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tamobhuuta 03-09-2024 04:16 PM

Afternoon all. My dad came to see me, he brought me cinnamon roll freshly made by L. Yum.

Cacoethes 03-09-2024 04:42 PM

Love a cinnamon roll!
Homemade ones are even better!

not_so_insig 03-09-2024 05:11 PM

I have never had a cinnamon roll.

I have had evri come with my parcel. Tracking said between 7 pm and 9 pm so wasn't expecting it early. Which is good. I have had a shower and I have my pyjamas going in the machine.

tamobhuuta 03-09-2024 05:11 PM

It was so moist!

Ahimsa 03-09-2024 05:13 PM

That sounds like a lovely evening Insig.

Tamo, yay for cinnamon rolls!

Cacoethes 03-09-2024 05:14 PM

Nothing worse than a stale cinnamon roll, so sounds amazing!

not_so_insig 03-09-2024 05:18 PM

I have my parents coming later on. We are having mince pies :-D .

Ahimsa 03-09-2024 05:19 PM

Amazing!! I love mince pies

not_so_insig 03-09-2024 05:28 PM

So do I Beth. I shall be having as many as I can between now and Christmas. Darn phone suggested Christopher instead of Christmas. :angry:

Ahimsa 03-09-2024 05:30 PM

Autocorrect is still on summer mode ;)

not_so_insig 03-09-2024 05:33 PM

I think it's because my phone updated itself today. Texts are weird on this new operating system.

Ahimsa 03-09-2024 05:35 PM

What system is it?

I'm shattered, I didn't sleep well last night :( But I'm home from work and thinking vacuum two rooms, put the washing in the dryer and then try nap before my quiz

not_so_insig 03-09-2024 06:03 PM

Not sure but it's the latest android version. I think that it may be called Gemini.

Ahimsa 03-09-2024 06:07 PM

Ahh I'm not sure, I'm not an android person

long road 03-09-2024 06:19 PM

Read but not got energy to reply to everyone sorry. I have spent most of afternoon asleep after having a long seizure. Still feel pretty wrecked.

But partner is making spaghetti Bolognese for dinner so that's a positive.

Ahimsa 03-09-2024 06:22 PM

Sorry to hear you had a seizure LR :( Hope you have a gentle evening.

one_step_closer 03-09-2024 06:26 PM

Is a cinnamon roll the same as a cinnamon bun? Can't believe you've never had one, Dawn!

Eww mince pies!

Sorry you had a seizure, Jen. Hope you get to enjoy your bolognese.

long road 03-09-2024 06:59 PM

I have seizures most days but this one was a bad/long one. Kind of makes sense though as I had around 10 seizures yesterday including several in the car so my nervous system is extra wobbly. Usually I only have 1 or 2 and on good days none.

tamobhuuta 04-09-2024 08:56 AM

Morning all

Cacoethes 04-09-2024 09:14 AM

Morning everyone!

not_so_insig 04-09-2024 10:49 AM

Morning all.

one_step_closer 04-09-2024 12:27 PM

Afternoon! How are you all?

long road 04-09-2024 12:43 PM


I am okish. How about you Lindsay?

one_step_closer 04-09-2024 01:31 PM

Hope your okish turns into ok and then turns into good.

I'm having a hard time right now.

long road 04-09-2024 01:39 PM

Sorry to hear things are hard. Hugs available if you would like?

So far have spent my day camped out in bed.

long road 04-09-2024 03:44 PM

Got up, had lunch and did some online shopping. Nothing exciting just Tesco click and collect order and a bunch of things we ran out of/ the current one broke such as printer ink and a colander.

Now back in bed cos started to feel off and had a mini seizure.

tamobhuuta 04-09-2024 04:12 PM

The art group leader taught me how to draw faces :) I was his only pupil again

long road 04-09-2024 04:16 PM

That's really cool Tamo! Faces are hard especially noses, I have always struggled with drawing noses.

not_so_insig 04-09-2024 04:36 PM

That's good tamobhuuta

Ahimsa 04-09-2024 05:36 PM

Hi everyone

one_step_closer 04-09-2024 06:27 PM

Hugs are appreciated, Jen. I'm glad you got some things done, hope you're recovering from your seizure.

Sounds good, Tamo.

Hi Beth, how are you getting on?

Cacoethes 04-09-2024 07:57 PM

Hey guys

long road 04-09-2024 08:20 PM


nonperson 04-09-2024 08:25 PM

*waves too*

long road 04-09-2024 08:27 PM

Hey NP!

not_so_insig 04-09-2024 08:27 PM

Hello everyone

long road 04-09-2024 08:33 PM

Hey Dawn!

What's everyone up to?

I am waiting for my takeaway to be delivered. We have had a rough day so partner wasn't up to cooking. Having a burger and chips

nonperson 04-09-2024 08:39 PM

Hope it arrives soon, Jen! Takeaway sounds like a good idea.

I've just won the battle with the cat for the prime spot on the sofa, currently watching crappy feel-better reality TV (Below Deck Mediterranean)

Cacoethes 04-09-2024 08:49 PM

What have you ordered jen?

NP! Congratulations on beating the cat to the prime spot! Crappy comfort tv is sometimes needed!

nonperson 04-09-2024 08:55 PM


It was a surprise win tbh. He won the spot, I got up and then he decided to also get up and go out!

Cacoethes 04-09-2024 09:04 PM

Love how no one just moves their pets out of the prime spot!
I don't have that problem with the piggos, but I will 100% wait for them to finish their naps or food before I go to clean them out, even if it inconveniences my day XD

nonperson 04-09-2024 09:08 PM

Oh I do move him sometimes! Or I seriously threaten to sit on him so he does move then =P

That makes sense with the piggos though! Common courtesy. I won't make the bed if Geordi is still asleep in it.

not_so_insig 04-09-2024 09:10 PM

Hope your takeaway is/was tasty Jen.

long road 04-09-2024 10:02 PM

Takeaway arrived and distracted me. I had a cheese and bacon burger with chips. Then watched some taskmaster with partner until laughing rudely triggered my asthma.

nonperson 04-09-2024 11:05 PM

There's a new Taskmaster starting next week!

long road 04-09-2024 11:07 PM

Ooh exciting! I am watching season 16 (the one with sue Perkins etc.) for the first time at the moment.

Ahimsa 04-09-2024 11:27 PM

Hey LR and NP.

I can't get into Taskmaster, I like Greg but can't stand Alex

long road 04-09-2024 11:46 PM

Alex is a big part of the show so if you don't like him it doesn't work! That said a lot of the contestants get infuriated with Alex!

How has your day been Beth?

Ahimsa 04-09-2024 11:50 PM

Really, really rubbish tbh.

How about you? I'm sorry if you've said, I don't have the focus to read back from my last post.

long road 05-09-2024 12:23 AM

That sucks. Hugs available if you would like them.

My day has been difficult, lots of physical symptoms and emotional stuff. Did manage to get a few chores done and spend some time with my partner though.

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