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Cacoethes 03-11-2024 11:42 AM

Morning everyone!

one_step_closer 03-11-2024 12:42 PM

Morning, Beckie. Glad you and Beth had a nice time yesterday and you enjoyed the gig. How are you today?

tamobhuuta 03-11-2024 01:32 PM

Morning everyone.

one_step_closer 03-11-2024 01:33 PM

Afternoon, Tamo. How are you?

tamobhuuta 03-11-2024 01:51 PM

Gosh it is afternoon! I am ok, my dad came to see me. We just went out to the cafe area at the front of the hospital and had posh tea. How are you?

Cacoethes 03-11-2024 02:06 PM

Afternoon everyone!
We've just arrived home. 150 miles travelled this morning! On 3 trains. Rather tired now!

Sounds like a nice visit tamo!

How are you lindsay?

tamobhuuta 03-11-2024 04:27 PM

Did you have a good time (at your gig?)?

Cacoethes 03-11-2024 04:56 PM

It was brilliant thanks! Had a blast!
Great music, crowd surfing and a mosh pit! (The last 2 I did not participate in, unfortunately!)

Ahimsa 03-11-2024 05:09 PM

Disappointingly the disco crutch did not attend.

tamobhuuta 03-11-2024 05:16 PM

Sounds great :)

Hi Ahimsa how are you?

Cacoethes 03-11-2024 05:17 PM

I do slightly regret not taking the disco crutch!

Ahimsa 03-11-2024 05:45 PM

I'm exhausted, I've spent the afternoon going over case stuff with my police officer. Tucked up cosy with the cats for a few hours now, I got home about 3:30 and I dont need to go out until 8:15 now.

How're you?

Cacoethes 03-11-2024 05:48 PM

Hope you can rest for a bit beth!

tamobhuuta 03-11-2024 06:12 PM

I hope the rest helps.

I am ok. Dinner time!

Ahimsa 03-11-2024 06:23 PM

What are you having for dinner?

tamobhuuta 03-11-2024 06:41 PM

Vegetables and biscuits. The veggie option was a weird tasting pie thing which I feel bad about leaving. What have you got lined up for dinner?

one_step_closer 03-11-2024 06:56 PM

Aww the disco crutch needs to become the latest must have accessory.

Hope the cats are giving you lots of healing purrs, Beth.

Vegetables and biscuits sounds weird. I can't seem to separate them in my mind!

Ahimsa 03-11-2024 07:18 PM

They are, they're doing a good job at looking after sad mummacat

one_step_closer 03-11-2024 07:36 PM

That's good. Cats are the best.

Cacoethes 04-11-2024 08:07 AM

Morning everyone!

one_step_closer 04-11-2024 01:32 PM

Afternoon, Beckie. How are you today?

not_so_insig 04-11-2024 01:32 PM

Afternoon all.

one_step_closer 04-11-2024 01:39 PM

Hi Dawn, how are you?

long road 04-11-2024 01:41 PM


Just a flying visit from me as I have therapy in half an hour. Sending good vibes to you all!

not_so_insig 04-11-2024 01:45 PM

I am ok thanks Lindsay. Busy day as I have tesco coming. 3 substitutions, 1 short dated item and 0 unavailable items. All the substitutions are acceptable. Not sure about the short dated item.

one_step_closer 04-11-2024 01:45 PM

Hi, Jen. Hope therapy goes well.

one_step_closer 04-11-2024 01:46 PM

How often do you get Tesco deliveries, Dawn?

not_so_insig 04-11-2024 01:50 PM

Once a fortnight Lindsay. Hopefully I will have an advent calendar coming. Yes, I know it's early.

tamobhuuta 04-11-2024 02:26 PM

Good afternoon everybody :)

not_so_insig 04-11-2024 02:27 PM

How are you doing today tamobhuuta? Got any leave or visits planned for today?

one_step_closer 04-11-2024 02:32 PM

Is it a chocolate one, Dawn? I couldn't have a chocolate one in my house before December.

Hi Tamo, how are you doing?

tamobhuuta 04-11-2024 02:36 PM

My godmother is coming to see me at 2 and L is taking me out at 6. I didn't get up till almost 12 so not much day to fill! How are your days going insig and osc?

not_so_insig 04-11-2024 02:41 PM

Yes it's a chocolate one Lindsay. I have found that in the past year i dont crave sugar so much as I used to so I won't touch it until December.

I haven't done much so far tamobhuuta.

tamobhuuta 04-11-2024 02:44 PM

What are you doing while you wait for your delivery?

Cacoethes 04-11-2024 02:52 PM

Afternoon guys!

I'm ok thanks.
Just popped out to pharmacy, asda and see L on her break.

How are you?

Hey dawn!
What else have you got on today?
I haven't had an advent calendar for years!

Hope you enjoy your visits tamo!

tamobhuuta 04-11-2024 02:57 PM

I never have a chocolate Advent calendar. The excitement of a little picture and a Bible verse are enough for me.

long road 04-11-2024 04:04 PM

I had a tea advent calendar one year. Everyday you got 4 teabags of a different kind/ flavour of tea! I shared it with my partner and we rated the different teas!

tamobhuuta 04-11-2024 04:10 PM

That's fun!

Cacoethes 04-11-2024 04:21 PM

That sounds cool jen!

Currently making a pumpkin pie. It is a hassle!

not_so_insig 04-11-2024 04:49 PM

Had tesco and put nearly everything away. Just got the cans of coke left. Felt light headed whilst taking the stuff out of the crates and I don't feel 100% now. I am going to rest in bed. Fortunately I have no plans for the rest of the day.

tamobhuuta 04-11-2024 05:30 PM

That's not good insig :( I hope you feel better after your lie down.

How's the pie going Cacoethes?

Cacoethes 04-11-2024 05:31 PM

It's been a pain in the butt!
I've never made a pie before, I'm more of a cake and traybake person. Hoping it comes out OK.

tamobhuuta 04-11-2024 05:34 PM

Well done!

Cacoethes 04-11-2024 05:42 PM

Thanks! Should be done soon. Then need to let it cool, then moment of truth!

How're you doing?

not_so_insig 04-11-2024 06:12 PM

Thanks tamobhuuta. I am more resting than physically lying down but feel a lot better. Feel nearly normal now which is good.

I have never made a pie either. Mainly because my oven burns pastry.

tamobhuuta 04-11-2024 06:43 PM

I'm ok, a bit tired.

Cacoethes 04-11-2024 06:43 PM

Ovens can be so random

one_step_closer 04-11-2024 06:58 PM

When will your pie be ready, Beckie? This is the most nail biting thing ever!

Ahimsa 04-11-2024 07:08 PM

Hey all,

I hope the pie works out! I have never made a pie.

Cacoethes 04-11-2024 07:10 PM

It's out of the oven!
It sets a bit while cooling also so will find out later

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