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one_step_closer 12-11-2024 06:55 PM

Hope you had a nice time seeing your partner's parents, Jen.

Hope you have a good time with your parents, Dawn.

An accidental free piercing sounds good, Beckie!

How has your day been so far, Tamo?

tamobhuuta 12-11-2024 07:03 PM

I went to Mass and even went for coffee with a woman from church after! It was fine I just let her talk!

one_step_closer 12-11-2024 07:13 PM

Well done :) did you mind just listening? Sometimes it can be annoying when people talk so much.

tamobhuuta 12-11-2024 07:20 PM

I like it when other people talk, I didn't want to talk about my life but when she invited me something made me say yes...

one_step_closer 12-11-2024 07:49 PM

I'm glad you said yes, it's good to interact with people even if you don't say much. Did you find it a positive interaction? What are you doing this evening?

Cacoethes 12-11-2024 08:39 PM

Accidental piercings are always good! ESPECIALLY if they're free! XD

I have managed go relax, aside from the things I needed to do :)

Cacoethes 13-11-2024 08:57 AM

Morning everyone

tamobhuuta 13-11-2024 10:33 AM

Morning Cacoethes how are you?

Cacoethes 13-11-2024 10:48 AM

I'm ok thanks.
How are you?

not_so_insig 13-11-2024 10:52 AM

Morning all

tamobhuuta 13-11-2024 11:05 AM

I'm ok :)

Hi insig! How are you?

Cacoethes 13-11-2024 11:52 AM

Glad you're ok :)
Any plans today?

Morning Dawn

tamobhuuta 13-11-2024 12:13 PM

I'm seeing my CPN at 4pm. Just got off the phone to DWP letting them know I'm out of hospital. What about you?

Cacoethes 13-11-2024 12:15 PM

That's good. Hope cpn is helpful!

I have a psych appointment at 12:30, need to drop some clothes at the clothes bank thingy on the way, free piercing appointment at 1:30 and send a parcel. And clip the piggos nails.
That's about it I think!

tamobhuuta 13-11-2024 12:17 PM

Oo free piercing! How come?

Cacoethes 13-11-2024 12:23 PM

Because the apprentice needs to practice on someone, and they know me well and like me because I'm super chill XD
They've (apprentice) has only done one nose piercing so far. Happy to be a guinea pig!

tamobhuuta 13-11-2024 12:27 PM

I hope it goes well :)

Cacoethes 13-11-2024 12:31 PM

Thank you :)

Just in waiting mode now! Hate waiting mode

tamobhuuta 13-11-2024 12:38 PM

Waiting mode is rubbish. I need to stop just doing nothing like I did in hospital.

Cacoethes 13-11-2024 12:45 PM

Don't overdo it though!
Best to gradually build up to what you were doing before. It can be quite an adjustment!

one_step_closer 13-11-2024 01:22 PM

Afternoon everyone.

Well done with phoning the DWP, Tamo. I hope you weren't on hold for ages listening to that awful music. I hope your CPN is helpful.

Busy Beckie as usual! I hope everything goes well.

Hi Dawn, how are you?

tamobhuuta 13-11-2024 01:45 PM

I was only waiting quarter of an hour! How are you osc?

Cacoethes 13-11-2024 02:01 PM

Hey lindsay!
How be you?

Everything so far has been fine!
Dropped clothes off, had psych appointment and posted parcel. Currently waiting for my piercing :-D

tamobhuuta 13-11-2024 02:37 PM

Well done. Enjoy being stabbed with a needle.

not_so_insig 13-11-2024 02:56 PM

Sorry I fell back asleep. I am ok thanks. Got my annual tenancy inspection tomorrow morning so gotta be up early for that. So tonight will be spent tidying up so tomorrow I just have to get up, have a shower, get dressed, make my bed and open the curtains.

not_so_insig 13-11-2024 03:40 PM

Also I was watching Rich House, Poor House in the early hours of this morning and it was partially from Biggleswade Beckie.

tamobhuuta 13-11-2024 03:48 PM

You've been very sleepy recently insig.

Tomorrow is the final episode of doctors :(

not_so_insig 13-11-2024 04:06 PM

I take it you will be watching it tamobhuuta? My sleep pattern is pretty ****ed up at the best of times but I haven't been sleeping well lately.

Cacoethes 13-11-2024 06:26 PM

Yes I saw it mentioned on the local FB pages dawn! Very exciting for a town where barely anything happens XD
Well, someone from there was on the chase recently, but did terribly apparently! Lol

one_step_closer 13-11-2024 07:18 PM

Did you get on ok with your CPN, Tamo? That's sad that it's the final episode of Doctors. :( Casualty should be back on soon though.

Did the piercing person do a good job, Beckie?

Rich House Poor House can be a really nice watch sometimes.

I live in a small town that no one has heard of but recently there were some Scottish celebrities (don't know who) filming here for something. Seems a bit of a strange choice of location.

Cacoethes 13-11-2024 07:23 PM

Yes they did lindsay!

It's always weird when things like that happen in your own town!
I doubt anything would happen here.
We don't even have a shop XD

one_step_closer 13-11-2024 07:42 PM

Do you have like a stud type piercing or something fun like a moon shape or something?

You must live in a very tiny place. Even the small village I lived in before I moved had more than one shop!

Cacoethes 13-11-2024 07:51 PM

Just a stud for now!

I do! We have a pub. And a hairdressers. Randomly! But it's just like a small room. Not a proper salon

one_step_closer 13-11-2024 08:06 PM

Well I'm glad people have a hairdressers or everyone would be going around with very long hair if they couldn't travel elsewhere!

Cacoethes 13-11-2024 08:14 PM

It's the sort of village you absolutely have to have a car in!
With the 2 hourly bus that likes to not turn up XD

not_so_insig 13-11-2024 08:32 PM

In my village we have a shop but that's about it. Even then it's less than 2 months since it opened. When I moved here we had 3 pubs and a fish and chip shop. But we do have an half hourly bus service except after 6.15 pm and a Sunday when they're hourly.

Cacoethes 13-11-2024 10:37 PM

Buses are not a thing here on a Sunday. Even in Biggleswade! Which isn't an overly small town!

Cacoethes 14-11-2024 08:39 AM

Morning everyone!

not_so_insig 14-11-2024 08:45 AM

Morning Beckie how are you doing today?

Cacoethes 14-11-2024 08:54 AM

Morning Dawn!
I'm ok thanks. About to set off to Norwich to see my nanny.

How are you?

not_so_insig 14-11-2024 08:59 AM

Have fun! I know that you enjoy seeing your nanny.

I am ok. I am awake early because I have a dreaded tenancy inspection today. Though I keep my flat reasonably clean and tidy/in a good state so there should be no problems.

tamobhuuta 14-11-2024 09:18 AM

Morning guys.

I hope the inspection goes well insig.

Have a lovely time with your nanny Cacoethes.

not_so_insig 14-11-2024 09:45 AM

Thanks tamobhuuta.

not_so_insig 14-11-2024 10:57 AM

Tamobhuuta did you know that there's a Doctors special of Bargain Hunt on today? It starts at 12.15 pm.

not_so_insig 14-11-2024 11:08 AM

I am stuck in waiting mode now.

tamobhuuta 14-11-2024 11:18 AM

In what way is it a doctors special??

I've googled it. I want them to do the whole thing in character!

one_step_closer 14-11-2024 12:03 PM

Morning everyone.

Hope you have a lovely time with your nanny, Beckie. I remember all your previous tales of how awesome she is.

Do you know what time the inspection is taking place, Dawn? I hope everything goes well and then you can relax.

How are you, Tamo?

not_so_insig 14-11-2024 12:45 PM

I have had my inspection now Lindsay. No issues.

tamobhuuta 14-11-2024 12:48 PM

I am alright thanks osc. Had a phone appointment with neuro, she's happy to discharge back to GP :) and today is laundry day. How about you?

tamobhuuta 14-11-2024 12:48 PM

I'm glad there were no issues insig.

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