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nonperson 11-10-2023 07:03 PM

The Sanskrit or the English names?

one_step_closer 11-10-2023 07:14 PM

I keep buying Mrs Doubtfire on dvd and then donating it and wishing I hadn't. Think I've donated it yet again! Such a good film.

nonperson 11-10-2023 07:18 PM

There's a stage musical of it now! I kinda want to see it...

not_so_insig 11-10-2023 07:29 PM

Tamobhuuta I am staying inside for the rest of the night. I had to have some lemsip as I felt like I was coming down with a cold. Felt rotten and had to change all of my clothes before. It will be a miracle if l don't catch a cold.

Cacoethes 11-10-2023 07:33 PM

I remember it from the film and was disappointed the first gif missed it out!

Yoga sounds like a fabulous idea!
I wish i liked yoga

Oooh a mrs doubtfire stage musical?? I MUST see it!

Not much is occurin with me.
Just the usual inner turmoil and tiredness XD

nonperson 11-10-2023 07:39 PM

My plan all along was to use the first gif and follow it with the second =P

Yoga is good for the mind.

I'm feeling you with the inner turmoil... =/

Cacoethes 11-10-2023 07:43 PM

Excellent XD

Is there a specific yoga pose for inner turmoil?
Is there a Guinness equivalent for internal pain?
There has to be something!

long road 11-10-2023 07:46 PM

Hello everyone,

Lots of fun Mrs Doubtfire GIFs going on there.

Had OT call and HTT assessment.

I too am feeling inner turmoil and triedness. Absolutely exhausted but too wired to sleep or even sit still really. Just about managing watching TV while using internet on my phone. But feeling the urge to do so much more that that stupid steroid induced mania! Oh and my lungs are still grumpy.

tamobhuuta 11-10-2023 07:49 PM

Why do you all like that film???

Cacoethes 11-10-2023 07:52 PM

Because everyone has their own likes and dislikes tamo!

Well that does not sound like a fun evening at all jen!

long road 11-10-2023 08:04 PM

Not particularly good evening (massive British understatement).

TV show is amusing though. Am watching Celebrity Race Across the World.

As for Mrs Doubtfire I think it's Robin Williams' character acting and comedic timing that makes me like it.

Cacoethes 11-10-2023 08:10 PM

Love a good British understatement!
When i saw the ED dr he was like 'so, a lot has happened in the last month'
And my response to this was 'yeah, it's not ideal' XD

I hope you can find something to keep you safely occupied!
Tv show sounds interesting!

Yeah it probably wouldn't be such an awesome film without robin Williams!

nonperson 12-10-2023 05:05 AM

Morning all...


long road 12-10-2023 07:27 AM

Morning NP!

You were up early

How things?

I didn't get much sleep mayb 4 hours, struggled to get to sleep last night due to Breathing and steroids and had to call 999 again about 1am due to asthma. Attack that home meds wouldn't settleThey treated me on scene and left me at home but yeah my lungs continue to suck

Cacoethes 12-10-2023 08:09 AM

Morning both!

How are you np?

Well that sucks jen!
Hopefully you can try and nap during the day

I got a decent sleep
Although took me ages to get to sleep because I was BOILING!
Opened windows and had my fan going!

It is raining lots today and I am unhappy about it
My driving lesson has been cancelled because instructor is unwell which is sad

long road 12-10-2023 08:29 AM

Yeah naps during the day don't really happen on steroids but I guess we can hope.

Glad you got a decent sleep. But boo to cancelled driving lesson.

I am just about to do battle with GP surgery phones

Cacoethes 12-10-2023 08:53 AM

You can always tell when my nanny is on steroids (a lot!) Because she gets the zoomies too. But it's old lady zoomies XD

Yeah I'm disappointed. Next availability he has is next Friday, so booked for before work and I'll just drive to work at the end of the lesson

May the odds be ever in your favour

long road 12-10-2023 09:28 AM

Old lady zoomies XD I am picturing Zimmer Frame races!

Hopefully next week works out

I am getting a call back from the professor GP at some point this morning! She just said a member of duty team but I looked up booking on appointment system. He is a GP but also teaches a the uni medical school

Cacoethes 12-10-2023 09:32 AM

She mainly just talks super fast then gets out of breath and has one of her coughing fits, bless her XD
She has respiratory issues and a stent in her throat, which doesn't help!


Hoping he will be helpful!

tamobhuuta 12-10-2023 09:43 AM

Morning guys.

Sorry you had to have the ambulance out lr.

Shame your lesson got cancelled Cacoethes.

long road 12-10-2023 09:51 AM

My talking does get super fast when on the steroids, add in coffee and anxiety and well... Bless her breathing issues are no fun, I expect it's COPD.

He was really helpful when the nurse practitioner brought him into our appointment at the beginning of September so I am hopeful. Just hoping his a sweet isn't go directly to hospital do not pass go sort of thing.

Morning Tamo! How are you this morning? Had your coffee delivery visit yet? I just finished my fancy coffee that I make with my aeropress

tamobhuuta 12-10-2023 09:54 AM

I'm glad you've had your posh coffee. My dad is due at 10.30. He will probably bring a Costa latte but he does occasionally bring tea from home, which is so much better than ward tea.

long road 12-10-2023 10:01 AM

Ooh proper loose leaf tea. I hope it's a tea day!

Cacoethes 12-10-2023 10:15 AM

Morning tamo!
I hope you have a nice visit!

It's not COPD afaik.
She had lung cancer, the skin in her throat is now growing over the stent, but because of her age, they've said there's not much point in replacing it, an operation would be too much. She doesn't want that anyway. And there's a spot in her x rays, which she isn't bothered about, but could be making it worse. She's always saying she had a good run
Especially as her lung cancer was terminal and she was given 6 months to live. That was 17 years ago XD

It is still raining heavily :plain:

long road 12-10-2023 10:47 AM

Fair. Doing 17 plus years when they gave you 6 months is amazing achievement go Nanny!

Rain is not a vibe.

I have appointment with Professor GP at 11:30am

Cacoethes 12-10-2023 10:53 AM

She literally said 'i have too much to do to die now'
I must get my stubbornness from her XD

it's starting to slow or has stopped
I can't tell
I do need to get on with my day though. Nearly 11am and I've done nothing!

I hope it goes well!

long road 12-10-2023 11:10 AM

I feel I have done nothing myself, although have done life admin: emailing HR, checking emails, checking bank statement, ringing GP surgery etc.

Oh and just put away some laundry.

Try not to go too hard too fast now the rain has stopped.

tamobhuuta 12-10-2023 11:32 AM

Dad did bring Costa!

one_step_closer 12-10-2023 12:18 PM

Afternoon everyone.

I hope your days go well.

long road 12-10-2023 12:19 PM

Yay Coffee!

Just seen professor GP, he was both chill and on the ball. Said I seemed to be managing things well. We have agreed a treatment plan, regular nebuliser once a day about an hour before bed whether I have symptoms or not and another 7 days of steroids but at a much lower dose. And he said he will use his professor powers (exact quote) to see if he can get me seen by consultant in clinic sooner.

long road 12-10-2023 12:21 PM

Ninja Lindsay!

How is it going up in Scotland?

one_step_closer 12-10-2023 12:25 PM

Professor powers! Sounds like a good plan.

It's cold here. Been raining a tiny bit.

long road 12-10-2023 12:48 PM

He mad me smile when he said that. Only second time I have met him but both times have been good experiences. Really knows his stuff, which you would hope a professor would!

Grey here but no rain yet. I saw a cute grey cat with orange eyes this morning. Very cute but had a big attitude!

tamobhuuta 12-10-2023 02:19 PM

Aw cute kitty.

We had a bit of rain late morning but now it's just grey.

long road 12-10-2023 02:35 PM

He reminded me of the kitten I dreamed I had living in my room at uni, and when I woke up the dream had been so vivid that I was looking for the kitty and was sad I didn't have kitty. But then I thought about the oracalities of trying to keep a cat in halls and hide it from room inspections XD

tamobhuuta 12-10-2023 02:46 PM

That would be hard!

I have made a record of everything I want to keep from my ipod for when it gives up the ghost. It has served me well but is showing its age.

long road 12-10-2023 03:36 PM

Makes sense iPods be getting on in years.

I just watched the trailer for the Doctor Who 60th anniversary specials with David Tennant's Doctor and Donna Noble. I am beyond Excited!!!!!

tamobhuuta 12-10-2023 05:29 PM

I haven't seen it but I am excited.

long road 12-10-2023 05:37 PM

It came out 2 weeks ago but I only just saw it, it's looks so awesome. Really high production value too.

nonperson 12-10-2023 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by long road (Post 4366560)
I just watched the trailer for the Doctor Who 60th anniversary specials with David Tennant's Doctor and Donna Noble. I am beyond Excited!!!!!

This is news to me!! TELL ME MORE

Cacoethes 12-10-2023 08:00 PM

Sad times for someone who no longer has a tv licence
Someone film it for me??? XD

nonperson 12-10-2023 08:06 PM

Oh God Beckie that is terrible news! D=

It'll be on iPlayer for ages so I'm sure you won't miss out (maybe just late to the party)

tamobhuuta 12-10-2023 08:12 PM

Sorry to be a party pooper but you're meant to have a licence to watch the iplayer...

nonperson 12-10-2023 08:13 PM

What I meant is that Beckie can watch it on iPlayer when she can get a tv licence again.

tamobhuuta 12-10-2023 08:21 PM

Sorry, fair dos.

nonperson 12-10-2023 08:25 PM

Nah, it was a very fair point to make!

not_so_insig 12-10-2023 08:45 PM

Hello all. I have been to my hearing voices group. The bus was late coming home as nearly every road in Wales is 20 mph. Meaning that the buses are late. Plus the bus was unbelievably packed but fortunately I had a seat. I nearly panicked.

I have been cleaning my flat. Only managed to do the kitchen however as did the bathroom yesterday. But I did the floor of the kitchen which is something I don't normally do on a Thursday. I will do the rest of the flat tomorrow as given heavy showers so won't be fit to go out.

nonperson 12-10-2023 08:52 PM

Rain due tomorrow here too. I'm looking forward to it.

Cacoethes 12-10-2023 09:09 PM

Don't plan on getting a tv license again anytime soon tbh!
The payment always comes out at the worst times and puts me in minus!

long road 12-10-2023 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by nonperson (Post 4366576)
This is news to me!! TELL ME MORE

Airing in November 2023

The official trailer linked below:


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