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A yellow beetle sounds really pretty! I've never seen one of those before.
Yellow beetle would be awesome!
And you'd be responsible for many people being punched in the arm :p Did anyone else do that when they saw a yellow car/beetle? |
I never did that lol Thats a new one to me!
In my family it was always yellow cars.
Some people did beetles and some did only yellow beetles! Long car journeys were fun with 4 siblings! :p |
Yep Bex, and there was mini punch no returns can't remember what else!
Ah yes! Had to be no returns!!
We also, to this day, have to hold our breath when we go through a tunnel! |
Of course I did that! Meant I could hit my brother lol
Haha! It was a good excuse to hit siblings without consequence :p
Haha indeed!
Aww that sounds fun. I'm an only child so I never did any of those things *pouts*
Like going to theme parks and going on rollar coatsters. I only got to do that once when my cousin stayed over when I was little. (I also have no friends so the closest I'll ever get to a theme park now is Youtube xD)
We only went theme park twice I think, more kids means it's more expensive! We just used to play out on the street most days.
Having siblings has its moments!
I likes growing up in a big family. And especially now because my brothers can drive which is handy :p |
I always wondered what it would be like having a sibling. I'd like to test run it, borrow a sibling, see how it goes, then decide whether to keep :P
That actually sounds like a good idea! I'm not sure I'd get on well, I'd have to share everything lol
I'm the oldest of my siblings and I HATED my brother when he was born! I was horrible to him! Used to hit him, push him over etc. I was stupidly jealous!
He's only like a year and a half younger than me but we ended up being really close growing up. Having 4 siblings was hard but I wouldn't have changed it for the world!! |
Having 4 siblings sounds really tough D: But it must be nice to know you're not alone :)
Yep it was!
They are 12,18, 21 and 23 so it's SOOOO much easier now we've all grown up a bit! We still tease each other a lot but it's just as a joke now rather than trying to piss each other off :p |
I've just got the one sister. I'm at her flat just now.
Doing anything fun?
Are you having a nice time Lorraine?
How are you all? I am being lazy tonight and ordered takeaway. There is a pizza on its way to me right now :D |
Hey Hannah!
How are you? VERY jealous of the pizza!! Pizza is life!! |
I have been out. I went to a new pub. I also went to a garden centre but I have been there before.
I am having a nice time thanks. We went to the pub and had pizza. Sister has now fallen asleep on the sofa and I'm watching doctor who.
How is everyone? |
SoundS nice dawn.
Glad you're having a nice time Lorraine. Are you watching old episodes or the newest one that showed on Saturday? I'm yet to watch that one! |
We watched the new one. It was good. I'm now watching the David tennant ones.
What you up to? You back home? |
David Tennant is my favourite doctor!
Yep I'm home. Just watching criminal minds. Rather tired! |
An early night for you then. You'll be tired from traveling.
David tennant is good. I'm watching the series with Donna noble. She's my favourite companion. |
Definitely an early night. Travelling does take it out of you! Got to get up early tomorrow morning as well because I have an appointment at the hospital so an hour on the bus. Ugh!
Donna is a good one! I don't know who my favourite companion is. Probably Amy Pond. |
I like Amy Pond too.
That's a shame you have to be up early. I hope your appointment goes ok. Maybe you can do something nice afterwards. |
Thanks Lorraine
I have a blood test in the afternoon in the same town so I should have time to get a coffee and maybe wander around the shops for a bit! Have you got anything planned for tomorrow? |
Coffee sounds like a good idea. It's always nice to go for a coffee.
I don't know what I'm doing tomorrow. I'm staying overnight tonight at my sister's, so I probably won't be home until the afternoon some time. I'll probably go to the shop too. |
Peter Davison ftw!
Coffee is always good!
Sounds like a nice chilled day Lorraine. I haven't seen many of the old doctor who episodes. My favourite old one is Tom Baker though! |
Oh I love Doctor Who. I loved Matt Smith but this Doctor is good too. Looking forward to seeing who the next one will be. Kinda nervous about it too for some reason.
It's always a bit nerve wracking when there's going to be a new doctor!
They have a huge part to live up to! |
There's speculation it could be Kris Marshall. I like him but I'm not too sure on if he will be right for the role or not. He is quite funny.
I loved his character in My Family back in the day!!
I'm not sure about him being able to pull off The Doctor although I'd like to think he could. I can only ever see him as Nick from My Family though! |
Same!! He was so goofy and funny. Ah the good old days. I miss that show!
Me too!
He was hilarious! Might have to try and find ssome old episodes to watch! I'm off to bed now. So tired! Night night all! |
Okay, good night, I hope you sleep well!! :)
Morning guys!
I'm at the hospital for my pre op assessment. Fun times! And of course they are running late :p How is everyone this fine morning?! |
How did it go Beckie?
How are you all today? |
It was ok thanks.
But I'm going to have to take off my nails for the op on Friday so I'm very upset about that. I'll get them done again on the weekend though if I can find a good place! And I have to take my piercings out which is a hassle! And two of them I can't take out so I'll just have to hope they don't notice :p I'm now in Costa. I have an hour til clozapine clinic. I'm not sure where they're going to get blood from because the pre op clinic already got blood from the only place I have veins!! How are you Hannah? |
Hi everyone!
Hi everyone.
Sounds like a stressful day Beckie. It's good you treated yourself to coffee. Treating yourself to getting your nails done after the op is a good idea. I hope it goes well. How is everyone? I've just got home after staying over at my sister's. We had a good time, but I'm so drained now. I get bad fatigue so I'm going to take it easy now. |
I am ok. Went out for coffee, then to the post office and then to the vet. I was out for over 3 hours. The kitties missed me as soon as I sat down all 3 sat on me.
Aww that's sweet. It must be nice to have 3 kitties.
I also have posted 3 letters to celebrities. Basically the surviving Keeping Up Appearances cast. Fingers crossed that I get a reply.
Thanks Lorraine :)
Glad you had a good time with your sister Lorraine. It is exhausting being around people sometimes! |
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