![]() |
That's good! I like cherry bakewells!!
Pasta is yummy! Always a good choice! |
Mmmmm cherry bakewell.
You looking forward to your Chinese, Beckie? What you going to have Amy? |
I am sooo looking forward to it!!
It will be a nice treat. I hope you enjoy it.
Thanks :)
Have you been up to much today Lorraine? |
I've been so lazy today. The past few days I've been struggling with fatigue, but I'm going to try do some writing tonight and get out tomorrow.
You been up to much? |
Lazy days are ok.
Sounds odd but when I'm having a tired day, going out for a walk or something wakes me up. I know that motivation can be hard though. Not really no. I've been lazy today too! |
You're right. Lazy days are ok. Sometimes it's needed.
I'm determined for tomorrow to be a productive day. A bit of housework, then going out a wander. |
Sounds like a good plan!
I should probably do some housework tomorrow too! |
Busy, productive day today :) Hosp appointment went well and have two very pretty pairs of new glasses (2 for 1 offer <3 specsavers :P) and a few other bits and bobs. Chillaxing now geeking out on history docs and thought I'd bob in to say hello :)
Hello Katy. Sounds like a busy day. You deserve to relax now.
Thanks. Did you enjoy your pasta?
I did thanks. I'm full and sleepy now.
Sounds like you are in need of an early night Lorraine!
Yay for getting your new spectacles, and I'm glad the hosp appt went okay! |
Definitely getting an early night.
Think I might as well, tired teddy!
I want to eat the rest of my Chinese because it tastes so good but I'm full.
The struggle is real. |
Poor Beckie. Glad you are enjoying it.
Maybe your appetite is shrinking!
Did SW go okay? |
My appetite has definitely shrunk!
Yeah it was fine thanks :) |
Good to hear it on both counts!
Thanks!! :)
What are you guys up to? |
I've just done another bit on my job app (just copying down education history). Finally getting there a bit with it, even if it is mind numbing and tiring.
You up to much before sleepytimes? |
I'm lying in bed. Too tired to do much. Think I'll watch some Netflix for a while before I fall asleep.
Sounds productive Amy. I hope it brings you success.
Well done for sticking with it amy! It'll be worth it!
That sounds like a good plan Lorraine. I'm watching holby at the moment. Will find something else to watch afterwards! |
Thank you lovelies!
Hope you both find something to watch later! |
There should be something on.
I'm quite sleepy anyway so probs won't be up for long after holby! |
Think everyone is a bit tired this evening!
Maybe it's the weather?
It's been really humid here and the air feels heavy. Always makes me feel sleepy! |
I'm torn between being physically tired and mentally really not tired.
Well done with the education thing Ames, I'm still trying to find out if I have a science GCSE or not, genuinely neither me nor my mother know! What Chinese did you get Beckie? I'd advise leaving it if you're full, let it cool down then chuck it in the fridge for reheating tomorrow. |
Yeah it's been muggy and humid here despite all the rain.
^ Same.
That's a random thing to forget Katy!!
I got beef chow mein and prawn toast. And prawn crackers. I have finished the chow mein and I'm slowly munching on prawn crackers :p |
Thank you lovely :-)
Will the exam board or the high school you went to know? |
No rain here and the weather has been fine. I went to the post office before and it wasn't too hot.
Ooooo new episode of taskmaster now!
I always forget it's on! |
Chow mein sounds nom. My Chinese always arrives with free prawn crackers and it's such a waste as I don't like them! Quote:
I looovvee prawn crackers!
Jasmine does too actually! She can't get enough of them! |
I think I am the only person who doesn't like prawn crackers-never met someone else who feels the same! *sings Iii'm so alooooone*
You'll have to watch that one with Jasmine, soon she'll start playing the I'm your darling daughter therefore I should get ALL of the crackers card :P (I used to play this card as kid with my mum over these free biscuits she got with her coffee after a meal at this place. |
Oh she already gets all the crackers!! XD
mum used to make them at home for her with one of her random kitchen appliances. Im sure she will start making them again once the house is built! |
A kid after my own heart!
Ha ha sounds like your mum has it made re kitchen! |
She is a very spoilt child!!
At least she's not bratty about it though (yet!!) :p My mum has loads of random kitchen stuff! Like stuff I didn't even know was a thing! |
Sleepy time now!
Night night all! |
Morning all :)
Good morning everyone! How are you doing? :3
Afternoon guys!
I've only just got up. Oops! |
Haha I wish I could have slept in! It's been sooooooo hot though. Which is weird because it's super cloudy.
How are you Beckie? |
I don't usually sleep quite this late!
It is rather warm! Even though it's chucking it down here! I'm ok thanks! How are you? |
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