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Cacoethes 29-03-2017 02:11 PM

Thanks Luna x

Go to the shops!! GO GO GO!!! :-D

Shy_Bambi 29-03-2017 02:17 PM

What's youview? I don't mean to sound stupid, is it like freeview?

Cacoethes 29-03-2017 02:33 PM

I'm not sure what it is either!

[Luna] 29-03-2017 02:44 PM

I've been and gone to the shops. Sweating!
I don't know what youview is either, I'm guessing it's like a NowTV box?

not_so_insig 29-03-2017 02:51 PM

Youview is a box which has all the free view channels plus catchup tv. I got it from bt so it also has the channels built in like mtv but I can't access them because I am not paying for them. My freesat box is so old that I can't have iplayer on it. I only got it for the catchup tv though so I can't record but some youview boxes can.

Serendipity. 29-03-2017 03:05 PM

Sounds good dawn.

Hope you feel better soon Beckie!

Hope you're all okay x

I went to Costa and then bought three new pairs of pyjamas. Oops! Oh well, one can never have too many PJ's! :P

[Luna] 29-03-2017 03:06 PM

Oooh that's cool Hannah, what are you new PJ's like?

Cacoethes 29-03-2017 03:12 PM

Well done for going to the shops Luna!!

Youview sounds cool!

I love getting new PJs!

[Luna] 29-03-2017 03:21 PM

Thanks Beckie. I bought some treats for after weigh in today.
How are you feeling now?

Serendipity. 29-03-2017 03:28 PM

Treats are good!

I got unicorn ones and monkey ones and pink ones! I love PJs!

Shy_Bambi 29-03-2017 03:30 PM

Oh that sounds nice! Love new pyjamas!

Cacoethes 29-03-2017 03:31 PM

Treats are definitely good! I always treat myself after weigh ins :)

I'm feeling a bit better thanks :)

Sounds good Hannah!!
I have like 6 pairs of pajama bottoms but only one top somehow so I just wear t shirts mainly!
I don't know where all the tops disappear to!!

[Luna] 29-03-2017 03:31 PM

They sound so cute Hannah!

How did it go at the hospital Rebecca?

[Luna] 29-03-2017 03:32 PM

We always have a treat after weigh ins. My favourite night of the week haha.

I'm exactly the same Beckie. I don't think I have any PJ tops, just T-shirts.

Shy_Bambi 29-03-2017 03:36 PM

Primark is the best place to buy cute new pyjamas if you're low on tops :3
The hospital went okay-ish. I broke down in there so I'm kinda angry at myself for it but I'm okay now :)

[Luna] 29-03-2017 03:38 PM

Aw love, don't beat yourself up about it. Do you have anything nice planned for the rest of the day?

Shy_Bambi 29-03-2017 03:40 PM

I think I'll just drink my tea then have a nap. Crying always makes me sleepy. How about you? :)

Cacoethes 29-03-2017 03:43 PM

As Luna said, don't beat yourself up about it. Getting upset is perfectly ok!
Nap sounds good. Crying does make you a bit sleepy.

I'll have to check out primark for some more pj tops!

Serendipity. 29-03-2017 03:52 PM

Tea and nap sounds good Rebecca, there's no need to beat yourself up about it.

Primark is great for PJs! I had the same issue with tops, but then I started using certain t-shirts as just PJ tops and now I don't have enough bottoms!! I do have a few nighties but I don't really like them because they make me feel all exposed and insecure which is silly because it's just me in my bed / room! :P

I'm fuming right now. Am considering making a complaint about my GP but I can't decide if I'm overreacting! (You can stalk my r/v if you're interested :P)

Cacoethes 29-03-2017 03:55 PM

I'm the same with nighties Hannah! I really don't like them and would never wear one!

I've seen your rv Hannah (top stalker) :p
You should definitely complain,I would be soooo pissed off!! Def not overreacting!

Serendipity. 29-03-2017 04:05 PM

Excellent stalking skills!! :P Thanks lovely, I appreciate the confirmation that I'm not just being silly! I'm not sure if I've said but he also referred to "people like me" (i.e. people with long term mental health issues) in a rather disparaging way and refusing the meds was going against a direct request from my team so it's a bit ridiculous!

Sorry that doesn't really belong here! Anyone up to anything interesting this afternoon? I've got my PT session in a bit. I think I might cry. He makes me work too hard!

Cacoethes 29-03-2017 04:18 PM

He sounds like an utter cockwomble tbh!
I've had the 'people like me' comment before. It comes across as rather insulting!
I was in the back of a police car once (I wasn't ill really, just very lost) and the policewoman was talking on the radio and said 'she's fine, shes just like you or me' when describing my mental state. I found that a bit weird!

I just have to do my maths homework. Yuck!
Watching mulan 2 atm.

Aww I'm sure you'll be glad you went when you've finished! Exercise always gives me more energy!

Serendipity. 29-03-2017 04:28 PM

Hahaha, oh dear! People really are ****ing idiots sometimes!
He was a bit of a cockwomble really! :P

I didn't even know that there was a Mulan 2!

I will be glad, as long as I am not dead!! :P

[Luna] 29-03-2017 04:36 PM

Your GP sounds like an absolute dick Hannah!

Cacoethes 29-03-2017 04:40 PM

I didn't know there was a mulan 2 until it came up on pirate bay. It's ok. Obviously not as awesome as the original!

Haha!!! Surely PT can't be that bad!! :p

Sketchy 29-03-2017 04:47 PM

Hi all. How is everyone?

I've had a busy afternoon. I had appointment with OT, met my sister for coffee and then went to Asda.

Cacoethes 29-03-2017 04:50 PM

Hi Lorraine :)

Wow you were busy! Have you had a good day?

Sketchy 29-03-2017 04:53 PM

I enjoyed coffee with my sister, but not so much Asda or appointment. I'm home now and just going to relax.
What you up to?

Cacoethes 29-03-2017 05:02 PM

Well asda and appointments aren't that fun I suppose!

I'm just about to have some time on the wii fit.
Probably do dinner afterwards.

Sketchy 29-03-2017 05:05 PM

Wii fit sounds fun. You'll deserve a yummy dinner after that.

Serendipity. 29-03-2017 06:24 PM

What are you having for dinner Beckie?

Sounds busy Lorraine! Relaxing this evening sounds good :)

Thanks Luna, he really was! How are you?

My PT session was actually good!

Cacoethes 29-03-2017 06:37 PM

It was quite fun! Did a good amount of time on it :)

I've just had a healthy ready meal. Chicken, tomato and basil pasta. Was quite nice!

Glad your PT session was good and that you didn't die! :p

Serendipity. 29-03-2017 06:39 PM

That does sound nice! What are you up to this evening?

Haha, yeah, I am quite glad to be alive! :P

Cacoethes 29-03-2017 06:46 PM

Just watching greys anatomy. The headache has returned in force so I'm just kind of trying not to pass out!
Ok I may be exaggerating a bit but it does hurt :p

I really need to get my homework done!

Serendipity. 29-03-2017 07:07 PM

Have you taken painkillers and drank plenty of water? Maybe try not looking at a screen? :P I would recommend rest rather than doing homework!

Cacoethes 29-03-2017 07:11 PM

I can't not look at screens!! :o
Probably will have an early night though! If I can actually sleep! Lol!
I'll have a look at my homework and if it's easy then I'll just do it but if I actually have to do any actual thinking then I'll leave it!

What are you up to tonight?

Serendipity. 29-03-2017 07:14 PM

Haha, yeah, I have the same problem :P I hope you do manage to get an early night though! Sounds like a plan for the homework, but don't push yourself too hard!

I'm just watching stuff on Netflix and eating pasta. I'll probably try to do some kind of craft activity in a bit. Or maybe just colouring! And also aim for an early night.

Cacoethes 29-03-2017 07:19 PM

Looked at homework. I have to draw 3 charts and a graph. Which is very easy but there's no way I'll be able to focus on drawing the lines or anything because it has to be accurate within like half a mm and my eyes aren't going to cooperate with that!!

That sounds like a plan Hannah! What are you watching?

Serendipity. 29-03-2017 07:24 PM

Probably best to leave it for now then! When does it need to be done by?

I'm still watching Orphan Black. I only have a vague idea of what's going on but it's still good! :P

Cacoethes 29-03-2017 07:26 PM

Tomorrow. Lol!
I'm a chronic procrastinator!

Haha! I want to get back into that but I was a bit ???? About most of it!

Serendipity. 29-03-2017 07:29 PM

If you try watching it again I would suggest waiting until you can focus on it and not doing seven other things at the same time :P I'm not very good at actually watching TV shows properly so I tend to miss a lot!

Haha oh dear! What time tomorrow? Get up early?! :P

Cacoethes 29-03-2017 07:34 PM

Yeah, focusing isn't really my strong point atm :p

11:30am. Have to get up at 8:45 but ill probably be up before then anyway.
I'm considering not going because class is boring and I don't want boring, I want fun!
But fun costs money which I have none of :p
So ill probably go just for something to do!

Serendipity. 29-03-2017 07:38 PM

I'd never have guessed :P

Go to class!! Be sensible! Maybe do something nice while you're out even if it's just taking yourself for coffee or something?

Cacoethes 29-03-2017 07:45 PM

Really? I thought I was hiding it rather well ;p

That's a good idea!
Last week, I swear class lasted for about 8 hours!!!
Time just dragged on and on!!

Serendipity. 29-03-2017 07:49 PM

Suuure :P

Haha! At least you're learning stuff! I always hated maths so SO much. My maths teacher told me I was going to fail all my exams. Like, I have no idea how she would even know about anything other than maths! I went and got amazing results, even in maths. I hope she cried!

Cacoethes 29-03-2017 07:54 PM

I do hate maths! I really really do!! Although since starting college I hate it a little less because I'm actually getting it this time when at school I just didn't! And I didn't really go to school past like year 9 so I haven't had to do maths in forever which made the problem worse so I'm surprised I'm actuallynot too bad at it!
I still hate it, just not so terrified of it anymore!

That teacher sounds a bit of a ****!
Well done for getting awesome results!!
I would have expected an apology from that teacher!

Sketchy 29-03-2017 07:58 PM

I hate maths. It was my worst subject at school.

Serendipity. 29-03-2017 07:59 PM

You're doing so well, I'm really impressed! Not being terrified is good!

She was a bitch, I doubt she ever apologised to anyone in her life! We had a lot of rather.. quirky teachers at my school! Most of them were good crazy but some of them were just nasty!!

Serendipity. 29-03-2017 07:59 PM

Me too Lorraine!

Cacoethes 29-03-2017 08:00 PM

I can't see how there are people who can DO maths and ENJOY it as well?!
Very odd!

Yep you always get *those* types of teacher.
I was a little sh*t at secondary school and it was well known that I was mental so the teachers just let me do what I wanted most of the time :p

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