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Shy_Bambi 02-05-2017 03:58 PM

I really REALLY want some pringles!

Cacoethes 02-05-2017 04:04 PM

Pirates of the Caribbean is AWESOME!
I had a pirates marathon quite recently!
My fav is either first one or worlds end.

I've got all my errands done. I love that accomplished feeling!
And it's Tuesday which means PIZZA NIGHT! :-D :hop:

Shy_Bambi 02-05-2017 04:16 PM

Oooo Pizza sounds lush!! What kind of pizza?
surley....not....not pineapple! D8

Cacoethes 02-05-2017 04:19 PM

I'm afraid that my pizza does include pineapple! :p

Shy_Bambi 02-05-2017 04:31 PM

*gasps* You have pineapple on pizza?! D8
How do you even do that? It doesn't go at all lol!!
I prefer lots of cheese, and some vegetables.

[Luna] 02-05-2017 04:53 PM

Hey guys.

Sketchy 02-05-2017 05:08 PM

Hi everyone.

I'm having pizza tonight too. Yum!

Cacoethes 02-05-2017 05:09 PM

Cheese is good. I think I have a legit addiction to cheese!

Hey luna! How are You?

Hi Lorraine! Yay for pizza!

Sketchy 02-05-2017 05:12 PM

I love cheese too. It's a cheesy pizza I'll be having. Looking forward to it. I've really developed a pizza obsession.

[Luna] 02-05-2017 05:14 PM

I'm not great.

So jealous of you guys having pizza!

Sketchy 02-05-2017 05:16 PM

Sorry you aren't great Luna. Is there anything that might help?

Get a pizza too! Join the pizza club.

Cacoethes 02-05-2017 05:17 PM

There are worse things to be addicted to than cheese and pizza so we're doing pretty well! :p

*hugs* Luna I hope you feel better soon x

[Luna] 02-05-2017 05:23 PM

Thanks guys.

I so would but I have Slimming world weigh in tomorrow!

Sketchy 02-05-2017 05:26 PM

Maybe you can treat yourself tomorrow.

Is anyone up to much? I'm lazy today. I might do some writing later. I need to do something other than watch Netflix. I should read since I have plenty of books to read.

Cacoethes 02-05-2017 05:32 PM

That's a shame luna! You should get one tomorrow night!
It's my weigh in tonight so afterwards is pizza time!

I'm not up to much. Just watching criminal minds!

Shy_Bambi 02-05-2017 05:32 PM

Hello Luna! Hello Lorraine!
Pizza is the ultimate comfort food. Aside from, like, chocolate and cookies :3
Oh, and mint choc icecream!

Cacoethes 02-05-2017 05:35 PM

Mmm chocolate and cookies!
I actually have a bar of galaxy for tonight as well. Yummy!
I can't wait!
Only 2 hours to go!

Sketchy 02-05-2017 05:41 PM

Hi Rebecca. Ooh mint choc ice cream is good!

[Luna] 02-05-2017 05:52 PM

Enjoy your cheat night Beckie, I hope weigh in goes well!!

I have my heart set on a Mcdonalds tomorrow. I often have pizza and cheesy garlic bread on my cheat night though. Soooooo good.

Cacoethes 02-05-2017 05:55 PM

Thanks! It should be ok. I stuck to plan this week :)

Tough choice Luna!
I haven't had a maccies in ages but I often find a maccies doesn't fill me up like pizza and cheesy garlic bread does!

[Luna] 02-05-2017 05:56 PM

I don't have high hopes for my weigh tomorrow. I started off well and then it all fell to **** :/

Shy_Bambi 02-05-2017 06:00 PM

I've never haad cheesey garlic bread before. Sounds yum!
Good luck with your weigh-in guys!!

Cacoethes 02-05-2017 06:04 PM

Ah that's a shame luna! But you never Know! I lost a fair bit of weight after xmas even though I ate EVERYTHING!
Bodies are weird!

Thanks rebecca! And you should try cheesy garlic bread! It's amazing!

not_so_insig 02-05-2017 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by Buttons. (Post 4107576)
Have fun with Asda Beckie, I just escaped from there :P

Rebecca Pirates sounds like an epic plan! Love love love those films! Do you have a fav?

Glad your food has arrived Dawn, what are you cooking?

I have recipes and ingredients for Honey Baked Gammon, spaghetti bolognese, chilli and a chicken risotto. I am doing risotto tonight though.

Buttons. 02-05-2017 06:08 PM

Enjoy Dawn :)

And Rebecca you've never had cheesy garlic bread?????? *falls over*

[Luna] 02-05-2017 06:08 PM

Rebecca, you've never had cheesy garlic bread?! You haven't lived girl!

not_so_insig 02-05-2017 06:11 PM

I like cheesy garlic bread but I prefer dough balls with my pizza. I also like chicken goujons too.

Cacoethes 02-05-2017 06:16 PM

Dough balls are nice!

Shy_Bambi 02-05-2017 06:17 PM

Nu I haven't! I only ever see regular old garlic bread at Asda. I'm guessing you add the cheese of your choice yourself lol!

not_so_insig 02-05-2017 06:20 PM

I am still waiting for my parcel. I am so going to be pissed off if it doesn't arrive today as I am going out tomorrow.

Cacoethes 02-05-2017 06:24 PM

You can buy cheesy garlic bread. I'm sure I've had it from asda before! You could add the cheese yourself though!

Shy_Bambi 02-05-2017 06:40 PM

Oooh I may look out for it when I next go. Asda has been pretty busy the last few times I went. I hate crowds!

Cacoethes 02-05-2017 06:49 PM

I hate crowds too!
I tend to go about 1pm-2pm. It's usually pretty quiet at those times!

Shy_Bambi 02-05-2017 06:57 PM

Oh but then I might catch the sprogs out from school at 3pm!! D: They go around in gangs. And they shout. Why can't they talk and just be nice?

Cacoethes 02-05-2017 07:00 PM

I manage to get home before they are let out of school which is mainly why I choose those times!
My asda is only like a 10-15 minute walk

Shy_Bambi 02-05-2017 07:09 PM

Oh you're lucky. My Asda is abotu a 20 minute bus ride away! But I usually stop off in Pets At Home just to look at the bunnies lol!

Cacoethes 02-05-2017 07:11 PM

Oh wow that's a pain! I live in a small town so everything is really close.
We have a pet's at home but it's a 20 min walk in the opposite direction to town so I don't really go up there. It's like a retail park bit.
I'd like to look at the bunnies though! And the reptiles if they have them!
Oh! We also have an exotic pet store which I've never been in but I should because I like reptiles!

Buttons. 02-05-2017 07:18 PM

I very nearly ended up with a bunny last week but the sensible part of my brain said no :(

Unfortunately it seems the sensible brain doesn't want to help me too much though-I just tried to light my cigarette with a small tube of hand cream because it was the same size/shape-ish as my lighter -_-

Cacoethes 02-05-2017 07:20 PM

I sooooo wish I could have pets! Stupid landlady :plain:

Ahaha!! I've done similar in the past!

Buttons. 02-05-2017 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by Cacoethes (Post 4107660)
I sooooo wish I could have pets! Stupid landlady :plain:

Ahaha!! I've done similar in the past!

Yeah highly doubt my landlord would have been overly chuffed!

And don't know whether to be reassured or concerned by that :D :p

Shy_Bambi 02-05-2017 07:28 PM

Can you have a hamster or something? Surley at least a goldfish? D:

Cacoethes 02-05-2017 07:53 PM

Haha!! Be reassured. I'm pretty much non mental now :p

I probably could have a goldfish if I asked. But fish aren't very exciting!

Buttons. 02-05-2017 08:03 PM

True True <3

I'd suggest just asking can you have fish not specifying what type of fish and getting some really funky type of fish type thing (mini shark, piranha etc :P) that your landlady has 'technically' agreed to :P

Shy_Bambi 02-05-2017 08:03 PM

Thats very true lol! Maybe get a terripin or an african land snail or something.
I would sneak in a kitten or something. How would they find out :P

not_so_insig 02-05-2017 08:11 PM

My parcel has arrived. It arrived when I was cooking my tea blooming typical!

Cacoethes 02-05-2017 08:16 PM

There's no room for a tank really!
And they would find out because they do inspections every 3 months :(

Sketchy 02-05-2017 08:22 PM

Glad you got your parcel Dawn. At least that's it arrived.

That's a shame you can't get a pet Beckie. My flat is too small for one too.

Cacoethes 02-05-2017 08:25 PM

What pet would you get Lorraine?

Sketchy 02-05-2017 08:30 PM

A cat. I love cats. My friends cat is adorable.

Cacoethes 02-05-2017 08:34 PM

Cats are lovely!
In my old house, my neighbour's cat would often break into my house! He was lovely. His name was Agatha

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