ever be able to take it off!

Cacoethes 26-12-2024 01:53 PM

That's the danger with an oodie lindsay!!

one_step_closer 26-12-2024 01:54 PM

I might end up being one of those strange people who leave the house in it! Do you have one? Mine is lots of different pastel colours, so nice.

tamobhuuta 26-12-2024 02:19 PM

I got an oodie for Christmas too osc :) do you find everyday things are a little bit better when youre wearing it? I'm not reliably doing my exercises but I am trying. I've got a reminder on my phone.

Enjoy your puppy walk Cacoethes!

Cacoethes 26-12-2024 02:33 PM

I have considered leaving the house in mine!

I do have one! L has 2 and S got one for Christmas XD
Mine is pink and is alcohol themed!

one_step_closer 26-12-2024 02:57 PM

My friend wrote on the gift tag that what was inside was a magical hug. It is quite soothing but i took it off because i got too hot.

I’m supposed to do exercises for my knees but i never do so well done with what you’re managing, Tamo.

I am feeling really sad. Can i have hugs and kind words if that’s ok?

Cacoethes 26-12-2024 03:30 PM

Sending many many hugs lindsay!
I really hope things get better for you soon. I know you don't have much hope left, but I shall hope double for you! <3

not_so_insig 26-12-2024 03:48 PM

Aww Lindsay sorry you're not so great. You're a beautiful supportive person.

tamobhuuta 26-12-2024 04:05 PM

Sorry you're struggling osc, you are an excellent person and deserve to feel better so I hope you do soon. Sending hugs.

one_step_closer 26-12-2024 07:32 PM

Thanks all, you're too kind. I appreciate you.

How has everyones day been so far?

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